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how the hell does voting work

PostPosted: March 4th, 2007, 2:45 am
by something
i was wondering how the voting works how many votes does the "wet clothing" file need for it to be a file

PostPosted: March 4th, 2007, 5:38 am
by demigraff
Voting is simple. Ideas with more votes move to the top of the list. When someone comes to make a file, they might use the list to get some idea of what would be popular. Or they might look through the first page and pick an idea they like. Or they might make whatever file they feel like.

I think most hypnotists on here are making files because we enjoy doing it. If someone likes an idea on the voting page, they might make it any time. If nobody feels like making that one, it won't get made no matter how many votes it gets.

If you really want to see a particular file, would you be willing to pay for it? There's more than a few people round here who would be willing to record whichever file you want for $50 or $70.