Moderator: EMG
Mallic wrote:
turns u into a women peronently fever
I mean, WTF is that?
anthrax wrote:While I would like to see them go too, and for exactly the same reasons as you, I don't want to stifle people in the process. The solution? How about somebody (you perhaps) moderate this section of the web site? You could let the entries through that are plausible, and deny those that are not, with a suitable explaination to the submitter. Instead of just whining about it, do something, or do nothing.
Philip Cohen, reporting on the annual Society of Neuroscience in the November issue of New Scientist, called the new findings a “couch potatoes dream.” Researchers have discovered that imagining exercise can increase the strength of even large muscles. Using ten volunteers between the ages of 20 and 35 to imagine flexing one of their biceps as hard as possible in imaging sessions five times a week, volunteers showed a 13.5% increase in strength. There was no change for the control group who did not participate in the mental gymnastics. Additionally, the volunteers maintained their strength gain for three months following the end of the mental session.
No, they are not blocked, not by the mere proposal of a wierd file anyway. For them to block good files more people have to vote for the lame ones than than the good ones. Now that can happen, of course. But i think it happens when someone sets up dozens of fake accounts to vote for thier pet idiotic looking files. Right now a file to give someone a dog's penis is sitting over a file that i proposed. go figure. but it is not the proposal process that is at fault. It is someone making multiple accounts and corrupting the voting process. to a lesser degree it is old files long since made into scripts still sitting on the voting pages.NeKofLiP wrote:please stop voting for STUPID files as well.
trig vampire? who will WANT to let someone else suck blood out of their throat?
who will WANT to become 'bigfoot'? one thing ive understood in my lifetime is that humans do not like the idea of having ur foot size bigger than ur IQ.
alot of other dumb files are out there , someone should have the ability to sweep them away , the good files at the bottom are blocked by them.
i also agree with joe when he says that we should stop making these threads and replying to them , since they just lead to spam wars.
NeKofLiP wrote:please stop voting for STUPID files as well.
trig vampire? who will WANT to let someone else suck blood out of their throat?
NeKofLiP wrote:who will WANT to become 'bigfoot'? one thing ive understood in my lifetime is that humans do not like the idea of having ur foot size bigger than ur IQ.
NeKofLiP wrote:please stop voting for STUPID files as well.
trig vampire? who will WANT to let someone else suck blood out of their throat?
NeKofLiP wrote:who will WANT to become 'bigfoot'? one thing ive understood in my lifetime is that humans do not like the idea of having ur foot size bigger than ur IQ.
Lissar wrote:I also believe that while hypnosis can possibly cause physical changes, it seems as if some people rely on that too much. Can you gain muscle strength by imagining working out? Maybe a little. Can you gain muscle strength by actually working out? You bet. But there are so many files that say that they will give men functional vaginas and feminine hips, or that every time a person listens to a file, his or her hair will grow longer and blonder. I know that many people have their own dreams, hopes, and fetishes, but I wish that people would be more realistic. You may want to become a woman, for example, but it seems like a much more sensical idea to have the physical changes imagined, not real. If the changes are imagined, it will be easier to perceive yourself as a woman, and you won't have to worry about being disappointed when you don't look down and see a functional vagina.
Lissar wrote:I really hope some of you men will please stop requesting female genitalia. I completely respect the sexualities of everyone here, but please, this is your body, and hypnosis isn't going to cause a noticeable enough change so that you can switch actual sexes.
Look, if the description box is as long as my index finger, you need to stop typing.
BobbyS wrote:
Or every time you stroke yoir privates when alone you get more and more tired until by the time you climax you're half-asleep.
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