I will start on it immediately but i can not guarrantee how long it will take. It is a very large undertaking.
Here's a little poetry to inspire you, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
So I love to wake ere break of day:
For though my sleep be gone,
Yet while 'tis dark, one shuts one's lids,
And still dreams on.
It seems STC was a lucid dreamer!
Here are some of my thoughts about guided lucid dreaming. I think we may be inventing a new form of writing here which might be called a "dreamplay". By analogy with "playwright" the creator of a dreamplay would be a "dreamwright".
story -> novel -> play -> script -> screenplay -> roleplay -> dreamplay
Where a dreamplay is a spoken story outline formatted ito guide a person's lucid dream, possibly using:-
- hypnotic suggestion
- timing of phrases to synchronize breathing
- multiple voices representing narrator/self/other persons/internal dialogue
- synthetic voices representing non-human characters
- subliminal suggestions
- binaural beats to entrain brainwave rhythms into a favorable state
- ambient sound effects to enhance the dreamers imagination
- stereo effects and Doppler effects to suggest motion
- white noise to reduce distraction by background noise
- background music that can create a mood by means of genre, melody, rhythm, tempo, major/minor keys, consonant or dissonant chords, association of ideas by use of familiar music etc.
- background audio cues with conventional meanings:-
- 1) narration advancing the plot in real time
- 2) using imagination to fill in details in real time
- 3) hypnotic suggestions, out of real time
- 4) recap of the present situation, out of real time
these audio cues might be:-
a narrator's voice advancing the plot
+ background noises supporting plot advancement
a voice recapping the situation and adding details
+ background noises faded to a low level meaning this is out of real time
+ background music implying mood setting
a voice giving hypnotic suggestions
+ background faded to a low level meaning this is out of real time
pulse and breath sounds implying "imagine this, add detail, feel it, live it"
+ promoted by background noises and music
Does this help at all?