I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

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I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby mtlscream » November 25th, 2014, 5:42 am


This may sound weird... and feel free to message me as PM or by email (if you dont want people to see all the answers)...

I'm interested (for different reasons) in hypnosis.... with a religious twist.
I'm trying to search people who's been using hypnosis / mindfuck in a religious way.... as a sect, religious group or even Guru.

I want to learn and understand so many things (serious matter here, no role play).
So if you want to share your exp..... or you are religious guru... I have so many questions... I'm just a regular easy sub who's been into hypnosis for 14 yrs but have so much questions about this.

Last edited by mtlscream on November 26th, 2014, 6:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 25th, 2014, 1:35 pm

i am no guru but i am very interested to see where the discussion leads.
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Postby diode168 » November 29th, 2014, 9:37 pm

somehopper wrote:i am no guru but i am very interested to see where the discussion leads.

As am I.

Please keep us informed.
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Postby mtlscream » December 1st, 2014, 6:16 am

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Postby Endo » December 1st, 2014, 7:13 am

Well, the Christian family of religions is well-known for using some under-handed mental tactics in their services. Try looking up a recorded service or going to one in person, and see if you can identify all the elements in place.
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Postby mtlscream » December 20th, 2014, 8:09 pm

Last edited by mtlscream on December 30th, 2014, 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » December 21st, 2014, 12:11 pm

Why don't you just go to an Evangelical church for a few services and learn the techniques for yourself? They are both obvious and subtle.

1. Us vs Them mentality
2. Exclusivity (only the saved go to heaven the rest burn in hell)
3. Fear. God will punish you for your sins.
4. Repetition of Commitment. This is multi-faceted using music, scripture, prayer and teaching to reaffirm and engrain
5. Community. Adherents are admonished to associate only with fellow believers and to treat non-believers as suspect deserving of pity and assimilation.
6. Emotional manipulation. Services are designed specifically to invoke periods of sorrow and shame followed by rituals which invoke joy and ecstacy so that in each service followers are made to feel unworthy but leave feeling happy knowing they are saved. This particular tactic is quite addicting because adherents are taught to recognize their failings during the week and reminded of them at each service to reinforce their shame while simultaneously being given the path to relief of their shame in each service.
7. Intellectual manipulation. Via the invocation of "faith" adherents are taught to ignore facts in favor of faith in the unknown and unseen or in many cases in direct contradiction to real science and fact. Adherents are taught to fear education as "humanism".

The list goes on but you get the idea. It is in fact all VERY damaging. Obviously people become quite addicted over the course of time to their own detriment. It's a more subtle version of Stockholm Syndrome but over time it has the same effect.

There are literally dozens of slave mindset files on this site which provide the same basic training. Why you are seeking it covertly is a mystery to me. Is it that you somewhere in your psyche truly resist the idea of being manipulated? If so it is unlikely any covert method is going to be ultimately successful.

I was raised in an Evangelical Church with many members of my family Ministers and involved deeply. Yet somehow I was never fully taken in by the manipulation because somewhere in my mind I questioned and resisted the idea of being manipulated. Even as a kid there were too many things about the entire system that didn't add up to me and I always questioned believing mindlessly in the unseen and unproven. I now see it all for what it was. A cultish system of mind manipulation for the purpose of controlling people and taking their money. It's as simple as that.

I question why anyone would want to fall victim to such nonsense. I also suspect that deep don't you really don't want to fall victim. If you did you'd be taking the direct approach and listening to slave files now. Your desire to seek it covertly seems to me to be your subconscious allowing you to play on the fringe without actually getting burned by the fire. I suspect that ultimately your own psyche would refuse any attempt to assimilate you into any cult mindset which is why you continue to seek so ardently without finding There are quite literally score upon score of cult systems from which to choose and immerse oneself yet you haven't done so. They are all covert, subtle and most of them work very well on those who are unprepared. Your knowledge of the concept is likely that which is keeping you from jumping in.

If you're serious ... check out an Assembly of God church. They have honed the art of manipulation into a science. As have the Catholics, Moonies, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Hare Krishna's ... they are quite literally everywhere.
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Postby Calimore » December 23rd, 2014, 11:35 pm


Beliefs such as those foisted upon the truly faithful of most organized religion are dangerous, even deadly, under the wrong circumstances.

In his film 'Dogma', Kevin Smith gives voice to a 13th apostle, named Rufus, who felt the need to correct the Gospels by revealing to all of Christiandom that the Christ was rejected by the Jews because He born a black man. But even more importantly, this Jesus fellow came to bring us all new ideas to challenge us so that we could all grow closer to God.

