New Voting Page!

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

Moderator: EMG

New Voting Page!

Postby EMG » November 24th, 2008, 3:49 pm

The Vote System will be updated on 12/1/08 and will require that we start over from scratch. The new system is a MAJOR improvement over the old one(at least I think so) and will be active on the first.

If you have a voting item you want on the new list, please copy the text from it and keep it so you can add it back in on the first.
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Postby SDoll » November 24th, 2008, 10:28 pm

I have an idea. Can we copy and paste the text here? Then we can just copy from here. After we're done, or when you want to, you can delete the thread if it takes up to much bandwidth.

Horny French Maid

This file takes you deep down and turns you into a sexy woman. When you wake up you find that you are dressed like a french maid, and you are holding a feather duster in your hand, and that the handle of the duster is formed as a dildo. It is impossible to put the duster away, you will hold it in your hand all the time. You also realize that you NEED to clean up the place where you are, and that you can't resist that need. WHen you start the cleaning you find that cleaning makes you horny, the cleaner the place gets, the hornier you get, until after approx. 20-30 minutes you are so horny that you can't stop yourself from using the handle of the feather duster in your hand as the dildo it looks like, and work yourself up to a massive orgasm. When you rest after this experience you find that you are transformed back to your old self, and that the duster is gone.
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Postby EMG » November 25th, 2008, 12:45 am

Sounds like a very good idea. Any vote idea copied to this thread will be re-added after the change.

cd_sara wrote:I have an idea. Can we copy and paste the text here? Then we can just copy from here. After we're done, or when you want to, you can delete the thread if it takes up to much bandwidth.
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:39 am


This file would be like the SuggestiveFeminization. The differences would be that you listen to it until your subconcious has fully incorporated it into itself and it will let you know when it has done this by giving you a vision of a young girl saying that you are ready for girl time. Now after this all you have to do is think of an age between 8 and 18 years old and whisper "It's Girl Time". This will physically change you into a girl of that age. This is real. You can return to your original gender and age by whispering "Girl Time's Over". You will be able to go back and forth as many times as you like. There will be a slight pause between the time you transform into a girl and when you can change back. There is a longer pause after you change back before you can become a girl again.
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:41 am

Horse suck and transform

When triggered, you slip into a dream like trance where you cannot interact with the real world, you are completly paralyzed and not aware of the real world at all, you fantasize you are in an open field, you have a steel collar around your neck, connected to a chain, connected to a horse's testicles. You see a fully grown stallion before you and with every passing second, the urge for cum grows. Soon, you will be incredibly thirsty for cum, not wanting to suck off the horse, you begin to masturbate, you masturbate your stiff, hard cock/wet vagina until it hurts but you just can't seem to reach climax and soon it becomes apparent that you must drink the Horse's cum to satisfy you insatiable, growing thirst. Your chain seems to shrink and you get closer and closer to the horse; eventually, you are forced right next to the horse's flaccid cock, the thirst is overwhelming and you do not want to suck the horses cock but you cannot deny your thirst, you begin, reluctantly, licking the horse's large, swollen testicles, slowly working your way up it's cock as it hardens more and more. As you drag your tongue down it's cock, you become hornier and harder, eventually you are at it's head, licking, kissing and sucking. The horse becomes hornier and enthusiastic, it starts moving backwards and forwards slowly, sliding more of it's cock down your mouth as you try to fit in as most of it as you can, you start to hold it's testicles in your hand, they feel very heavy, you start stroking it's cock, you raise your other hand and use that one to start stroking it's cock, you get faster and faster, you feel it's penis against your hands and in your mouth, it starts getting faster. After about 20 minutes of intense sucking, you start to feel it's cock pulsating, it's humping slowing, it cums in your mouth, a thick, white river flows into your mouth, there is an intense amount, you drink as much of the thick, sticky liquid as possible, some spills out and you inhale some accidentally. It cums for so long, you've been wanting it's juices for about half an hour, it doesn't stop for about a minute, maybe two, you try to lap up as much as you can, you don't want to waste a drop, the smell, the texture, the taste. As it's cock shrinks back into it's sheathe, you lick the head desperately for more, fruitlessly. It's testicles shrink as more and more cum comes out until the penis is fully flaccid, you lick up any cum you have dropped, you are so horny, so hard, still wanting more cum. The horse starts to walk off, the steel belt around it's testicles, tethering you to them, melts into a new sphere like shape, it begins to move on the horse's testicles, down, further to it's legs, up unto it's tail, the chain becomes very short and forces your face into it's anus, you start to lick it while running to keep up with the horse. As it moves faster, you feel your testicles swelling, aching, growing making you hornier and hornier, you try to masturbate but your hand doesn't seem to be able to touch your hard cock. Eventually you trip and your collar falls off, you fall and feel unable to move. You move your hand slowly to your cock and you feel a hoof against your hard cock, you are amazed and bewildered. You try to get up on your legs but just fall down, you look to see your feet changing into hoofs, your hips, legs and arm growing a thin, shiny, groomed layer of fur as you try, with no succession, to stand up. Your cock grows, harder and harder and changes into that of a horse, you become a horse, unable to move with full, aching, growing testicles. You desperately want to cum but have no means to. Eventually, even with your growing horniness, your penis becomes flaccid and retreats inside of your sheathe, the urge to empty your testicles grows with every passing second. You feel a steel clasp around your testicles, pulling your heavy balls. You feel something pulling at the chain, you see a person of beauty appeared, naked, collared and chained to your balls. This person is everything you find sexy, if you like women, it will be a woman, men, a man, or even a hermaphrodite or whatever you want, maybe a furry, the hair will be what you like, nails, eyes, face, lipstick, etc... They will seem bewildered, wondering how they got there. You will see they start to slowly become hornier, you know this due them getting hard/wet. The chain shortens slowly, inching them closer to your cock and balls, they lick their lips, and get closer and closer until they give you a blowjob you gave the previous horse, and after 20 minutes, you cum all over her/him for about a minute which feels like an eternity, you can feel your testicles emptying, the thick cum flowing out of your long, hard cock, their mouth and hands, it's ecstasy. Even after you have emptied your cum, you are still hard and they are still horny, they continue sucking, licking your super sensitive cock, it's almost painful, you want to stop but you can't move, eventually the same thing will happen, they will lick your flaccid cock, your balls and then your anus until you run off and wake up.
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:42 am

