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Dark Cage + others

PostPosted: May 5th, 2012, 11:49 am
by PandyLegend
I have just purchased and downloaded EMG's "Dark Cage 3" collection. Had a listen myself and it seems they are perfect for what I want to achieve with my slave, however I would like some advice as to the best way to use them.

I want to use all of them - is it best to do them all one after the other in a playlist or focus on one or two at a time over a period of a few hours / days / weeks?

Also, they are provided as "full" files and just "body" files, the full ones having an induction and awakener. If I put them in as part of a playlist, presumably I use the body versions but I need an induction and awakener. Should I edit the first file so that it has the induction but no awakener and then do the opposite on the last file, or could I use (for example) Master Jekket's Induction and Deepener, then the Dark Cage files and then finish with Jekket's wakener?

There are other files I have downloaded - should these be integrated with the dark cage playlist or should I use these completely separately? Is it a good idea to "mix and match" different hypnotists' files?

I look forward to responses.

Re: Dark Cage + others

PostPosted: May 11th, 2012, 12:55 pm
by Tangy
PandyLegend wrote:I have just purchased and downloaded EMG's "Dark Cage 3" collection. Had a listen myself and it seems they are perfect for what I want to achieve with my slave, however I would like some advice as to the best way to use them.

I want to use all of them - is it best to do them all one after the other in a playlist or focus on one or two at a time over a period of a few hours / days / weeks?

Also, they are provided as "full" files and just "body" files, the full ones having an induction and awakener. If I put them in as part of a playlist, presumably I use the body versions but I need an induction and awakener. Should I edit the first file so that it has the induction but no awakener and then do the opposite on the last file, or could I use (for example) Master Jekket's Induction and Deepener, then the Dark Cage files and then finish with Jekket's wakener?

There are other files I have downloaded - should these be integrated with the dark cage playlist or should I use these completely separately? Is it a good idea to "mix and match" different hypnotists' files?

I look forward to responses.

what progresses have you made so far with these scripts? how many slaves do you actually have?