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help with hypnosis

PostPosted: September 9th, 2010, 2:09 pm
by Marky85
hi i joined up to this site a few months ago. I never really got any files to work the way i thought they were supposed to. I did manage to get myself into really deep trances though.

anyway i left for a while things got a bit hectic and now that i'm back does anyone have any tips for using these files again

PostPosted: September 9th, 2010, 4:32 pm
by uw_onsterfelijk
Well, you have to understand yourself and your desires. Deep trancing does not always guarantee that a hypnotist/file has "carte blanche" over your subconscious mind!

So, if you are going as deep as you state but, listen to files that just don't "jive" with your inner core self, well... the hypnosis will FAIL!

I guess start small and try and improve from there. I don't really have anything else to say due to limited info from you.

Good Luck ;)

PostPosted: September 9th, 2010, 5:29 pm
by DKaiser
So, two sorts of questions that could help identify what's causing your problems:

What files did you try listening to? Which ones seemed to work best with you?
Describe what your trances felt like, what you were doing while listening, and so forth. The more info, the better.

PostPosted: September 9th, 2010, 6:39 pm
by Marky85
sorry i think i worded what i meant poorly i was saying i haven't been using any files for a few months and i wasn't using many before that but the deepest i ever got was that deep trance time i mentioned.

I guess what my question should have been is, what files are good for getting back into the swing of things and train myself to go into trance again

PostPosted: September 12th, 2010, 4:28 am
by zzzzz
try this??? [url=][/url]

PostPosted: September 12th, 2010, 6:08 am
by DKaiser
There's also Mystifying Spirals, or if you're more into direct files, Bubble Induction. Never got the answer on what files you've listened to, so might as well cover the bases: give each of the three files a listen; a chance to work their magic if you will. You'd be amazed at how well files can work if you work at it.