Curse Dream Abduction Idea

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Curse Dream Abduction Idea

Postby Axiom » January 2nd, 2007, 2:30 pm

Here's an idea. Any interest?

Curse Dream Abduction

Forced to dream of alien abduction as if it had really happened, details being supplied by the dreamer. Should be scary but not terrifying. Including the interesting effects of alien body fluids when ingested by the abductee, the 3 alien fluids being
"avilas", for irresistable attraction to aliens
"probe juice" for mind control and addiction to sex with aliens
"yssup fluid" for bizarre transformations of the abductee

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Postby jon1223 » January 2nd, 2007, 6:08 pm

that would be interesting...i would try it!
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Postby Axiom » January 3rd, 2007, 2:06 am

Hello jon1223,

I feel there's something interesting in the idea. I would like to define it better but I don't know where to take it. Is it domination or mind control or furry (scaly?) or what? It feels like the fate of an alien abductee should be something outside the usual categories. Leaving it to the imagination of the dreamer seems weak and the alien body fluids idea seems too conventional (at least for a fictionmania veteran).

Maybe the subject should write down the key characteristics of aliens before starting the session and these will be included in the experience.

For example:-
the alien is like a human/ape/lizard/cat/tiger/octopus/snake/spider...
the alien's body is hairy/furry/naked/clothed/...
the alien's body is cold, cool, warm, hot
the aliens smell like coffee/wet dog/cigar smoke/grass/fresh baked bread/sulphur?
aliens body fluids taste like yogurt/olive oil/sea water/mustard/Doctor Pepper/...?
the alien's skin s dry/moist/wet/sticky/oily/slippery/...
the alien's skin is smooth/rough/spiky/...
the skin color is...
the fur oolor is...
the scale size/colour/texture is ...
the alien's voice/language is like...
the alien has X arms/Y legs/Z tentacles/# eyes
the alien's sex organs are cock/balls/breasts/pussy/ass/wazoo/probe/other
with size 2x/3x/4x... human average where applicable
and number 1x/2x/3x ... human norm
the alien's body fluids are ..
contact with these fluids has effects ...

Then there are the details of the abduction experience

the abductee is always a helpless victim of the aliens
there has to be probing
the abductee's body gets things implanted and may undergo fundamental changes
the experience is at least partially incomprehensible
(because sufficiently advanced alien sex toys look like magic?)
the experience is scary (but we don't want it to be terrifying which it could be, easily)
the experience is often painful
the abductee feels helpless
often the abductee's mind is controlled
the alien's body fluids often cause pregnancy, even for male abductees
(now how does that work, does the man get female organs and what would the baby be like?)

All comments will be very welcome,
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Joined: October 11th, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Axiom » January 3rd, 2007, 11:20 am

I was listening to Aretha Franklin's version of "Do Right Woman, Do right Man" while re-reading this thread.
"... A woman's only human .."
not after an alien abduction she isn't. 8O

Or, from "Take Me To Heart"
"... Take me to Pluto, and I'll always love you ..."

Anyway there's a nice web site at
The Drabble-Matic service takes some keywords that you enter, including nouns, verbs, adjectives and extended metaphors, and inserts them into a short story randomly selected from a collection. The result tends to be hilarious - try it and see.

If we could do that with an alien abduction experience theme it would provide a story which the subject can then be induced to experience as a dream, maybe a lucid dream. So the subject downloads a form, enters the keywords, uploads the data and gets back a story which is to be read and memorized. Then she listens to the hypnosis file, which includes commands at the end to sleep and dream the story. An alternative would be to for the WMM server to send back an mp3 file voiced by a speech synthesizer instead of (or as well as) a text file. This would be added to the playlist after the hypnosis session. Sensible subjects would listen to it in advance, brave ones would dream their alien abduction while hearing the story for the first time.

Any volunteers to write story outlines? How about stories with other themes? This would take a lot of work to implement.

EMG - how about offering this as a premium service?