Genital switch during masterbation

After listening to this file you would forget it's effects. When you start to masterbate your genitals switch to the opposite genders genitals. Even after you orgasum they're still switched. They stay that way till you masterbate again then they switch back to normal. But you can only masterbate once a day after listening to this file.
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:44 am

Feminizing ShowerBot

The effects of this file will occur the next time you take a shower after listening. When you enter the shower you turn on the water and everything is normal, you start to hear some metalic noises but you put it out of your mind. A few moments later you feel two cuffs bind your wrists and pull them behind your back, looking round you see they are the hands of robotic arms coming from the wall. You hear more whirring and arms spring arouns your neck, ankles and thighs. The arms force you onto your knees with your legs spread open. you open your mouth to scream but before you can do so anoter metal arm clamps your mouth open in what feels like a medical gag and a large dildo protudes from the wall and into your mouth. It pumps in and out all the time squirting large amounts of some kind of fluid into your mouth which you are forced to swallow. After 5 minutes the dildo stops and dissapears along with the gag, you try to scream but find you cannot as the fluid has done something to your voice box. You begin to feel some kind of gel being spread all over your body, it stings slightly and leaves you feeling numb all over when the water of the shower washes it away and with it goes all of your bodily hair, your pubes, your arm hair, your facial hair... all of it washes off. Another arm blindfolds you as you feel more gel being applied to your chest and smell strong adhesive and then you feel a large wheight on your chest. You also feel several metal hands around your groin and hear a *click*. The machine then begins to massage your hair and you feel a tickling on your sholders. The blind fold is removed and you look at your body, two large breasts are protuding from your chest you know they were glued on but you can not see where, they look like part of you, you estimate they are about size C. Beyond these you look down to your crotch and see a chastity device clamped around your cock and balls. you notice your hair has also changed and is longer. Finaly you feel a pressure against your ass and as it gives way a butt plug is forced into place making you yelp. you realise you can speak again but not with your old voice, this new voice is very feminine. Finaly the arms release you and you can inspect your new body. These effects last for the rest of the day until you go to sleep at night. All day your mind is riddled with feminine desires, you want to wear feminine clothes, you lust after men. these feeling will last for a few days after the physical effects have worn off.
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:54 am

Dollie wants to be played with

This file will transform you into a barbie doll for one hour after listening. You will think of youself only as a thing, a toy, with no memory of your real self. You will not be able to move, and most of all you will want to be played with like every dollie does. You will yearn to be touched, held. It will be your only desire. If anyone does touch you, it will be like a sexual touch, but without orgasum as you have no sex organs. If no one touches you, then you'll just be longing for touch the whole hour. After the hour is up you'll transform back into yourself, with full memory of your time as a barbie doll. Could make another file to play after this, with the sound of a woman talking to a doll, saying things like: "You're my dollie, do you want me to play with you?"
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:56 am

Hypno Dog Collar

Ok so lets so how this one goes and what people think as this is my first time doing this on here, this will turn the male from a human into a dog, but with a twist. By placing the master placing a collar on the male (this being a silent trigger on ) he will under go a change from human to dog. Once the collar is on you will feel a shiver across you body first you will start to see hair growing all over you body but you hope that no one has noticed then after a few moments you realize that you are loosing you power of speech and replacing words with barks and growls and you realize that you are changing and you don’t want the change to happen, but you are unable to resist, as well as loosing the power of speech you realize that you are growing smaller with each moment passing and as u grow smaller you start to remove your clothing leaving you in just the underware that you are wearing. Still fighting the change you grow smaller and then when you have taken off all your clothes that when you give in to your calling and that’s when the main change to you begins, now being helpless to say but only a few words being stipped of your clothes means you now can no longer stand on two legs to drop to the floor realizing your hands are growing into paws and all you can do is walk around on all four’s You are now on all fours with your paws you feel your face. As you feel you face change from your human face to that of a dog when that is complete you able to utter these last words to the person who has placed the collar on you which would be “Thank you master, thank you:” once those words have been said the final change happens you trail grows and you are now a dog all. you can do is behave like the dog that you want to be and will do anything to please you master you will have recollection as you time as a dog and you will enjoy it you love being on all four’s and being treated like the dog you are, and doing what you mater wants you to do when required. Once the collar is removed you will want to curl up and sleep for a few min then you will wake up all refreshed and will have enjoyed you time as a dog. The collar is the only that that will trigger this morph and removing it lift’s it! Let me know what you think thanks.
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Postby SDoll » November 25th, 2008, 1:58 am


