Are there any other pagans out here?

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Are there any other pagans out here?

Postby Luperci » July 29th, 2006, 2:31 pm

Just a quick question, are there any other pagans out here? :cry: It seems that I am all alone here :cry:
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Postby Jacara » July 29th, 2006, 5:57 pm

I've been told that my beliefs are similar to paganism, but I never really looked into it. I don't like to classify my belief system, I'm just a spiritual "Searcher" :)
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Postby Luperci » July 29th, 2006, 6:14 pm

Jacara wrote:I've been told that my beliefs are similar to paganism, but I never really looked into it. I don't like to classify my belief system, I'm just a spiritual "Searcher" :)

You may be searching, but I can say that I have been practicing fro somewhere between 13-15 years, and over time have found myself following the path of The Green Man.

If you would like any information or just want a different viewpoint, then please feel free to either leave a post her or you may also PM me.
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Postby pfil » August 18th, 2006, 3:05 am


I would be grateful if you could point me to a good internet primer on the subject.
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Postby Jack » August 18th, 2006, 4:51 am

*following in pfil's footsteps* ... or post information here about it.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell
"By doing certain things certain results follow." A. Crowley, Book of Lies
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Information on Paganism in General and Druidism

Postby Luperci » August 18th, 2006, 8:47 am

Pfil and Jack, both of you have asked for some more information.

I have a rather long list of books that you might be able to find in your given locals that have a lot of good information and should prove to be very helpfull in your quest for information. While this list is quite long, unless you are an extremely avid reader, start with just a few books and go from there. If you need any further information, please either post here or feel free to PM me and I will help as best as I can.

Historical Celts & Druids

Cunliffe, Barry The Ancient Celts **Top 5**

Ellis, Peter Berrisford - The Druids (Description) **Top 5** (Out of
Print Aug 2003)

Green, Miranda J.- The World of the Druids [Review!] **Top 5**

James, Simon - The World of the Celts

Markele, Jean - Women of the Celts

Piggot, Stuart - The Druids

Powell, T.G.E. - The Celts

Rees, Alwyn and Brinley - Celtic Heritage ***Top 5*** (Out of Print
Aug 2003)

Ross, Anne - The Pagan Celts (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Spence, Lewis - The History and Origins of Druidism: A Long-Lost
Classic Resurrected (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Celtic Mythology

Davidson, H.R. Ellis - Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe

Ellis, Peter Berrisford - Dictionary of Celtic Mythology

Ellis, Peter Berrisford - Dictionary of Irish Mythology (Out of
Print Aug 2003)

Matthews, John (ed.) - A Celtic Reader (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Rolleston, T.W. - Celtic Myths and Legends **Top 5**

Squire, Charles - Celtic Myth and Legend (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Smyth, Daragh - A Guide to Irish Mythology

Stewart, R.J. - Celtic Gods Celtic Goddesses

Survey of Religions

Adler, Margot - Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-
Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today

Hopman, E. and Bond, L. - Being a Pagan: Druids, Wiccans, and
Witches Today (formerly People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak

Smith, Huston - The World's Religions

Druid's Path

Fontana, David - The Elements of Meditation (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Hurlstone, Kenneth - A Celtic Miscellany : Translations from the
Celtic Literatures

Matthews, John - The Bardic Source Book: Inspirational Legacy and
Teachings of the Ancient Celts

Stewart, R.J., Williamson, Robin - Celtic Bards, Celtic Druids (Out
of Print Aug 2003)

Bartram, Thomas, - Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine

Bain, George - Celtic Art: The Methods of Construction.