Axiom :)
Posts: 47
Joined: October 11th, 2006, 12:00 am

Great Idea!

Postby Mari4199 » January 25th, 2007, 3:41 pm

I'm going to write an alien abduction dream creator program! :P
Sound is the future.
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Postby Axiom » January 25th, 2007, 7:39 pm

I'm going to write an alien abduction dream creator program! Razz

Wonderful! I think your high tech approach is very fitting for an alien abduction theme. Looking forward to it.


"A beam of light will fill your head And you'll remember what's been said By all the good men this world's ever known" Moody Blues, Melancholy Man
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Postby Jorua » February 4th, 2007, 6:11 pm

This would be an awesome idea!
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Postby Mari4199 » February 4th, 2007, 6:45 pm

I will start on it immediately but i can not guarrantee how long it will take. It is a very large undertaking. :P
Sound is the future.
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Postby loony28 » February 4th, 2007, 10:18 pm

This sounds interesting. Perhaps in one you could have the aliens come back night after night slowly changing you into one of them. Of course you also need to have one that has gender change in it. One that combines these two ideas would be really nice.
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On program.

Postby Mari4199 » February 4th, 2007, 10:23 pm

LOL! The program will be completely random and you will not know what will happen until it does. :P
Sound is the future.
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Postby Axiom » February 4th, 2007, 11:02 pm

I will start on it immediately but i can not guarrantee how long it will take. It is a very large undertaking.

Here's a little poetry to inspire you, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

So I love to wake ere break of day:
For though my sleep be gone,
Yet while 'tis dark, one shuts one's lids,
And still dreams on.

It seems STC was a lucid dreamer!

Here are some of my thoughts about guided lucid dreaming. I think we may be inventing a new form of writing here which might be called a "dreamplay". By analogy with "playwright" the creator of a dreamplay would be a "dreamwright".

story -> novel -> play -> script -> screenplay -> roleplay -> dreamplay

Where a dreamplay is a spoken story outline formatted ito guide a person's lucid dream, possibly using:-
- hypnotic suggestion
- timing of phrases to synchronize breathing
- multiple voices representing narrator/self/other persons/internal dialogue
- synthetic voices representing non-human characters
- subliminal suggestions
- binaural beats to entrain brainwave rhythms into a favorable state
- ambient sound effects to enhance the dreamers imagination
- stereo effects and Doppler effects to suggest motion
- white noise to reduce distraction by background noise
- background music that can create a mood by means of genre, melody, rhythm, tempo, major/minor keys, consonant or dissonant chords, association of ideas by use of familiar music etc.
- background audio cues with conventional meanings:-
- 1) narration advancing the plot in real time
- 2) using imagination to fill in details in real time
- 3) hypnotic suggestions, out of real time
- 4) recap of the present situation, out of real time

these audio cues might be:-
a narrator's voice advancing the plot
+ background noises supporting plot advancement

a voice recapping the situation and adding details
+ background noises faded to a low level meaning this is out of real time
+ background music implying mood setting

a voice giving hypnotic suggestions
+ background faded to a low level meaning this is out of real time

pulse and breath sounds implying "imagine this, add detail, feel it, live it"
+ promoted by background noises and music

Does this help at all?

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Postby Mari4199 » February 4th, 2007, 11:05 pm

Actually that was very well thought out and worded and i am going to save a copy. But, like all programs developement takes time and patience. Especially one with so many different variables to consider. However, i will keep all of you posted on my progress. The first step in writing such a program is flowcharting, which i am doing now. :P
Sound is the future.
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Postby Axiom » February 24th, 2007, 5:18 pm

Found at

JOE TRIPICIAN "The Official Alien Abductee's Handbook"
Trade Paperback, 1997, 125 pp
A tongue-in-cheek guide on how to recover from Alien Abductions without hypnotherapy, crystals or CIA surveilance. Includes what to tell your doctor, how to tell your significant other, and how to appear on talk shows. Don't be unprepared when the shape-shifters hit the fan.

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