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Curse Penis Shrink Gone?

PostPosted: December 15th, 2011, 12:38 am
by robindf1

I need some assistance, WMM. I want my penis gone as quick as I can shrink it. What I'm wondering: does this file REALLY completely eliminate my penis as advertised? I've looked around for some sort of proof but found none.

If so, about how long will it take? Is there another, quicker file?

Does this file shrink testicles as well? If not, could you please direct me to a file that does?

I listened to CPS and still got boners no matter how hard I tried not to. Is there another file to prevent erections?

PostPosted: December 15th, 2011, 3:34 pm
by ParanoidLord
Okay, here's the deal.

You can't make your penis and testicles completely disappear through hypnosis. If you're willing to flood your body with female hormones, you may be able to reduce its size somewhat, but nothing short of cutting it off (or up, as in a vaginoplasty) will make it disappear.

That being said, the file may cause you to think your penis is gone - with sufficient training you would be unable (unwilling) to feel it, or see it between your legs. That may or may not be enough for your tastes.