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how does curses work?

PostPosted: May 29th, 2012, 5:16 pm
by yuchenli
I have just saw the Curse Succubus by EMG, and i was wondering who would this file work?
do i have to loop the file, or listen to it often or only listen to this only one time?
and for this kinda dreaming curse, what will happen if i mix it with another similar curse.

by the way i am not really good with going in trance, will this work for me

thank you all for the help and suggestions

Re: how does curses work?

PostPosted: May 29th, 2012, 9:34 pm
by Tangy
yuchenli wrote:I have just saw the Curse Succubus by EMG, and i was wondering who would this file work?
do i have to loop the file, or listen to it often or only listen to this only one time?
and for this kinda dreaming curse, what will happen if i mix it with another similar curse.

by the way i am not really good with going in trance, will this work for me

thank you all for the help and suggestions

Actually it is not a Curse it is a procession ? it will work for you first time ever-time you will change your personality and become Samantha look at the threads

Do you think that INCUBUS AND SUCCUBUS - INCUBI AND SUCCUBI are part of your imagenation?
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:37 am Post subject: NO DEMONS ALLOWED INCUBUS AND SUCCUBUS - INCUBI AND SUCCUBI Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post

It's not a Dream, and it is not your imagination.

A spirit or demon thought in medieval times to lie to you and even mimic you to others.



- A spirit or demon thought in medieval times to lie on sleeping persons, especially women, with whom it sought sexual intercourse. SUCCUBUS - In folklore, a female demon thought to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men. Above definitions came from Webster's Dictionary. INCUBI - Demonic sexual attacks on females; may be caused by sexual sins, witchcraft spells, curses of lust, inherited curses, being abused, can attack children SUCCUBI - demonic sexual attacks on males, may be caused by the same as Incubi above Forget medieval times and folklore, these demons are for real! The demons have sex with both men and women, AND YOU KNOW IT. It's not a dream, and it is not your imagination. If you have encountered this situation, DELIVERANCE and Spiritual Warfare can stop it. A woman called us once and told us about these demons, and that she was afraid to go to sleep because of it. She said that the demons would often lift her bed up in the air, and drag her across the floor. Another woman wrote to us and told us that demons were having sex with her as she slept. Her husband, a Pastor, said it was just her "imagination". DEMONS ARE FOR REAL! She did DELIVERANCE and Spiritual Warfare, and we got an email the very next day saying, "Praise the Lord. What a wonderful night's sleep I had!!! No demons attacking my body. NONE!!!" What a Blessing to us to receive positive reports ONCE a person DOES DELIVERANCE. A female Evangelist wrote to us and said, "I know there are countless women that this (demons sexually abusing them) is happening to, because every Christian woman I have spoken to about it (sex demons), 9 out of 10 it has happened to." NINE out of TEN!! Go to our main page and index to find out all the details to get yourself or loved ones set free. Nothing complicated. No money involved. No drugs involved. Just Jesus THROUGH DELIVERANCE. CAST OUT THE DEMONS NAMED INCUBUS SUCCUBUS INCUBI SUCCUBI ELDONNA ELDORA ALL RELATED SEX NAMES ABUSED We received the following testimony in email: "I just wanted to let you know that  I have been battling with the incubus for as far back as i can remember even in my childhood. I was sexually molested by an older cousin when i was about 5 years old  and that's when it all began. However since  i started following the advice on your website for daily self deliverance and spiritual warfare i have received my deliverance. Last night when i went to bed my bed felt different. I realized that for once in my life i was the only one in it. I realized that i had been literally sharing my bed with a demon. I felt so free and i had a peaceful and restful nights sleep and woke up refreshed, something that i have never had. Praise the Lord! Jesus is Lord!" The following excerpts are from another ministry in a booklet titled "Sex with demons - Nightmares, Incubus and Succubus" Sexual experiences with demonic spirits are very real even in this day and age. I have personally taken both men and women through DELIVERANCE, that have experienced this and some became bound by the spirits of Incubus and Succubus. I have personally taken both men and women through DELIVERANCE, where the witch or warlock has actually, through the use of astral travel, seduced them, having sexual relations with them as they slept, with them thinking it was only a dream. This having been done through the utilization of "Familiar" spirits. In every DELIVERANCE situation of this nature the one thing that has been required is total and complete honesty from the person seeking the DELIVERANCE. I have taken some individuals through DELIVERANCE and the Holy Ghost has caused those spirits to manifest (reveal themselves). Some individuals have enjoyed the sexual experience with those demons, thus DELIVERANCE was not effective. In some instances, I have found that those spirits have entered in through masturbation and fantasy lust. If the individuals renounce the fantasy lust and stopped masturbating, they were DELIVERED. I have taken several individuals through DELIVERANCE from those demons and I've found that people have been violated (raped) by spirits, not actually wanting to believe it or not understanding what happened to them until DELIVERANCE revealed it. But they know that they had experienced something painful and undesirable. I have taken individuals through DELIVERANCE, that have felt the bed moving, felt their bodies responding uncontrollably, yet their rational, logical mind could not comprehend it. So they wrote it off as a dream. These demonic spirits that function in this sexually perverse way must be renounced and cast OUT, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Essentially, the incubus is a lewd demon which seeks sexual intercourse with women. It is also termed follet (French), alp (German), duende (Spanish) and folletto (Italian). The corresponding demon who appears to men is the succubus. When associated with one particular witch or sorcerer, both incubus and succubus are known as magistellus, or "familiar". Inasmuch as the nightmare dream is sexual in latent content, incubus is often used interchangeably with The Mare Demon; in fact, the Latin word for nightmare is incubo (to lie upon). The incubus can assume either a male or a female shape. Sometimes he appears as a full-grown man. Sometimes as a satyr or in the form of a demon, and if it is a woman who has been received as a witch, the incubus generally assumes the form of an animal. Succubus is a demon in female form, specialized in seducing men. Although feminine in meaning, in form this medieval Latis word, succubus, is masculine (because demons were supposedly sexless) the feminine form succuba (strumpet) is occasionally found. If you have, or are having dreams or nightmares of a sexual nature that you know are as real as life, dreams where you cannot exactly distinguish the real from the unreal, please seek DELIVERANCE. Don't allow satan and his demonic hosts to degrade your body which is the Temple of God. The demon MARE: Works with the Incubus and Succubus demons. This demon is alleged to cause dreams of sexual content coupled with those evil spirits. NIGHT SPELLS: Charms or enchantments by night, used by witches and warlocks. NIGHTMARE or MARE: The demon or mare alleged to cause bad dreams. The dream itself is called a nightmare. MARE: The supposed demon which, during the night, sits on the chest and causes feelings of suffocation and choking. Causing a feeling of being paralyzed and that the weight is crushing the breath out of a person. There are HUMANS who have the knowledge and ability for out of body experiences to also do these things. It may be these humans who are "visiting" you as you sleep. Cutting their silver cord, in the name of Jesus, will make them disappear. If you are attacked by these demons, pray this way - In the name of Jesus, I bind up these demons, and I command them to leave me and my home. I cut all ungodly silver cords. "Father, in JESUS' name I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. I repent Lord. Come into my life. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. With your help, I will "stop sinning" (John 5:14). Amen." If you are unable to speak, you can just THINK these prayers or just think the name JESUS. It works! JESUS IS THE DELIVERER
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 9:00 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
This is how I became a Christian last year.