Christopher, John R. - School of Natural Healing

Cowan, Tom - Fire in the Head: Shamanism and the Celtic Spirit

Davis, Courtney - Celtic Borders & Decoration (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Harner, Michael, The Way of the Shaman

Hopman, Ellen Evert Druid's Herbal for the Sacred EarthYear

Lust, John B. - The Herb Book (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Matthews, Caitlin & John - The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom (Out
of Print Aug2003)

Matthews, John - The Celtic Shaman : A Handbook (Earth Quest) (Out
of Print Aug 2003)

Matthews, John - The Song of Taliesin

Blameris, Steve - Celtic Tree Mysteries

Bonewits, Isaac Real Magic

Tyler, Varro Tyler's Honest Herbal: A Sensible Guide to the Use of
Herbs and Related Remedies
Weiss, Rudolf Fritz - Herbal Medicine

Carr-Gomm, Philip - Elements of the Druid Tradition

Carr-Gomm, Philip - The Druid Way (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Darkstar, Erynn & Bwca, Taine - Cauldron of Posey: Lecture on Irish
Magick Cosmology and Poetry

Freeman, Mara - Kindling the Celtic Spirit: Ancient Traditions to
Illumine your Life through the Seasons

Haugk, Kenneth C. - Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and
Deal With Destructive Conflict

Kondratiev, Alexei - The Apple Branch: A Path to Celtic Ritual

Kondratiev, Alexei - Celtic Rituals: An Authentic Guide to Ancient
Celtic Spirituality (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Sutton, Maya Magee & Mann, Nicholas R. - Druid Magic: The Practice
of Celtic Wisdom

Madden, Kristin - Pagan Parenting: Spiritual, Magical, & Emotional
Developments of the Child [Review!] (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Matthews, Caitlin - The Elements of The Celtic Tradition

Nichols, Ross - The Book of Druidry

Orr, Emma Restall, - Spirits of the Sacred Grove : The World of a
Druid Priestess (Out of Print Aug 2003)

Orr, Emma Restall, - Thorsons Principles of Druidry (Thorsons

Webster, Richard - Success Secrets:Letters to Matthew

May the paths of those seeking knowledge be ever fruitfull, and may the information found answer questions, and make new ones.
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Postby lash310 » September 12th, 2006, 1:12 pm pagan as the day is long, baby! An eclectic blend of Asatru, Celt-based wicca, and Native American shamanism, to be more precise...

So...heilsa and blessed be!
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Postby MistressTwisted » September 13th, 2006, 8:23 pm

pagan here too :wink:
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Postby iamatestsubjectofme » October 25th, 2006, 2:26 pm

Pagan here as well..
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Postby juniper » October 25th, 2006, 9:46 pm

Ecclectic pagan here.

One by one the penguins steal my sanity... hehe
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Me, me, me!

Postby Mari4199 » January 25th, 2007, 8:54 pm

Sound is the future.
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Postby FaceRape » March 23rd, 2008, 6:19 pm

Pagan from a Christian household. Just as screwed up as you can imagine it.
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Postby VeryGnawty » March 25th, 2008, 2:02 am

Chaote (Chaos Magician). I often pretend to be a Christian or a skeptic.

Paradigm pirating is win. I highly suggest it. I also sometimes use Discordian philosophy (as well as Zen and Tao). So I guess you could call me a "chaotic enlightened subgenius" if you wanted a label. But really, who likes labels?
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Postby VeryGnawty » March 25th, 2008, 2:37 pm

WizDom wrote:
Paradigm shifts FTW, I say.

Majorly FTW. Why just have one piece that this world has to offer, when you can already have the entire cake and eat it too?

Dualism is for people who lack imagination.
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Postby baby1 » April 18th, 2008, 7:10 pm

Wiccan here. Was raised a catholic but never believed what was taught to me it felt like brainwashing actually. Pretty fucked up i think.
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Re: Are there any other pagans out here?

Postby piece_of_heavn » May 6th, 2008, 2:56 am

Luperci wrote:Just a quick question, are there any other pagans out here? :cry: It seems that I am all alone here :cry:

Well, you're definitely not alone, if only because any non-Judeo/Christian religion is considered pagan. I myself started as a Wiccan, went Dianic, went something else (I can't remember now), and now I'm somewhere between gnostic, taoist, Hindu, Buddhist, and eclectic pagan.

My practices usually involve a fair handful of BDSM and hypnosis.
If you think you have the right to tell me what to believe, I believe I have the right to tell you what I think.
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Postby pyroid » June 27th, 2008, 3:05 am

I always that pagan was the word the Roman Catholic Church used for religons other than its own?

