Response to all the negativity.

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

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Response to all the negativity.

Postby Mari4199 » January 25th, 2007, 8:09 pm

You know, in the beginning, when i read the title of the initial post it made me kind of miffed. I mean, i see al these intelligent, obviously educated people here urging others not to vote because their sensibilities were being intruded upon. What gives them the right, no matter how, 'EDUCATED" they think they or authoratative they may be. I am not a doctor, nor a mathematician, nor a psychologist. But i DO know a great deal. I have a great amount of time on my hands and a very good memory and i have read and seen reams of medical journals, studies, experiments, and what not. In the majority of these the human body has shown extraordinary potential for change just by the belief that it can.

Now, i can understand from a totally scientific viewpoint that some of you may not belive these files work. In another post i made the point of saying that you can not know if they work unless you try them all and all their possible permutations. THAT is scientific method, THAT is concrete analysis. Until you do that you really have no way to say if something works, or if it is balderdash.

Coming from a personal standpoint i have seen and experienced many things that are much different than most NORMAL peoples view of reality, and until i know for certain that the things i experienced are not real i will keep an open mind and i will keep learning and researching till i find out. Also, have any of you ever considered that the reason that these files do not work for you is that from the time you have been a very small child, the fact you have had drilled in to your head by the media and others is that these sort of phenomena are rubbish? You may innately believe on a deep subconcious level that they are not in any way possible, so of course they will not work for you. It is like the old sheep goat effect in early tests in parapsychology. Even disbelieving had an effect on the results of the experiment.

But beyond all this what i am trying to say is this. Do not try and influence others to not vote on files YOU believe are impossible. For YOU they may be impossible, for OTHERS they may not be so impossible. A part of being a good scientist is keeping that wonder and child like curiousity which enables us to go were others have not. To try and find new and interesting lines of research. As i say so, so often... if orville and wilbur wright had listened to others we would still not be able to fly. Keep pushing the boundaries, keep thinking, that is what we need to do. Not spend our time making it more difficult for others to believe what they want.

On and end note... I see so many of these types of posts here. If you do not like the way this site works, go somplace else. It's blunt, and maybe harsh. But i'd rather see those who don't believe go somewhere else than stifle the genuine and imaginitive creativity i see here.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » January 25th, 2007, 10:21 pm

Heh, I'll drink to that. :wink: People should vote for what they want.
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 26th, 2007, 1:29 am

I'm going to have to agree with Mari again. True science is testing and experiencing something for yourself. Quoting a journal is not science. That's little more than religious brainwashing, except that the source you are quoting is a little more intelligent.

If you choose to believe X scientists and Y experiments, keep in mind that those studies don't have all the answers, especially when dealing with issues like psychology and hypnosis. There are so many confounding variables that a whole team of scientists couldn't hope to control for them all.

Also, complaining about the voting page is fairly useless to begin with. That's why it's called a VOTE. If the #1 script is to transform into a flying spaghetti monster, then clearly somebody wants it, otherwise it wouldn't be there.

I will concede to a point made earlier that some people are probably using alt accounts to multi-vote. I think this needs to be looked into. People like that really deserve a ban (at least from voting).

All this reminds me of an incident a few years ago when several intelligent posters left the forum over a similar incident.
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Postby Jacara » January 26th, 2007, 12:01 pm

I'm all for testing things out scientifically, but I think the main concern is that by having people vote on files that won't work for 99% of the people that try them (whether or not they're *possible* is beside the point), resources are taken away from files which would be more effective. While everyone might enjoy a file that makes you psychic or able to walk through walls, there are many more well-thought-out suggestions for files that do things that hypnosis is good at (mental conditioning, post-hypnotic suggestions, etc).
I personally don't care if people vote for stupid files, I just hope that the people who make these files have enough sense to ignore the ones that are unlikely to work (to say the least), because otherwise they'll just get a lot of people saying "so-and-so's files don't do anything."
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Postby Draygone » January 26th, 2007, 3:12 pm

I don't see why it'd be a big deal if somebody votes for a likely improbable for very dumb file. It's not like it having high votes will guarentee that it gets made. And if it does get made, it gives those who want to try it a chance to try it. If it doesn't work for them, oh well, still won't affect you. But for everyone else (or at least those who enjoy this sort of thing), it'd at least be fun trying.
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