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TrigSafe ChooseTrig

PostPosted: November 21st, 2010, 11:30 pm
by davelb54
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PostPosted: November 22nd, 2010, 4:49 am
by ocntrl
I have no experience with those files, but from what I understand from your post I would think you want to use ChoosTrig and not TrigSafe.

TrigSave makes every file only self triggerable.

ChoosTrig allows you to choose you triggers you.

Also you may want to find someone you trust and get a different version of this in place.

I use a two step trigger in my One Hour Control file, to prevent accidental triggering.

It works by you asking a question 'Will you control me please?' and the other person answering 'Yes, I control you now'.

Then control is passed for 1 hour.

You could add the time element to the question and then have something like: 'Will you trigger me for the next ... hour(s)?' 'Yes, I will trigger you now.' and then have a time limit to the person triggering you.

Have fun, be safe.