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Sort of kidding, but not really

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 10:25 am
by Lissar
What would everyone think of a file that would improve typing skills, grammar and spelling? I'm sure there are a few people here who would appreciate it if people used a file like that.

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 4:12 pm
by zaq
I'd love to see a file like that.

Not that i'd need it though....

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 6:50 pm
by Jacara
LOL! :lol: That'd be great... problem is the people who need it most wouldn't choose to listen to this file ;)

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 8:40 pm
by Lissar
I know :-\ That's why I'm a little hesistant to suggest it. But if enough people would vote for it, we could at least get it recorded. I just feel that since we're all (supposed to be) adults here, we should all know how to type so that people can understand us. Even if people are regressed to age 16, it doesn't mean grammar and spelling needs to be totally bonkers. I typed very well at age 16 8)

So would you guys and gals vote for it?

PostPosted: May 10th, 2006, 10:03 pm
by MRV35
I'd vote for it and hopefully someone will take it upon themselves to give a shot. The best thing is that since nobody knows what individual files you download, there would be no embarassment. Eventually we will notice the difference.


PostPosted: May 16th, 2006, 6:54 pm
by goldragon_70
It would help me out alot, but I would like to hear about how someone would make a file that can help in those areas.

PostPosted: May 16th, 2006, 11:25 pm
by Lissar
It would probably include suggestions for the subject to have a need to use correct punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. If the subject thinks a word might be misspelled, he or she will need to look it up before he or she can move on.

PostPosted: May 17th, 2006, 8:47 am
by poetzero
As a self-professed grammar-nazi, I'm all for it. :D

PostPosted: May 17th, 2006, 3:22 pm
by CuriousG
No need for a file, just niggle the perpetrator every time you see an offense!

PostPosted: May 17th, 2006, 9:07 pm
by Lissar
What, you want me to go all grammar crazy on everyone? I mean, I enjoy correcting spelling and grammar, but I don't have the time and energy to correct everyone. . .

PostPosted: May 18th, 2006, 3:47 am
by SubmissMe
The file, although a reasonable idea, will never work in a million years.

The reason being, shortening words on purpose and using incorrect terminology is often ignorance on the part of the protaganist. And as we all well know, ignorance is seldom changed.

As for spelling, would it be colour or color? I don't want to turn into an American Speller.

So although a good idea, probably not worth posting (even though I see you have anyway).

PostPosted: May 19th, 2006, 10:10 pm
by goldragon_70
Lissar wrote:What, you want me to go all grammar crazy on everyone? I mean, I enjoy correcting spelling and grammar, but I don't have the time and energy to correct everyone. . .

Please!!! I need someone to do that to me. :P

PostPosted: May 19th, 2006, 10:46 pm
by Lissar
SubmissMe, I didn't add the idea to the Vote Page. I'm still debating whether or not to suggest it.

As for your concern about spelling differences based on culture, the file would suggest that the speller look up words if he or she does not know how to spell them. If the speller is American, then he or she would look up words based on the American spelling, and if the speller is British, as an example, he or she would look up words based on that culture's spelling. The file wouldn't be so strict that there was no wiggle room for different cultures.

The file would suggest that the typist would feel a need to read over his or her work after he or she finishes, and he or she would correct any misspellings or grammar mistakes that he or she could find. Yes, it's only too true that many people don't know when they've made a spelling or grammar mistake. But there are plenty of people who type terribly because they do not read over their work, and they miss obvious mistakes, such as missing words, improper capitals, and nasty spelling errors.

I just think it's a little silly for me to run around, saying, "Um, you spelled that wrong. And that shouldn't be capitalized. And you have a comma splice." It's spamming.

Also, while it is not correct to begin a sentence with a conjunction in formal writing, it is acceptable in casual speech, as well as writing that is moderate.

PostPosted: May 20th, 2006, 11:11 am
by SubmissMe
Nobody will use the file, but then again we can only hope and pray.

Or maybe we could suggest a file that would make underage users feel compelled to tell EMG they are underaged. Same problem though, those who would need the file would not use it.