The Trigger is 'Living Doll Time Now' and when triggered, the person will transform into a doll version of themselves, however the gender is always female. During this time, their feet will position themselves to wear 4 inch heels and will not change from that position, you won't even be able to move your toes, they'll feel fused together. Their head will feel as if it made of Rubber and their eyes will shut whenever they are looking above themselves. Their Genitals will be replaced by a flat space. They will also have hair that, to them, feels completely fake and every bit of their skin will feel like Rubber or Plastic. Also, they will find that for some reason, they are incapable of speaking when other people are around and that they can hear the voices of other toys. They will also have a compulsion to look pretty, and when they're with little girls (3 years to 7 years) they will ask if they want to play dressup, with themselves as a model for the outfits, hairstyles etc. All of these changes will be all in the person's mind, except the eyes shutting and how they stand, that will be due to their new 'body' and will be taken from the person's idea of what they'd look like as a doll, but their abilities will be changed to that of a doll, so they will be unable to move their arms in their full range of motion, and they will be forced to put on a fake 'Toothy Smile' as if they were smiling for a photo every so often. The Release Trigger is 'Revert To Normal' but the trigger will only take effect after at least an hour, and the time it takes to kick in increases every time.
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 1:53 am

Too Late... Cursed!

This file is meant to be used in a playlist, after an induction but before the file body. Whatever training file body you listen to after this file, it's now a curse. It will only be able to be removed by the author of this file. Use only ONE file body after this file... if you wish to curse more of your training, start a new session with this file in it.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 1:55 am

(This one isn't one of mine, but I like the idea enough to "save" it.)

Curse Career Change

Curse to have people change their careers from their current one, to a more stereotypical female career. They will pursue a career in nursing, administrative assistant, receptionist, window dresser, or other similar/supportive role jobs. They will find great satisfaction and pleasure in their new career and will seek to do the best job that they can.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 1:59 am

Curse Gradual Regression

On every day the listener hears this file, he (or she) will regress in age by 4 months. The changes are gradual and barely noticeable at first, but eventually he will start to notice. By then, it is too late. With every regression, the mind and body change to match the new age. Skills, physical capabilities and knowledge will degrade to the regressed age's levels. The de-aging stops once the listener is regressed to one year old. There's still hope, the curse CAN be removed by the creator of this file... but the curse removal file will only work if the listener is still more than 3 years of age but less than 10. (The removal file would restore the listener back to their proper age.)
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 2:01 am

Curse Feminization Addiction

This curse is fairly simple and straightforward. It won't affect the body in any way by itself. It won't even make the listener mentally female... what it WILL do to the male listener is implant a desire to be physically feminized and a need to listen again. Every time this file is listened to, the listener's desire to be feminized grows more and more until it reaches addictive levels. It will become the most important thing in his life - more important than work, sex, friends, even his significant other. At that point the listener will do anything (Yes, I mean anything (short of breaking the law)) to be physically feminized. The removal file will only work after the listener has given in and been physically feminized for at least 6 months, and will only remove the addiction to being feminized. After a year of being physically feminized, the curse is permanent.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby SDoll » November 26th, 2008, 2:02 am

hellion0 wrote:(This one isn't one of mine, but I like the idea enough to "save" it.)

It doesn't have to be an idea you can up with. :P

I came up with two of the ideas I saved.
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 2:05 am

A Slave By Touch

Similar to TrigSlave, except that the effects from this file are triggered simply by a touch. When the listener feels someone else touch them, skin to skin, they become a complete slave to that person's every whim. The listener can be reverted to normal if that person says simply "Revert to normal."
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby Kenn » November 26th, 2008, 7:07 am

curse feminine butt and hips

curse file: changes male butt and hips into that of a woman's. Unable to control the fact that it sways as he walks.

(note, I didn't keep the part about wearing girls' underwear because there are already plenty of files that do that on the site.)
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Postby demigraff » November 26th, 2008, 8:36 am

Are "Mommy's breasts" and "Wet age regression" still up? I'm away from home at present, and the voting page doesn't work too well away from home, otherwise I'd save them myself. I'd like to see more files with interesting triggers.
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 6:46 pm

Long Female Hair

This file makes your hair more feminine by forcing you to grow it out and keep it clean and soft. You will be unable to cut your hair until it is at your middle-back.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby hellion0 » November 26th, 2008, 6:50 pm

Girlhood/Girlhood 2

Using the same descriptions as the "Boyhood" and "Boyhood 2" files with the exception of replacing the word 'boy' with the words 'little girl'. These files would also include suggestions that would cause the listener to not only want, but need to wear clothing more appropriate for a little girl. The listener will want to wear very frilly and girlish dresses. The skirts of the dresses will be short but very full, to accommodate the thick, fluffy petticoats to be worn under the dresses. All other wardrobe accessories,(stockings,frilly socks, mary-jane shoes, pinafores, hair ribbons and bows, plastic panties and diaper covers, and anything else EMG considers proper for a little girl) will need to be excessively girlish as well as feminine, to meet the listeners ever-growing need to be a good little girl whenever you are wearing diapers.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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adaptive muscle memory

Postby xxxlatexloverxxx » November 27th, 2008, 7:43 pm

This file will basically allow you to perfectly reproduce actions you have seen others do. For example, let's say you are a bad dancer, then simply watch a good dancer and your brain will automatically analyse the movements and will program your body to be able to do them. This file can be used if you want to play an instrument well like piano or guitar by watching others. You can also copy fighting styles (be careful, some of the copied movements can be strenuous to the body. If you wanted to be better in bed, simply watch a couple of porn movies or the like. For people who enjoy feminization, you can copy the actions of women you see in everyday life. This file will sort of trick your body and your muscles into thinking that they have been doing or practicing these moves for a long time.
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Postby ShadowSabre » November 28th, 2008, 2:28 am

Here's another. Not mine.

File that programs you to become very susceptible to hypnotism and suggestions while masturbating and for an hour after you've masturbated. Your subconscious mind will be happy and accepting of any suggestions, and they will be irresistable and your subconscious mind will never forget them.

