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Nice idea for a file

PostPosted: May 28th, 2006, 12:21 am
by Femme_slut
I have a nice idea. How about one that makes you perceive yourself as a female asian young adult? It would likely have high appeal to those who have both a hypnofetish, who seek feminization, and who have an asian fetish (one of the most popular fetishes, by the way).

PostPosted: May 28th, 2006, 9:08 am
by mirage2101
oeh!! and gothic lolita dresses!!

Re: Nice idea for a file

PostPosted: May 28th, 2006, 9:48 am
by donna_cd
Femme_slut wrote:I have a nice idea. How about one that makes you perceive yourself as a female asian young adult? It would likely have high appeal to those who have both a hypnofetish, who seek feminization, and who have an asian fetish (one of the most popular fetishes, by the way).

i love the idea !! would love to be forced to dress in full asian dress,espescially a burkha & be fully subserviant to a really hairy asian guy !(no need to worry about being convincing when dressed like that either ) donna xx

PostPosted: May 30th, 2006, 4:07 pm
by CuriousG
That's not the part of Asia that's being referred to here, donna.

PostPosted: June 27th, 2006, 3:31 pm
by SubmissMe
The idea is a good one nonetheless.