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Self-help requests for serious problems

August 22nd, 2005, 5:32 am
by Fluid
I've seen quite a few entries on the voting page that would be easier to solve by either medication or psychiatric treatment. For some simple things, hypnosis may offer a solution but there seem to be people who would sooner visit a hypnotist than a doctor...what do you people think?

August 23rd, 2005, 2:51 pm
by missypuss
I think I agree with you. But hopefully there are enough decent human beings on this site to recognise someone who is in serious need of help and point them in another direction..
Rather than adding to their pain with pointers on how to bury themselves in further madness...
At least that appears to be generally what happens on this site if it appears someone with a a genuine psychological problem turns up !!

August 23rd, 2005, 3:06 pm
by loadedkaos
I think people want help they can afford... That being said I also think that people are only looking at the short picture, hypnosis can be a powerful tool for overcomeing one's problems but it is something I think a trained therapist or even a trained hypno therapist should help out in. Maybe if these people could afford real help even in the hypnotic community they wouldn't even be posting such entries. Just a thought anyway.

August 23rd, 2005, 3:42 pm
by missypuss
Sorry.. I dont agree with you "Loaded.."
If you are 16 years old and you have psychological problems you are not going to seek out a paid Hypnotherapist/ Counsellor or Doctor .. who has at 16 years old the cash to do that..??(Or even at my age come to think of it!! :twisted: )
You are going to seek what looks like the answer to your dreams and juvenile prayers ..
Especially if it comes for free!!
Hence my comment that there are hopefully enough decent Human Beings on this site to recognise someone in need of proper help and point them in the right direction accordingly??

August 23rd, 2005, 5:34 pm
by BobbyS
Well, there are varying degrees of seriousness and mine is a small problem - hiccups. I NEVER EVER EVER get hiccups except just when I'm starting to get tipsy and then they kick in and BOY do they kick in. I got them the last time I drank (about a week ago) and the hiccups were so violent my sides were in agony, and they went on for THREE DAMN HOURS! I thought I was going to die by the time I got home (I was driven home before you ask).
I've tried drinking from glasses instead of bottles and vice versa, with straws and without, and always - hiccups.
Now my problem is not getting rid of them (see below), but preventing them, and hypnosis seems like something that could do that. If you can program yourself to ejaculate on command, surely you can tell yourself to stop hiccuping.
*****************THE ULTIMATE HICCUP CURE!!!!!*****************
********************Never get hiccups again!!!********************
I swear by this. Forget standing on your head, getting a scare, drinking water from the wrong side of the glass, or other crazy cures, this is guaranteed by me to work.
So far, I've only used white wine vinegar, so that's the only variety I know that works, but I'm told any kind of vinegar will do.
You will need;
a) a teaspoon
b) some vinegar
a) pour vinegar onto the teaspoon
b) drink
That's it.
Don't smell the vinegar, don't think about what you're about to do, just drink it - you don't want to put yourself off now.
I don't know if it works because it tastes so awful or because it's such a shock, and if you can explain why, knock yourself out, I'm just glad - and so will anyone who suffers from chronic hiccups be - to have found it.

August 23rd, 2005, 10:56 pm
by BillionSix
Really? With me, hiccups has always been cured by a teaspoon of sugar. Read about it in Reader's Digest as a kid, and it's always worked instantly.

August 24th, 2005, 2:26 pm
by missypuss
I find that a good old change of subject usually diverts my hiccups immediately and without much question.... :twisted:

August 24th, 2005, 8:45 pm
by DaytonaMaster
I once read that hiccups are caused by muscle spasms, and that muscle tension could cure it. When I get the hiccups, I wait until just before the next one, take a very deep breath, hold it, then tense the muscles in my chest and diaphram for as long as I can. So far it has worked every time.
Hope this helps for those that the other cures don't help with.

August 26th, 2005, 12:40 pm
by BobbyS
I don't know about these other cures - maybe I'll try them the next time I've downed a few - but for some reason, the holding of breath doesn't work for me. I know it SHOULD work because you're depriving the muscles of oxygen so they can't spasm, but I just can't do it. I've tried holding my breath, holding it and relaxing - both until I can't hold it any longer (45 second record - any takers?). I've also tried hyperventilating and holding my breath (hyperventilating suppresses the need to draw breath so you can hold it for longer, but be careful - any more than two or three hyperventilations before you hold your breath and it could be dangerous), or just hyperventilating - but nothing.

August 26th, 2005, 4:32 pm
by missypuss
Its ok Guys my hiccups have dispersed thanks for the distraction..
It worked a real treat !! :twisted: xx

August 26th, 2005, 10:53 pm
by sandy82
Fluid and Missypuss, I agree with your initial posts. There are times when someone is so obviously in need of immediate help that it's irresponsible not to recommend medical help. A month or so ago, there was a guy who seemed to be nearly suicidal. I recommended his family doctor or a medical specialist.
Then some good-intentioned (remember the road to hell?) person came behind me and advised that this severely depressed person could raise his self-esteem by lifting free weights. Interesting advice.
Both of you are absolutely right. If someone's in genuine physical or mental distress, they need immediate and expert medical intervention.