I know there were more I liked, but they all seem to be gone now....
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Postby Lissar » November 28th, 2008, 11:36 pm

Come Around:

This file will increase your attraction to people of the same sex. It will do so in three ways. The file will suggest that you are incredibly attracted to your same sex. It will also greatly arouse you during trance by causing you to fantasize about your same sex. The arousal will be so great, you will either orgasm during trance, or masturbate to orgasm soon after the file ends. Finally, it will cause your desire for and attraction to the same sex to increase with each orgasm you have, in and out of trance. Your current desire for the opposite sex will remain unchanged. There will be separate files for men and women.
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Postby Eternalhope » November 29th, 2008, 1:00 pm

(not mine, but I like the idea ans it's in the top ten. If the file is going to made one day I hope that not only stereotypes ae going to be suggested. Because I want to use it for normal female to normal male fantasies 8) )


only selftriggered by the words "i want a new body". similar to boobtryout, only now you have control over your whole body. wanna be a muscled stud? you slowly transform into one. wanna be a gorgeous fashion model? you slowly feel your newly accuired super sensitive breasts push out. wanna be a football player with a vagina? you now are. you can even alter your voice and behavior. wanna be some girl with a darth vader voice? no problem. al changes happen as fast or slow you want them to be. just revert to normal when you say "revert to normal".
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Postby bleifrei » November 30th, 2008, 8:16 am

Here are the files from the old Voting Page I want to be copied to the new one:

Trig Rubber Chastity
When triggered, you will feel rubber underpants being placed on you, inspecting your crotch and you will find that your cock, balls and ass have been encased perfectly in rubber, every curve and indentation will be perserved except with a rubber skin on it, impossible to move and impossible to feel anything below it. You will be able to piss and shit fine but not masturbate or be penetrated. Self triggerable but not untriggerable until after a week after self triggered, being triggered by someone else will let you be untriggered anytime.

Trig Shemale
when the trigger phrase is spoken, you will become a shemale. You will have large breasts, gorgeous face, long hair. shaved pubic area with a small cock. For those who want to experience being shemale without actually changing the physical body 9The red Number is the number of Premium Votes, The other number is the number of regular votes. Each Premium vote counts for 5 regular votes. Click here to learn more.

Trig Speak Only When Spoken To
When the listener is triggered, they will be unable to speak unless they are being addressed directly, and then only to the person addressing them. Once the conversation is ended, the listener will not speak at all until another person directly addresses them. In addition, while triggered, the person will not interrupt the person addressing them, only waiting until they are done speaking to reply. The trigger to revert to normal will allow them to speak fully as normal. 9The red Number is the number of Premium Votes, The other number is the number of regular votes. Each Premium vote counts for 5 regular votes. Click here to learn more.

Trig Bound Together
When triggered you would feel, see, smell and hear a person on top of you, facing you or away from you, strapped to all of your body. You'd find this person very attractive. Your genitals would be strapped together, you'd be constantly penetrating them/them pentrating you/genitals strapped together. Feet, legs, neck, etc... Are all strapped to you. Self triggerable and untriggerable.

Trig Bodylock
When this file is triggered the person will find themselves with their arms outstretched like their arms were locked into place by an iron bar running along their arms and meeting between their shoulderblades. They'd also lock their legs so that they couldn't bend their knees while their feet become locked together. Their mouth would shut and they'd feel their body stiffening so that the only things they can do is blink and breathe.

Remote Control You
When triggered with 'Remote Control time for you' the person will find that any remote held by the person to initiate the trigger has a real effect on them. Pause will freeze them in time, Rewind will have them do everything they've done in reverse (Up to an hour) at high speed, Fast Forward will have them go at twice their normal speed, Stop basically turns them into a ragdoll, in which the only force that will make the body move without assistance is gravity. Record makes the person go through a list of things the person with the remote has them do, while being told what to do the person is in a trance and once play is pressed they go through the list starting with the first given command. The person can also be told to 'Watch and Learn' in which they'll copy what the remote holder did while they were 'recording'. Play normally returns the person to normal time. The volume control affects the person's vocal volume, if it is set higher then they will speak louder as standard and so on. Mute completely mutes the person. Channel allows you to cycle through Gender and Nationality, the one it moves to will be vocally spoken by the person (Eg. Boy: Russian or Girl: Japanese.) The nationalities are, English (UK and US), African, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, Indian, Scotish, Welsh, Irish and German. The number buttons control the personality. (I've used personal experience for these.) 1-5 For ones more commonly found in boys and 6-0 for ones that are more common in girls the ten options are: Sporty, Comedic, Sarcastic, Geeky, Macho Polite, Girly, Romantic, Bimboish (Some girls I know, while they are smart, they can be a lot like bimbos sometimes.) and Gentle. Finally, Standby temporarily turns off the effect of the remote during this time other buttons don't have an effect, however pressing it again restores control. To turn off the effect completely, simply say 'Remote Effect Off.' Only the person who can use the remote can use this trigger.

Mini Latex Prison
When triggered, you will feel yourself wearing latex underwear with qualities similar to those of the latex catsuit described in Cardigan's "Latex Prison." Hidden sections will inflate and deflate, making you very horny, and a zipper would be available to free your cock and masturbate. In fact, the inflatable sections would take you as close to the edge as you could go with orgasming. The ONLY way to remove the underwear is to cum, after which you feel them simply disappear.

Rubber Time
When the trigger "Rubber time for me" is spoken, your body will become entirely made of rubber. You will still be able to move, but standing will be very difficult, as you would have no bones in your body.

