Voting/File Making Question

A discussion of the files on the voting page.

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Voting/File Making Question

Postby Seki » June 29th, 2009, 7:17 pm

Personally, I'm currently wondering just how long it takes for someone to decide to make one of the highest rated files on the voting page.

Some have been on for half a year, and have gotten some discussion on people highly wanted them to be made, and I wonder, will they eventually be made or no?

Any info? (Plans on what files are currently in production, wanting to be made, etc.)

Yah, sorry for the dumb question.
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decisions, decisions...

Postby Calimore » June 30th, 2009, 8:51 am

I just saw one very fine file author look down the voting list and say she didn't see any file ideas that she felt were worth making.

That's because none of them caught her fancy, I suppose.

I've thought to myself on more than one occasion that many of the more popular file ideas would be great if I could make them, but I can't. Don't get me wrong - I have skills that are growing stronger every day, but some of those file ideas expect absolute miracles, especially from just one file.

Otherwise, many of the file ideas just don't appeal to me. I think that's what happened with the author I mentioned above - she looked over all the ideas and then said, "Eh, I don't want to do any of those."

It seems that most of of the file authors like to work within their own 'domain', focusing out attention on files that we ourselves might use or might like to have one of our subjects use. You've heard the old expression, "write what you know about"? Many of us seem to adhere to the principle.

Bottom line is that no matter how many positive or negative votes a file gets, every author here is free to make whatever file they want, post it, and receive whatever review the users wish to post in the file's comment section. That's one of the beautiful things about this board - it's an wondeful example of "democracy in action".

I have listened to various files over the past year and have told authors everything from "wonderful file" to "stop wasting my time" in the comments section, and others have posted the same to me. What each of author decides to make and post is entirely up to us (and EMG, of course), which frees the creative process to do whatever it wants, exactly the way it should be. EMG encourages creativity almost to the point of charity - write a script, make a binaural, record a file or share a story and he'll just give you Premium access to the Board. Now I ask you, where else are you going to find that?

So why aren't some of the popular file ideas being made? Simple - nobody has decided to make them yet. If this bothers you, then make the file yourself and earn a month or three of Premium access. Otherwise, trust the decision of the 'tists here to make the files for you that they think they can make work. Only other option is to expect us to make to make files for you that we don't think will work, but why should either of us waste our time doing something like that?

Please don't get me wrong - I'd really would like for everyone too get the file of their dreams made just for them for free, but come on, we just don't live in that world, do we? If you don't see the file you want being made then either feel free to make it yourself or consider paying someone to make it for you. Otherwise, you are just going to have to wait for the idea to appeal to someone who wants to make it for you out of the goodness of their heart and, sometimes in life, that can turn out to be a very long wait.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » June 30th, 2009, 9:28 am

Like Calimore said, people write files for their own reasons and many of the file requests are absurd at best. I too have looked over the voting page from time to time without so much as an inkling of interest in the majority of the files. When I look at the files, I look at the comments... and by comments I mean real actual comments not useless drivel like "I really wish someone would make this, and personally, hope this isn't premium, at least for awhile that is".

Finally, take a good hard look at the majority of the files that are created and posted. Compare the number of downloads to the number of votes. Compare the number of votes to the number of comments. A good number of the hypnosists here post their files with a desire to get feedback, yet it's often treated like they are pulling teeth unless they include a desire to give feedback in the file itself.
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Postby Seki » June 30th, 2009, 10:32 am

FloridaPuppy wrote:Like Calimore said, people write files for their own reasons and many of the file requests are absurd at best. I too have looked over the voting page from time to time without so much as an inkling of interest in the majority of the files. When I look at the files, I look at the comments... and by comments I mean real actual comments not useless drivel like "I really wish someone would make this, and personally, hope this isn't premium, at least for awhile that is".

Finally, take a good hard look at the majority of the files that are created and posted. Compare the number of downloads to the number of votes. Compare the number of votes to the number of comments. A good number of the hypnosists here post their files with a desire to get feedback, yet it's often treated like they are pulling teeth unless they include a desire to give feedback in the file itself.

Well, thank you for the help.

Yah, also, I realize my comment was absurb (The one you copied), but a comments a comment, no matter how dumb, and it may inspire someone, so better to do it then not do it.
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Postby FloridaPuppy » June 30th, 2009, 11:30 am

Seki wrote:Yah, also, I realize my comment was absurb (The one you copied), but a comments a comment, no matter how dumb, and it may inspire someone, so better to do it then not do it.

–verb (used with object)
1. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers.
2. to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.
3. to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc.: to inspire a person with distrust.
4. to influence or impel: Competition inspired her to greater efforts.
5. to animate, as an influence, feeling, thought, or the like, does: They were inspired by a belief in a better future.
6. to communicate or suggest by a divine or supernatural influence: writings inspired by God.
7. to guide or control by divine influence.
8. to prompt or instigate (utterances, acts, etc.) by influence, without avowal of responsibility.
9. to give rise to, bring about, cause, etc.: a philosophy that inspired a revolution.
10. to take (air, gases, etc.) into the lungs in breathing; inhale.
11. Archaic.
a. to infuse (breath, life, etc.) by breathing (usually fol. by into).
b. to breathe into or upon.
–verb (used without object)
12. to give inspiration.
13. to inhale.

I think we can ignore all the ones about breathing and divine influences. Your comment I quoted was not "absurb", it was useless and on equal footing with a forum post that simply reads "first post". You lowered the value of feedback simply by obscuring any real feedback from others behind your own.

Inspiration requires feeling... it requires the conveyance of an emotion... "me too" doesn't cause inspiration, it causes disinterest.

Your "better to do it than not do it" comment is equally "absurb", it assumes those are the only two choices. You posting the equivalent of "me too!!!!" certainly doesn't change the fact that people make whatever files they choose to make, they choose to make them based off their own whims and desires.

There is the choice of not making a file and doing something else, something social or enjoyable perhaps. There is the choice of making some other file, perhaps some file that managed to convey some level of inspiration in the person making it. There is the choice of making a file entirely of their own choosing. There is the choice of throwing a rock and finding a sub willing and interested in being hypnotized in person, one who would give immediate feedback and enjoyment.... but you... you posted what amounts to "me too!" someone will certainly be coming along real soon now to give that comment of yours the weight it deserves and dive head first into that file you want made hoping to get more of that "me too" level of feedback.... real soon now... any minute I'm sure...

If you want to inspire someone... do something that has even a slight possibility of generating inspiration.
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Postby hellion0 » June 30th, 2009, 5:46 pm

There's no real measurement of time that applies. Ideas can catch my fancy equally whether they're a year or two old, or just posted a second ago. What it takes for me to consider recording one is the idea + my mood + my ability.

Others may also consider how many people may actually download the file, so they might not put to words (either record or script) an idea that was just posted, even if they like it. They'll let it percolate on the voting page and see how it turns out. It varies.

There's just no way one can attach a figure of time to it.
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Postby MacGyver » July 2nd, 2009, 10:55 pm

well, for me, when i start in on making my files, i go with what sounds interesting, or sounds like it may have some interesting results. at the present, i consider myself an amature at hypnosis, the induction files i have on site are the first i have done or even tried my hand at hypnosis in about 20 years, but what ever catches my interest is what i will work on and try to make.
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