Dream File Idea

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

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Dream File Idea

Postby CactusCat » April 16th, 2009, 2:42 pm

This is just kind of a neat idea I was thinking of the other day, and I thought other people might enjoy it. Anyway, this file would take effect when you go to sleep. As soon as you go to sleep, you start dreaming that you are the opposite gender. In the dream you will believe that you have always been that gender, and you mind will create memories for you to make it more realistic. You will kind of remember the things that happened before you went to sleep, but only as a dream. In other words, when you fall asleep in the real world, your dream begins with you waking up from the "dream" of the real day. In the dream, you live an entire day as your opposite gender. In addition, your partner, if you have one, will be the opposite gender as well, unless you want them to stay the same. The dream world will be just like it was real, and you would truly belive it was real. Then, when you go to sleep in the dream world, you wake up in the real world, kind of remembering the events of the dream day. Then when you go to sleep again, you wake up in the dream world. And so on.

I was just wondering what you people would think, and if anyone would consider making one. If it gets any interest I'll add it to the voting page. And any comments, suggestions, whatever, just for the sake of it would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Postby nightstreak » June 12th, 2009, 10:25 pm

This actually sounds very interesting. I say go for it!
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Joined: July 23rd, 2008, 12:00 am


Postby NEGUS » June 15th, 2009, 4:27 pm

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Postby MacGyver » June 19th, 2009, 5:33 pm

this sounds kinda interesting.

be warned though, if i start making dream files, i may one day make one that mixes you in real life with a cartoon, like when you go to sleep, you may find yourself stuck in a coyote and roadrunner cartoon for the duration of the dream, LOL
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