Self Bondage Session
After writing down/memorizing the 'equipment' you wish to be restrained in--and for how long--you will then experience the self-bondage scenario you have set up. Handcuffs, thighbands, chastity, tape gag, ball gag, blindfold, rope, mummification... No interaction, self-triggered or triggered by external cue. Restraints/accessories may remain in place for some time if they don't interfere with 'normal' living...

Trig Wax Statue
A variant on Mannequin triggers, this one gradually turns your body into wax from the feet up, you can feel the change occur, and once specific body parts turn into wax, you cannot move them, the freezing travels up your body through contact, so if your hand is touching your leg, it will spread to move up the arm as well as the leg, and once the area where two body parts are touching becomes frozen while touching, then they are unable to be parted until you become untriggered. Once you are totally a wax statue, your senses freeze so that while you are blinking and breathing, you feel completely frozen, so if your eyes are closed when they freeze, they stay shut. If your eyes are open, then you will only see what is in front of your eyes while they are open, so if you blink, you will not know, you won't even be aware of it. You will also feel as if you are not breathing although you are. You can even be triggered to melt into a container and even be re-moulded into a new form according to the instructions of the one to give the trigger, when remoulded the sky is the limit and the person, when untriggered, would believe themselves to look like the new form, and have reactions to certain stimuli like the new body would eventually the new body's personality supplants the normal person's one.T hese two triggers are 'Wax melt now' and 'Remould (End result and specifications.)' The two main triggers are 'Wax Form now' and 'Back to Humanity for you.' To return the person to normal completely, the trigger is 'Revert to yourself again.'

Slow Freeze/Melt
A slow freeze from feet to head. And a melt in the same direction as seen in:

Trig Bodysuit
When triggered with the phrase 'Bodysuit time for you.' the person will initially not feel much different, aside from the feeling of a thin plastic on top of their skin (This only affects the sense of touch.) The real show kicks in when the person who gave the trigger decides to give the triggered person some minor changes. The triggerer will be able to 'alter' the appearance and outfit of the bodysuit to their will through vocal commands. (eg. They could give the person a ballet tutu to wear as part of the bodysuit and any additions through adding clothing will only make them think it's being altered to match, for example, if the person puts on trainers, they'd think the trainers were changing into Ballet Slippers while they are worn.) The release trigger is 'return to normal'.

Trig Sexless
When someone says the trigger you'll find your genitals and breast (in case you have them) gone, replaced by flat skin and a peehole. They appear again when someone says #revert to normal"

Trig Unnoticed Mute
When triggered (Mute Time for you.) the person will be rendered completely unable to make any form of verbal sound. If they try to speak they'll simply mouth what they were trying to say, all the while not realising that they aren't making any sound.

Duct Tape Mummy
Yoyu will need to be free for 3 hours for this one. This is open to either men or women. this is a curse / Bondage file, you are taken down to a vary deep level of trance where you slowly feel yourself becoming paralysed . you can not move or talk (Similar to sleep rape) then several people come into the room and you feel your body first being wraped in saren wrap so your legs are bound together , your arms are bound to your side. they leave you genital / viginal area free and your nipples. you start to sweat. you hen feel duct taoe being placed over your mouth and eyes, the people laughyou then feel things getting tighter from your toes up as the slowly bind your body in duct tape again leaving the for mentioned areas uncovered. they final wrap your head in Duct tap but leave your nostrils free so you can breth, they place nipple clamps on you and lock them in place. they then in tern take you and taunt you. you are excited or frightened, your choice then when finished they say they are leaving you like this forever. you remain totally immobile for a further hour. then you feel the nipple clamps come off then the duct tape (If it is touching bare skin you will feel it this takes a whilethen off comes the saren wrap and you wake feeling fully awake and the most refreshed you have ever done.o

MP3 Included
Installs a MP3 player in your head so you can listen to music everywhere, anytime. You control it with your mind and has all the songs you've listened in your life. Better than an ipod.

Strap On Curse
This is a file that will train a man to think his penis is a strap on with a double end, it can be a training file or a curse file with start and stop triggers and a subliminal to keep you coming back by telling you there is something important you must listen to in the file but training you to forget what when you awaken so you have to listen again and again which triggers an adiction to the file. The man will be taken deep and trained that his penis is gone and he now has a vary vary sensitive pussy but he is wearing a double ended strap on the same sixe as his own or bigger but for every inch he desirses he will feel the same plus 2 inches inside him. He will feel the straps around his waist and between his legs holding the strap on in place he will know it is locked in place and can not be removed Whenever he has sex with someone he will not feel anything in his penis at all, it will go hard but he wont feel it, it works normally ofcourse for the person he is having sex with though for every thrust he gives he will feel magnified by two in his pussy, this excites him and he encourages it more and more untill he has a female orgasim (In reality he is coming). Again when he mastubates he will feel every thrust inside him as if he was using a dildo and again when he comes will feel a full female orgaism As a curse file it will be removable up to 6 months but permanent afterwards or as a trigger file by the use of 'strap on time for you' and 'end strap on time' the trigger can be self triggered or by someone else but can only be untriggered yourself up to a year after which it will only be untriggered by someone else

Duct Tape Gagged
This is a training file for a master to get a slave to listen to. While listening to the file will make the slave desire to be tape gagged whenever they are in the presence of their master. While listening to this file the slave should be tape gagged untill the full effects take efect. While in training only the master will be able to remove the tape. If the slave tries the adheasive will seem to get stronger and the edges will seem to fuse into the skin so there is no edge You can self train yourself but the tape will have to stay on for 3 hours befor you can remove it. it Once fully trained no tape will be required as a trigger will have been planted by the inital wearing of a tape gag instead the master will say gag time for you and the slave will feel all the effects of a duct tape gag from the adheasive to not being able to move their lips this file is self triggerable but ofcourse needs a master to untrigger it with 'gag gone' or if you do not have a master you can remove the effects by tape gagging yourself for real for a contiuous 6 hours

