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Train Perfect Wife SUBLIMINAL?

PostPosted: April 6th, 2012, 9:22 am
by aqua27
Hello everyone. I'm relatively new here, but I really appreciate the help everyone has shown me recently, thank you.
I seem to remember a file called Train Perfect Wife that was just a high pitched whine that I put under some brown noise to help my wife sleep. It worked tremendously on her. Ive also hypnotized her with some suggestions, and I'm sure that helped, but I was pretty amazed at the results. Anyway, I can't find that subliminal file anywhere, and now I'm not even sure if it existed. I want a silent file that I can play under something else. Any suggestions?


PostPosted: April 6th, 2012, 3:19 pm
by tallguy744
[shill]This does seem to be Dream Girl's main focus{/shill]

I do seem to remember the file you're talking about, but a quick look through the current files just shows EMG's subliminal version of Train Perfect Wife, which has the noisy sort of subliminal masking.

Really there aren't many silent subliminals on the site. at all.

To plug myself, if you have a premium membership, you could take a look at my perfect wife script. I intend to get it recorded one of these days, so some feedback now could be quite helpful