Tips and Strategies for TF Hypnosis

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Tips and Strategies for TF Hypnosis

Postby DKaiser » December 28th, 2010, 7:18 pm

Hey, have a more in-depth look at TF hypnosis than the FAQ. Note that this is modified from the full paper(looking at TF hypnosis as related to body dysphoria), applied better for us recreational hypnosis types.

What is this Madness?
Applied Hallucinatory Body Image Hypnosis(TF Hypnosis for us boring folk) is the application of a new body image with the intent of it being used in a post-hypnotic suggestion sense. Generally, effects are used in either a trigger sense(recreationally) or permanent sense(recreational or as a treatment for dysphoric disorders). There are two main types of TFH, Feminization/Masculinization and Transformation. While the second term seems to apply to the first, note that in this case, Transformation applies for the application of body images that are inhuman in nature.

The mind doesn't like accepting a new body image, especially without wiping the first(making trigger based TFH more difficult, even if it is more practical). Similarly, mental tension may cause higher than expected resistance to the suggestions(not as bad with trigger hypnosis, if the temporary nature is explained adequately to the subject by the hypnotist/file description).

TFH should not be applied to subjects that are highly delusional, or show a past history over over-reaction to hypnotic suggestions. Keeping contact with the subject is recommended in the case of more permanent transformations(alternatively, repeatedly suggest a lack of mental transformation in the file). For the hypnotherapist, examine whether the subject has a general or directed body dysphoria; application of TFH is not a proper treatment for a subject with general dysphoria. Directed dysphoria should be focused to that direct body image, and the hypnotist should keep in touch with the client to ensure the suggestions are being accepted as expected.

Treatment Plan(Here's what the subjects want to read)
TFH is commonly accepted to be a difficult form of hypnosis. Most importantly, it defies the usual linear increase of effectiveness with hypnosis versus trance depth. TFH is very ineffective at a trance stage that does not include a loss of focus on bodily sensations, as the mind will compare the suggestions to the current sensory input, and defy the suggestions out of hand. Permanent TFH also is best with a high level of rapport between subject and hypnotist.

TFH should begin with a specific transformation, discussing the sensations of the form, as well as easing visualization of the form. The subject should be able to close their eyes and imagine the form even outside of trance. Subjects are recommended to research the form in question beforehand, so as to help with visualization.

Subjects should be guided to accept minor changes in post-hypnotic body image. A large source of unconscious resistance to TFH is seeing a change, and assuming that the subject was "imagining" it. Yes, they were, because that's the whole point, but don't allow them to dismiss it just because it's not normal.

Subjects that have successfully completed TFH hypnosis in the past may be approached with more generic files, even ones allowing them to trigger themselves without setting up a specific form ahead of time. As their mind has done it before, it tends to be readily accepting of new TFH applications.

If the subject finds certain types of sensations difficult to achieve(such as seeing the new form), focus on describing manners in which the subject has already had experience sensing hallucinations of that sort(such as phantom feelings or visualizing while dreaming). Above all, be patient, as most subjects take time and practice to reach a level of trance that will blank out their usual bodily sensations.

Important Note
TFH should not be approached from a delusional standpoint. The subject should always be aware that the changes are imagined. Doing this increases effectiveness from more rational subjects, as well as limiting the possibility of over-reaction or other forms of abreaction. In the case of Feminization/Masculinization, ensure that the subject is capable of describing themselves as their physical form, rather than their imagined one, to avoid awkward situations where descriptions to others(such as medical paperwork) are required.

Legal Nonsense
The writer of this article, DKaiser, is not a certified hypnotherapist(I've done the coursework, never took the test, as my state requires a college degree in addition to practice in person, so it wasn't useful at all). Do not use this article in the position of a medical official's recommendation about your specific situation(s), as I'm not licensed, and I didn't examine your specific case anyway.

Hope that's helpful for subjects having trouble, or hypnotists who want to make TFH files of their own! Just ask below if you have any questions, or there are topics I failed to address.
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