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transformation script

PostPosted: August 27th, 2005, 9:57 pm
by teslaboyad
I really REALLY wanted to try out that file that makes you turn into whatever you want when you say 'change' or something like that, but i just can't fall into a trance... someone help?

PostPosted: August 28th, 2005, 9:42 am
by cardigan
How many times have you tried, and have you tried any other files?

If you are an average person - like most people around here are, you will need to train going into a trance first. Even though everybody enters a trance on his own at least twice a day (during waking up and going to sleep), and most of us do it many more times also, going into an induced hypnotic trance is different. It takes practice.

If you are more susceptible than most, you might get results right away, but that is very rare.

But keep a positive attitude and try to visulalize yourself in a trance. And then do it every day - just one time. Think of it as your daily meditation time. Don't be all frantic about wanting to go into a trance. Just relax and listen casually. Then suddenly after a while you will probably see some results.

PostPosted: August 29th, 2005, 9:24 am
by MikeWulf
I totally agree with the above. Just let it flow and don't try and force anything apon yourself. It most of the time can take some practice. It can sometimes take heaps. Enjoy hypnosis and trances first and then move onto suggestions.

PostPosted: August 29th, 2005, 12:59 pm
by teslaboyad
alright. thanks guys. i've heard text hypnosis is MUCH easier, though... would someone be willing to do a YIM session and do the TrigChange hypno to me?

PostPosted: August 29th, 2005, 1:09 pm
by cardigan
I think the easiest form of hypnosis is to have a hypnotist tell you what to do/experience. IMHO being hypnotized by text - being typed in a terminal session must be hard, because you have to keep your eyes open while being hypnotized, which (IMHO) adds to the number of possible distractions. The more primary senses are disabled, the easier it must be to be hypnotised.

But if you'd like to try hypnosis by text, why don't you download a script for one of the inductions and see if it works?

PostPosted: August 29th, 2005, 1:11 pm
by teslaboyad
you'd think that'd be easy, but all the scripts have to do with feminization and bladder incontenence. not my kinda thing.

PostPosted: August 29th, 2005, 2:39 pm
by MikeWulf
I'm afraid you probably won't find the change thing will work too effectivly. It's hard for the mind to be so flexible.

To the other dude. Sif' bag text!