When you hear the phrase "Only big kids can walk", you will not be able to stand, and can only move by crawling around. "revert to normal" shuts it off. You can self trigger, but can't shut it off (you can start crawling, but can't walk again unless someone helps you)

Hands Trigger
When triggered, on a bed, you'd see, smell, hear, feel and taste, if they touch your tongue, a hundred female, or male, or both, or furry, or whatever, your preference, hands come out of your bed and hold you down, massaging all over your body, holding your mouth open, giving you a handjob, fisting your anus, holding your nostrils with two fingers pulling them to your forehead, when you cum, one hand scoops up all the cum and takes it to your mouth, another holds your tongue, another holds your lips, another holds your jaw and another holds your throat, they force you to smell, lick, eat and swallow all your cum. Then they scutter away. You can also trigger them so they'd follow your other fetishes such as spanking you, pulling your testicles, post orgasm torture, tease and denial, tickling you, giving you a massage, cbt, keeping you in chastity with their hands, putting you in bondage by holding you in places, etc...

Trig LivingDoll
The Trigger is 'Living Doll Time Now' and when triggered, the person will transform into a doll version of themselves, however the gender is always female. During this time, their feet will position themselves to wear 4 inch heels and will not change from that position, you won't even be able to move your toes, they'll feel fused together. Their head will feel as if it made of Rubber and their eyes will shut whenever they are looking above themselves. Their Genitals will be replaced by a flat space. They will also have hair that, to them, feels completely fake and every bit of their skin will feel like Rubber or Plastic. Also, they will find that for some reason, they are incapable of speaking when other people are around and that they can hear the voices of other toys. They will also have a compulsion to look pretty, and when they're with little girls (3 years to 7 years) they will ask if they want to play dressup, with themselves as a model for the outfits, hairstyles etc. All of these changes will be all in the person's mind, except the eyes shutting and how they stand, that will be due to their new 'body' and will be taken from the person's idea of what they'd look like as a doll, but their abilities will be changed to that of a doll, so they will be unable to move their arms in their full range of motion, and they will be forced to put on a fake 'Toothy Smile' as if they were smiling for a photo every so often. The Release Trigger is 'Revert To Normal' but the trigger will only take effect after at least an hour, and the time it takes to kick in increases every time.
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Postby demigraff » November 30th, 2008, 2:46 pm

3 suggestions that catch my eye ... seems all my other 'alternative triggers' suggestions have dropped off. Are the AB/DL folks more into interesting variations than other folks?

Wet Age Regression
A different kind of diaper file. Whenever the subject wets themselves, they will feel themself getting younger, transforming into a little girl. They will see their body transform, and find it feeling natural and easy to think like a baby or toddler. They will think, feel and act like a young girl, and will see herself having that body. If she is wearing wet diapers, she will be a baby. If she is wearing wet training pants, she will be a toddler. If she wets herself wearing normal pants, she will be a 5-6yo little girl. This transformation can be triggered by deliberately wetting yourself, and will also happen if you have an accident due to other files. The transformation wears off, and you feel yourself growing up quickly, after 10 minutes when your pants are dry or somebody changes you.

Unexpected wetting
Your subconscious mind can be even more aware of things when your conscious mind isn't paying them any attention. After listening to the file, and after you hear the trigger, your subconscious mind will start a countdown. As soon as you have gone for 10 minutes straight without thinking about this file, you will immediately wet yourself. As long as you are expecting it to happen, your subconscious will just keep waiting in the background until you aren't thinking about it.

Mommy's Breasts
Whenever a woman flashes the listener, or the listener is surprised to see a woman's breasts, for a moment his (or her) first thought will be of how good it feels for a baby to be held at his mommy's breasts. During the few seconds of confusion before his conscious mind regains its composure, the subject will wet himself helplessly like the little baby he imagines being. Also, if he calls a woman his mommy, or if she calls him her baby, or they act out his fantasies of being a baby, then as long as he can see mommy's breasts he will lose all bladder control.
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Postby Kittyboy » December 1st, 2008, 6:23 am

Hrm. I'm sad. I didn't catch this announcement, and now one of my favorites (it was doing far better in the votes than I'd have expected, too) is gone. Drat.
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Postby CuteLittleFaery » December 1st, 2008, 8:51 pm

If you remember the essence of the file suggestion, you could always submit it anew. :)
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Postby onewhoknew » December 2nd, 2008, 4:02 pm

I saved the whole page a while back, so I don't have the recent ones, but if you can remember the name, I may be able to find it
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Postby Kittyboy » December 2nd, 2008, 4:11 pm

onewhoknew wrote:I saved the whole page a while back, so I don't have the recent ones, but if you can remember the name, I may be able to find it

It was something close to "TrigYoungTeenBoy", though I think that's not exactly it. I always had trouble finding it on the list when I tried to see how it was doing.
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Postby onewhoknew » December 4th, 2008, 3:21 pm

Was it this?