But would anyone listen? No. And why? Because He was a black man!!!

The apostle Rufus makes no bones about the fact that beliefs, in and of themselves, are dangerous and serve to enslave, while ideas instead serve to liberate us from our earthly bonds so that we may all experience the Cosmos in new, more interesting, much less limited ways.

That said, I will now kindly ask that specific faiths and their dogmas be excluded from this particular thread. Organized religion does indeed rely heavily upon the use of NLP practices and techniques. But so do government military organizations. As do the Girl Scouts.

Regardless, I invite the original poster to NOT go into a church to fulfill his fetish needs. Heaven forbid he actually find solace and relief in their clutches. The religious beliefs they espouse can not only be quite dangerous, but also exceedingly self-limiting. Best to hold out a bit longer and find a Dom/me who's as interested in fulfilling his hypnotic desires as they are in fulfilling their own.

Because he won't find that in any church I have ever attended. And trust me, I've been to quite a few.
Last edited by Calimore on December 25th, 2014, 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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One last thing

Postby Calimore » December 25th, 2014, 2:30 pm

While a few dangerous cults have already been listed, perhaps one of the worst EVER in modern history is the 'Transcendental Meditation' movement. Avoid these people at all costs. Their entire program seems to be designed to make full use of NLP practices and techniques.

BTW: I, personally, am Seventh Day Adventist but I only recommend that cult to Christians who wish to be more Christ-like by observing the Levitical laws of the Old Covenant. Which is to say, I RARELY recommend the faith.

In my experience, most Christians don't give a tinker's damn about being anything like that Jesus guy. Pity, that. He seems to have been one REALLY cool dude.

Happy Holidaze! 8)
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Postby mtlscream » December 30th, 2014, 6:35 am

Great!!! Thanks so much for some great answers and feedback...
But Still looking and can't wait to see...

Looking to find religious guru, group who's been known to use hypnosis (covert or not... ethical or not)... could be in person or on youtube / site....

I'm very curious to see how they manage to recrute. Trying to find some hypnomaster with MAYBE guru behaviour....or want to built his cult.

Maybe they are able to recrute their people easily by finding them and filling a void their have inside ? Maybe ? I guess just like me...

PM or email me (mtlscream@me.com)
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Postby lew897 » June 13th, 2015, 6:08 am

If your looking for a guru, you will need to transcend humanity yourself as a guru cant possibly communicate with mere mortals. In a way, religion means to be able to do anything in the name of a god. Even cut off the tip of your penis! Which technically means to you have to become a regular hysteric!
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Postby mtlscream » November 4th, 2015, 10:29 am

Great!!! Thanks so much for some great answers and feedback... and i think i want to reactivate the search a little more...

This may sound weird... and feel free to message me as PM or by email (if you dont want people to see all the answers)...

Looking to find religious guru, group who's been known to use hypnosis (covert or not... ethical or not)... could be in person or on youtube / site....

I'm very curious to see how they manage to recrute. Trying to find some hypnomaster with MAYBE guru behaviour....or want to built his cult.

Maybe they are able to recrute their people easily by finding them and filling a void their have inside ? Maybe ? I guess just like me...

PM or email me (mtlscream@me.com)
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby daugo » May 27th, 2016, 1:25 pm

I kinda wish I knew brainwashing techniques to actually have more than just me in my cult.
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby Hicks » August 22nd, 2017, 12:54 am

Wow. For how long I've been here I'm sorry I'm late to this. If you want any advice or guidance, just ask. I'm less a guru than a girl, but id be happy to answer any questions. Don't expect to like my answer though. I can only promise that I'll be as truthful as I understand as I can be.
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby badasschick » September 5th, 2017, 7:05 pm

Cult brainwashing is a big turn-on for me, and has me very curious. So I have to second Mtlscream's (awesome name btw) request for a PM if there's anyone who runs a tiny hypno-cult or anything. I'd like the juicy details on how you recruit people, what vulnerabilities you prey on, things like that.
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby Casey » March 26th, 2019, 11:28 am

Guru, Means Teacher.. and Cult just means whatever aspect it is influences every aspect and part of ones life. One definition could mean all religions, and other definition can mean one individual or group that literally controls all people. I learned the art of running a cult prior to hypnosis... Just because I was curious. But many say since I founded my own religion they may call me a cult leader. I do not see myself as that, but I could be if someone wanted that.... I have been honored with numerous titles. Feel free to ask any questions. If I do not know the answer I will proudly proclaim my lack of knowledge :) ..
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby Casey » March 26th, 2019, 11:40 am