I have always liked the ideals from religons like buddism and wicca but I know very little in the actual practice. They seem to have a stronger tie then our modern day religons.
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Postby Jane_the_Bane » July 23rd, 2008, 1:25 pm

I dabbled in Wicca, still maintain some eclectic pagan roots and am now mostly a pan(en)theist. To me, most conceptions of deity are merely helpful images, symbolic representations of the unfathomable.
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Re: Are there any other pagans out here?

Postby Jane_the_Bane » July 23rd, 2008, 1:27 pm

piece_of_heavn wrote:
Luperci wrote:Just a quick question, are there any other pagans out here? :cry: It seems that I am all alone here :cry:

Well, you're definitely not alone, if only because any non-Judeo/Christian religion is considered pagan. I myself started as a Wiccan, went Dianic, went something else (I can't remember now), and now I'm somewhere between gnostic, taoist, Hindu, Buddhist, and eclectic pagan.

My practices usually involve a fair handful of BDSM and hypnosis.

Same here, same here! (Except for the BDSM part.) Hypnosis hasn't entered my practices as such, either, although one could argue that ritual magick and shamanic practices pretty much go in that direction.
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Postby sub4fhyp » November 1st, 2008, 10:39 am

Yes, i am Wiccan and have been for a whole lot of years. For those of you who know the song "Mother Goddess" that goes to the tune "Rubber Ducky" i helped to write it, so I firmly believe that our Lady and the Her Consort are Gods of laughter.

If they weren't - there wouldn't be so many of us around. IMHO, if one cannot laugh about one's beliefs, then one is not secure enough in those beliefs, so here are a few pagan chuckles. No offense intended to any Tradition intended as i kick it off hitting on my own Trad in the light bulb jokes section...


Pagan lightbulb jokes:

How many _____ does it take to change a light bulb?

Gardnerians? - That's Third Degree material - ask your High Priestess!

Alexandrians - Let me look in Gardner's Book of Shadows...

Asaturarfolk - Vikings aren't afraid of the dark! Pass the (*^# mead!

Witches? - Into what?


(Tune: Bibbity Bobbity Boo - from the Disney movie Cinderella)

Madame Blavatsky, Alastair Crowley,
Bibbity, Bobbity Bo,
Put 'em together and what have you got?
I don't think you want to know!

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Pagan here

Postby Dragon_Wizard » February 13th, 2009, 2:31 am

Born and raised in a Roman Catholic Religion.... then came the age of reason. and everything has changed since :D
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Postby pyroid » February 24th, 2009, 10:20 pm

I see myself as a non practicing Catholic. I believe in a higher power but I don't put much stock into the bible and I rarely go to church. Anyone else fit into that category? I'd say Scientology is the closest to my way of thinking. Man came from ape, ape came from monkey, monkey came from rat, rat came from mammal like reptile, reptile from amphibian, amphibian from fish, and so on, but some guiding force help us on that track be it higher power or gamma ray burst. I also believe in some form of after life, though I'm not sure exactly what is awaiting me, I'd rather wonder then just say it doesn't exist.
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Postby whatthe75 » February 25th, 2009, 6:39 am

Complete athiest here, but i do like the buddhist ideals of life.
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Religious Disbelief

Postby Calimore » February 25th, 2009, 7:55 am

I don't believe in Religions. I mean, sure, I know that they exist and that they serve a higher moral purpose, but I prefer Faith, these days, over Religion. I continue to follow (mostly) the structured set of ethical beliefs my parents handed down to me, but today I prefer to simply serve the Divine in every way that seems fit.

I too find Buddhist ideals quite appealing. I have, however, come to believe that even putting names or labels on the Divine to be a blasphemous practice, as is worshiping any being less than one's Creator. These are my beliefs and I don't expect anyone else to adhere to or even respect them. It has become clear to me that our Creator expects us to get along with and support one another, so one way I worship my God is by serving my fellow man whenever it seems proper to.

I believe that the Faithful of the World have much more in common with one another than They think. In a way, I wish we could all be Unitarians, but having attended their services, let me say instead that their church holds another lofty set of ideals that I admire - that we can all believe in the same God but worship our God in our own individual ways.
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