2008-01-07 Whenever you hear the trigger, you will become overwhelmed with the sensations of being a young teen boy. You will have youthful energy with a desire to run and play. You will have a desire to put on sports clothing and exercise your young teen body. You will have a strong desire to play video games and watch music videos. You will dress in youthful clothes (either current or clothes from your own teenage boy days). You will leave sweaty clothes on the floor, creating a bedroom of strong teen boy musk. But mostly it will create a strong teenage boy sex drive, with urges to sneak in the bathroom to masturbate or hide under the covers. House noises, even if you live alone, will sound like a parent about to catch you. Erections will be quick, if you even open your pants and look at your cock it will spring to a powerful teen boner instantly, unable to go down. You will experiment with creative masturbation, i.e. couches, pillows, to learn about the sex you will have one day. Looking at porn will be exciting but very guilt producing, about to get caught.
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Postby Kittyboy » December 4th, 2008, 4:33 pm

That is the one! Thanks! :D
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Postby EMG » December 4th, 2008, 4:58 pm

I've added it to the voting page.
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Postby SDoll » December 4th, 2008, 6:32 pm

I've noticed that the votes of premium members no longer count as 5 regular member votes.
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Postby CHR » December 5th, 2008, 9:02 pm

A file that creates physical effects to the end of furry, to see how far the human mind and body can go.

I personally believe if you let it, it could turn you into anything!

Similar to a those files that make your penus shrink, or your boobs grow that I noticed.

I mean a file to make an ACTUAL furry, with fur and etc.
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Postby EMG » December 6th, 2008, 2:15 am

Correct, premium voting was a minor nuisance to me and not exactly enough of a draw to make anyone want to get a premium membership. Premium members now get free pay files instead :)

cd_sara wrote:I've noticed that the votes of premium members no longer count as 5 regular member votes.
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Postby ARWolf » December 6th, 2008, 1:58 pm

Now that the new voting page is in, I added my idea for Complete 2-Hour Baby. EMG, if you make this, one, I'd hope you'd do a total remake instead of just redubbing the 24-hour one. The 24-hour one was okay, but your newer files are a LOT better. The Diaper section is in serious need of newer files in this vein.
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Postby EMG » December 6th, 2008, 2:50 pm

That's the kind of input I could have used in October when I was reworking old files. Hmm, maybe I need to add remakes as a category for the voting list.

ARWolf wrote:Now that the new voting page is in, I added my idea for Complete 2-Hour Baby. EMG, if you make this, one, I'd hope you'd do a total remake instead of just redubbing the 24-hour one. The 24-hour one was okay, but your newer files are a LOT better. The Diaper section is in serious need of newer files in this vein.
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Postby ARWolf » December 6th, 2008, 10:07 pm

The older files had a number of flaws due to lesser experience, and phrases that would conflict with a lot of peoples' sense of what's acceptable. Phrases such as "telling you something or making you do something" (which in newer files is replaced with "telling you something or asking you to do something") violate many peoples' ground rules of hypnosis. Of course, there's also a major subset of people who are turned on by stuff like that, but most don't like it, and it will often trigger an instant subconscious resistance or rejection.

In many respects, as well, "Babytime" is your flagship file. It's the first file most people test. And its ineffectiveness for the vast majority of people make it harder for people to commit to purchasing some of your newer work sight-unseen or buying a premium subscription.
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Postby SDoll » December 7th, 2008, 1:46 am

EMG wrote:Premium members now get free pay files instead :)

Thank you for that, by the way. :)
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Postby ARWolf » December 7th, 2008, 7:53 pm

Is that all pay files, or just select ones?
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Postby EMG » December 7th, 2008, 8:26 pm

ARWolf wrote:Is that all pay files, or just select ones?

Premium members(with a 3 month or longer membership) get 1 free pay file a month(randomly chosen)
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Postby hypnostriggers » January 5th, 2009, 1:38 pm

There was another one, about massage, women massageing you, but i am not sure what was the content, i believe it was about feminization.
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Postby onewhoknew » January 6th, 2009, 4:03 pm

Could have been this:

Massage Transformation
2007-07-14 You imagine two extremely sexy and attractive women who appear and they feel and look real to you, you can see very detail about them and they begin to massage you, you become so relaxed you can't even move, they start with your arms and shoulders and after about 10 minutes you notice that the places they massage you, transform into female parts but you are already so relaxed you can't even speak. Your shoulders get narrower as they massage your back, it feels real, you can smell their scent and their hands on your back and your shoulders become narrower, they massage your chest and breasts begin to grow, they massage your hips and stomach and you get an hourglass figure, they massage your ass and you get a feminine ass, they massage your feet and they get small, they massage your hands and they become girly and the nails grow, etc until they get your your penis, they massage it and it feels almost orgasmic, you feel on the edge and your flaccid penis becomes smaller and smaller, your testicles which they also massage go up inside your body and you get a vagina, in the end you are completely a woman and they continue to massage you until you orgasm like a woman when the trance ends and you become a man again.

Or maybe even:
Massage Transformation - Shemale Style
2008-01-02 Two extremely sexy and attractive shemales appear in your room. They stand at either side of you and begin to massage you. You begin to relax and soon you are so relaxed that you are unable to move. You watch the rhythmic sway of their ample breasts as they start
massaging your arms and shoulders. You notice their large penises
pushing out against the stark white uniforms they are wearing. You
struggle with the sensation as you become more and more aroused and yet feel so weak and unable to move. They take a jar of scented oil and
begin to massage it into your body. You smell lavender, you wonder what
this wonderful oil is. You read the label on the jar. The jar contains
concentrated hormone. After about 10 minutes you notice that the places
they massage you, transform into female parts but you are already so
relaxed you can't even speak. Your shoulders get narrower as they
massage your back, it feels real, you can smell their scent and their
hands on your back and your shoulders become narrower, they massage your chest and breasts begin to grow, large sensitive nipples grow, they
massage your hips and stomach and you get an hourglass figure, they
massage your ass and you get a large feminine ass, they massage your
feet and they get small, they massage your hands and they become fine
and soft. They massage your face and you become beautiful, your features soften, your nose becomes thinner and your lips pouty and kissable. They move away from your face and begin on your penis, they massage it and it feels almost orgasmic, you feel on the edge as your penis becomes lagrer and thicker. Your testicles go up inside your body. They continue to massage you until finally you cum. You are a complete and beautiful shemale. The extasy of your arousal and the beauty that you feel will leave you tingling with excitement as you slowly transform back into your body over the next hour. A small amount of your masculinity has gone - It has been replaced with the desire to become a shemale. This desire will grow as you listen to this file more and more often.
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Postby hypnostriggers » January 28th, 2009, 11:41 am