Oh and I forget to say this... Often when one is looking for a Teacher, Minister, Guru... whatever.. the old saying is... "When the Student is ready the teacher will appear." it goes the other way too... "When the teacher is ready the student will appear."....
I saw many reference to dangerous cults.. People need to keep in mind.. a cult can be ran dangerously or safely... it is all about who is running it, how it is being ran, and what is being done... I seen many good and as well as dangerous ones...Being any form of cult leader takes on a lot of responsibility... or spiritual or religious leader at all.... But, as followed and adherents it is also your job to be very careful of who you choose to lead you... but people are very cunning and manipulative.. I watched how people that do not like my heritage and religion have manipulated my own family members into doing some very nasty things to me.. Which part of the cult you interested in? The Programming? Deprogramming? The Spiritual benefits? ...Getting someone out of it? Wanting to form one, or wanting to join one? ... or wanting someone to create for fun session files based on one?....
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby Jackstock » March 26th, 2019, 4:29 pm

I think this is pretty brainwash cult flavor (not really a cult though, as gooner/masturbation communities are not that organized AFAIK)
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby JackDrago » April 1st, 2019, 3:26 pm

If you want an excellent guide to cult tactics, all you have to do is read the book Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard, all the entry level stuff that makes Scientology work is laid out in black and white; another less destructive example where you can learn a much more gentle and less destructive way of brainwashing is AA. AA is a totally non-force voluntary brainwashing method that basically works by having a suggestion set so mild practically anyone can accept it. It makes a good study case since they're famous for taking anyone off the street and as long as you're not using it to quit drinking it's VERY easy to get out of when you're done. Between these two sets of techniques you could easily learn enough to found a cult.
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby Casey » May 18th, 2019, 12:46 pm

This is a good resource about Cults. I have no issues on making cult themed hypnosis files.. But, I will not lead any group that will harm or hurt others.. I am already seen as vary controversial... for being leading my own spiritual path, culture, and tradition..

so many do see me as a cult leader due to that...

I will not lead a group that controls people,
makes them dependent on me or my group,
or encourages unsafe actions towards,
self, members or outsiders....
For those that are attracted to the thought of being in an actual living cult..
I recommend you read this resource first. http://cultrecovery101.com/
For people who like fantasy files, and fantasy triggers to use as kink with you and your loved ones..

That I have no issue with helping with... I will however not participate in any illegal activity, or will participate in anything that does permanent damage or harm to you or other people...

Even my dark and twisted files.. all have safeties written into them. It is a fun fantasy and fetish to explore to those drawn to it...

But, the reality is... what many dangerous cults promise to a person is manipulating... damaging lies... and you do not want to find yourself in that situation.

I grew up with foster children, and was adopted myself and seen what this issue does to adults and children, and also what it has done to me...

You can very easily end up exactly what you do not want to become.... if you jump head first into the real deal ... But, if you are still adventurous and still want to do... Never dip your toe into any type of group without an exit program... or plan... You do not want to end up dead like many of my friends I lost that died in cults...

I witnessed cults turn perfectly sane people into extremists as well... just through a chatroom...

So, Please.. Please if interested in the experience beyond role play, or hypnosis audio fetishes.. be careful... you always think you know what you are getting into with a real cult...
with a real cult...
you do not know what you are getting into until it is to late..
and you are trapped.
Even though trapped sounds fun and appealing...
This is not the kind of trapped that is...
Stay safe with your practices my friends.
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby sarnoga » June 30th, 2019, 7:48 pm

Nice reply by sfhole2stretch early in the thread.

I have no problem with someone controlling another that wants to be controlled.

I do, however, have a problem with Religions controlling their adherents for the purpose of imposing their views and "values" on others and promoting their agenda as widely as possible.

I also have a problem with most religions, at least of the Christian, Jewish, or Islamic flavor, which all share the same origin. The problem is that they are all based on superstition. I am not saying that other religions are any different on that score, I just don't know enough about them to say. When it comes to religion I agree with George Carlin. When it comes to superstition, I agree with with Stevie Wonder as he expressed in the song Superstition, particularly the following verse:

When you believe in things
That you don't understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition aint the way

Regards, Sarnoga
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Re: I'm looking for... Religious guru or a cult

Postby mtlscream » August 8th, 2024, 6:16 am

Very interesting to read again all these replies, made over the years....

This topic still interests me very much and I always love the religious, cultist or ceremonial aspects mixed with deep hypnosis.
I guess it's why I asked and posted this in first place.

I know and I understand this is not for all but I'm still curious and see how it works and really happen...
How someone (with Guru tendencies) attract his prey and how the prey falls deep into the guru spell.... and then what.

Anyone into cult, or is a cult leader?
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