Sleeping position

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Sleeping position

Postby Jadit » February 15th, 2012, 7:34 am

I wonder if sleeping position habits have effect in going down. I mean, some people sleep with their back down, some sideways, some with stomach side down... I'm with the category of "sideways", and it actually means that even if at night i try to sleep while laying on my back, i really can't, or i can if i wait for hour till the brain shuts down or something :lol: It's pretty much same with seated position, i don't remember ever falling to sleep while sitting anywhere.

So, while trying to get in trance while laying on back and headphones, is this an obstacle for me? Should i be practising by going sleep back facing down every night, or should i just be using headphones by being sideways? It's a bit weird and unsteady to listen to something sideways.
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Postby ParanoidLord » February 15th, 2012, 11:26 pm

Basically, trance in whatever position is comfortable for you. If I'm laying down while I trance, I can get deeper, but I'm more likely to doze off; for safety's sake, I try to do it in a chair.
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Postby qv » February 16th, 2012, 8:22 am

...honestly, I have the same exact problem. Mostly because I use headphones, which doesn't work well at all with laying sideways. Usually I just get sick of trying and take my headphones off.
However, using a really good recliner is an acceptable alternative for me, since it naturally encourages laying on your back, and can be as relaxing as a bed... even so, I really like laying sideways on it sometimes. It's... better somehow, I dunno. Totally in agreement there, position can have an effect. Just try to find something that works for you, I guess, everyone's different.
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Postby Jadit » March 22nd, 2012, 1:38 pm

Oh this old thread needs an update :wink: Practise does help, i have noticed myself now being able to lose myself in the listening. Meaning that i start listening to a file and may suddenly regain consciousness sometime when file is already over. Or that it might have actually been asleep for 1 and half hours without realising it, waking headphones on.

Also the volume level may matter a bit. Volume needs to be quiet enough for best effect. Even slightly loud can be a little moodkiller.
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