I had sleep paralysis, felt like something demoic was attacking me, happened to me 3 different nights. But the 2nd and 3rd time I read calling out on Jesus's name causes it to stop, to my surprise it did. When you experience sleep paralysis you can't speak, it was a struggle to say Jesus help me, but when I did, the energy around me started shaking and just flew off me.

This is a true story, it happened to me, and I converted. You literally have power over demons in Jesus' name, and if it ever happens to you, test it out, and you'll see the truth to.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:27 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
I've had sleep paralysis (and related occurrences) on and off for as long as I can recall. For me the solution was more or less recognizing what was happening, which tends to get me away from being frightened, which dis-empowers the state. I either wait it out, or get annoyed with it. Those events were partially what got me interested in lucid dreaming and dreams in general.

Recognizing the situation and breaking its power/dealing with it in some way seems to be the solution.

I don't subscribe to any particular religion, but the power of faith/Faith might actually be a real power which is poorly understood.
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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2012 11:05 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
It's a dream--i.e. all in your head.
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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 10:52 am Post subject: Reply with quote
ftslave67 wrote:
It's a dream--i.e. all in your head.

The real issue is, in my opinion, not so much whether or not it is in your head, but how you deal with it-- i.e. the method, the tools, etc.

Anything which can be achieved via hypnosis is all in your head, but what are the exact limits of "all in your head"? Defining those limits is actually very tricky. (The same is true of defining Life and Death. Try to come up with an exact, all inclusive definition of each-- without the definitions being "death is the absence of life" and "life is the opposite of death.")

Sleep paralysis is quite possibly some biological process malfunctioning. The body is paralyzed when you are asleep so that you don't do things like go for a walk and walk off of a cliff. Sleep walking (as well as driving and any number of other activities normally performed while awake) is a side effect of some sleep medicines. (I had a co-worker who was on one of these, and she shaved her eyebrows while asleep.) Even though sleep walking is the opposite phenomena, I would guess it involves the same mechanism. The mechanism may or may not be in the brain. And how much of "us" is the brain-- and is the mind and the brain the same thing? (Some religions and/or philosophies claim everything is an illusion. Quantum Mechanics seems, as near as I can tell, to be saying everything comes down to vibrations [And does THAT mean that people who claim that the key to everything lies in music are correct Confused ]).

In any event demons and angels could be defined any number of ways, and I am not ready to rule out that something very much like either or both really do exist. Apparently the existence of parallel universes is becoming more accepted as real, and if everything is connected, maybe something from other realities does bleed over. Rather like the vibration of one guitar string may make another vibrate ever so slightly.

For better or worse the mathematics and such are beyond me. (It might actually be for the better-- apparently H.P. Lovecraft wasn't too far off with regards to higher mathematics adversely effecting ones mental health-- trying to understand some of the higher math can actually make some people crack.)

This has been, I suppose, my long winded way of saying I think it all comes down to one's perspective on whether or not something is "all in the mind"-- and ultimately in the case of something like sleep paralysis it does not actually matter. Finding an effective way to deal with it is what matters-- and if one person needs a hypnosis file to become a "sissy maid" (a change which is "all in the mind"), what's to say someone else doesn't need call out to Jesus to banish sleep paralysis? Using hypnosis to quit smoking is using an "its all in the mind" approach to overcome a physical addiction! (Although

PostPosted: May 30th, 2012, 11:07 am
by sfhole2stretch
To give you a coherent reply .... Curses are designed to make the mind believe they are unable to escape the suggestions and therefore the suggestions/instructions become permanent and irreversible. This requires the listener to believe they can be "cursed" or made to believe the effects are permanent.

Hypnosis cannot force you to do anything that is against your basic nature or beliefs. If you do not believe a curse will work it won't.