Maybe it is already a file, but there was one that was about voice changes, making you have more control of your vocal chords so you could immitate anyone's voice.

not so sure though
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Postby hypnoticnapkin » May 11th, 2010, 4:29 pm

TrigNude Vision

You see everyone naked but with abnormally large penises and testes (if the person your looking at is male) or abnormally large boobs and butt (if the person your looking at is female) upon saying or thinking "nude vision on." When you don't want to see everyone naked anymore you would say or think "nude vision off"
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Postby soundexcess » May 11th, 2010, 11:31 pm

Tuckers addiction curse
I was thinking of a file called tuckers addiction it would go something like this
We know that you and you subconcoius know you just love tuck your penis and make disappear you know you love wear panties because they let you tuck. tucking is your addiction you will tuck and tuck better than ever before.
intro and deepner go here
now the body
now it is time time for a change while you are so wonderfully deep, a change that you and your subconscious have been craving, this craving will be fulfilled, You crave to tuck your penis and balls tightly it makes you feel more feminine and more secure, so you will enjoy tucking your penis, seeing it disappear into your sac and legs, and then when you have secured it in some way either tape or glue or just a wonderfully sexy pair of tight panties, you will be compelled to put on the sexiest clean panties you have, if you do not have any you will go buy some while still tucked. once the panties are on you will begin to leak pre cum, continual just as a horny woman leak, love juice, this leaking will make incredible horny but while tucked you will not be able to get an erection as this lose the illusion instead, if you become to horny and must come you will touch yourself through your panties just as any good slut until cum the hardest most feminine orgasm you have ever had, even your voice will be feminine for this time, you will greatly enjoy and every time you tuck the urge to tuck again will be greater, making you want to tuck more and more and listen again and again.
now it is time to wake up wake up as a tucker and feel the feminity the joy of your deception and your wonderfully sticky cum soak panties, it is time wake up beautiful, and go about your day tucked and confindent, you will awaken on the count of 5, more awake 4 more and more awake, 3 almost awake now, 2 so close when I say te number 1 you will awake ready to go about your tucked and feeling sexy, 1, I hope that was good for you you are now fully awake and want to tuck the whole day thru and will tuck the whole day through.
and this one
Cannibal dreams are tasty
I don't know if this is safely possible
but I would love to see a dream file based of one of Dolcett cannibal stories preferable with listener being the main course in the dream, if you are unfamiliar Dolcett look it up warning extreme graphic and disturbing animation hxxp://
by copy pasting and editing the links you are accepting the risk you will not like the content that said feel free to visit maybe it will turn you on as much as it does me and maybe some one will make a file.
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Gloryhole Sissy Cocksucker File

Postby TeishaTV » May 22nd, 2010, 11:33 pm

I think it would be fun to have a file that compels the listener to seek out and frequent local gloryholes for the purposes of sucking anonomous strangers cocks. The more the listener hears the file the more they will crave sucking cocks, swallowing cum and the more feminine they will become. Every time they deny the urge to visit a gloryhole they will be compelled to buy and wear sexy lingerie for the time they do visit the gloryhole. The compulsion will grow and take on a life of it's own until the listener is powerless to resist dressing as a total sissy slut addicted to gloryhole cocksucking.
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Postby pczelda » July 2nd, 2014, 6:31 pm

Is this thread still alive? I have an idea I'd like to post here.

Partial Female Takeover

This is an alternative idea to Curse FemaleTakeover, where there's a female persona created in the head of the male who listens to the file (like Curse FemaleTakeover her memories pertain to her always having been a girl, talking/acting like and being a girl in all ways, she'd have a girl's name, etc. and she'd age like in that file, except when she reaches the listener's age she does as indicated next), she takes permanent control of one of his arms and one of his legs only (not his whole body), both on the same side of his body, and completely feminizes them including having her hair permanently removed, losing the muscle mass, using skin softening (and callous removal etc if needed) products and having long painted fingernails and painted toenails, using his other hand when needed to feminize and keep her limbs looking pretty; if the male does anything she finds disgusting or thinks is wrong, she punishes him for it, such as: If he says anything bad to other women the female persona slaps him hard across the cheek; If he tries to watch a violent or gory movie she gets disgusted, blocks his view from watching it with her hand, and temporarily takes control of his other hand (legs if needed) to stop the movie playing and then punishes him for it; If they're sitting down eating with other people at a table and he says something rude, she kicks him hard with her leg. When she tells him to do something in punishment for something he did, she takes control of his mouth and speaks with her own commanding female voice; he's compelled to carry it out (this is the only curse, the female persona doesn't permanently take over any more of the male's body, though she always reserves the right to take over more of his body at times when needed. Everything else in this is just permanent). If for some reason he manages to avoid doing what she told him to, then the situation only gets worse for him.[/b]
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Postby Endo » July 2nd, 2014, 6:34 pm

No, this thread is quite dead, and purposefully so. If you have an idea, put it in the actual voting area of the website, not here.
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