Godam Firesafe Cigarettes.

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Godam Firesafe Cigarettes.

Postby sarnoga » December 19th, 2010, 2:58 am

I wish every conceivable evil to be visited upon all those responsible for requiring that cigarettes be made to be firesafe. I wish it upon them and their descendants for a thousand generations and that their entire bloodline, forward and backwards, rot in hell for eternity and then some.

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Postby Ladon » December 19th, 2010, 11:04 pm

You could always...you know...quit. 8O


I had a coworker that hated them too, he said he used to time his breaks by his cig, whether or not he'd actually smoked it, it would burn down. He said once they switched, it was constantly going out on him and he'd lose track of how long he'd been on break. lol
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Postby sarnoga » December 19th, 2010, 11:24 pm

Ladon wrote:You could always...you know...quit. 8O


Yeah, I could also become a pirate, smuggle tobacco and other smoking products from around the world and gun down anyone who tries to stop me.

Things smaller than this, have in the past, become the final straw that brought the downfall of governments. Unfortunately too damn many people have become accustom to having an overgrown paternalistic government reach their meddlesome claws into every aspect of their lives. I seem to be the only one bothered by this attack. I'd wish death upon them all except that would be too quick. They deserve to suffer...terribly.

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Postby Devacy » January 1st, 2011, 11:31 pm

I do not smoke or drink or any of that but I do agree with your statements of the government. The government is too involved and controlling and we need to replace it and reset the government to doing its actual job.

As such the people need to get their asses in shape and need to do their job as well. We are supposed to question the government and keep them in line. It is our constitutional job and we would not have the mess we have if we would do it. It is frustrating that a small handful of us can do nothing simply because the majority is too ignorant and blind to what is going on.

As far as smoking goes, my dad got one of those loading machines and makes his own cigarettes. It is supposedly easier on the money too because of how the taxes fold down.

And completely unrelated... if it is you in the profile pic, you are quite cute.
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Postby ray2 » January 20th, 2011, 4:31 am

crucify the non-burning ones flame retardent cigs suck paying upwards of 8$ for suck fucking sucks viva the burning , all the way burn ,to the end burn WTF :evil:
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Postby Controlme23 » January 28th, 2011, 6:24 pm

Devacy's dad has the right idea. Just roll you're own. Cheaper, less toxic, and it makes you feel better then those who smoke name brands, lol. Plus, nothing smells better then loose tobacco!
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Postby sarnoga » January 30th, 2011, 5:44 am

Controlme23 wrote:Devacy's dad has the right idea. Just roll you're own. Cheaper, less toxic, and it makes you feel better then those who smoke name brands, lol. Plus, nothing smells better then loose tobacco!

The solution is not so easy. First, even if that provided a decent cigarette, it wouldn't do a thing to appease my anger at having to find a way to adapt to the heavy handed government thugs who meddle with things they should leave alone.

Secondly, rolling your own cigarettes can leave you with the same crappy "firesafe" cigarettes. Two of the leading suppliers of hand rolling tobacco are a complete waste of time. Top and Bugler both include cigarette papers with their tobacco that are made of the same inferior quality paper used in the "firesafe" cigarettes. Drum is another brand of cigarette tobacco that is actually a higher quality tobacco and a better smoke. The also include rolling papers and thier papers are still good quality papers not made with the poisoned so called "Firesafe" design.

However, from where I live I would have to drive over 200 miles to buy Drum tobacco in an economical size, without leaving the state, and paying higher taxes. To make things even worse thier smaller less economical size was just downgraded from 1.41 oz of tobacco to 1.14 oz of tobacco for the same price but with a new shiny zip lock pouch. I guess they thought nobody would notice. Of course if I want to make the 200 plus mile drive I can by other decent brands of rolling tobacco. I just hope that if I do it doesn't turn out that they too provide poisoned rolling paper.

Nothing like paying $4 in tax on an $8 pouch of rolling tobacco that is only worth $1 and then getting cheated out of .27 oz of tobacco while you are at it.

Incidentally one of the primary ways of making cigarettes "firesafe" is to poison the paper with ethylene vinyl acetate. It would be fitting if those responsible for the laws that poison smokers and ruin cigarettes were slowly burned to death with lit cigarettes.

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Postby demigraff » January 30th, 2011, 8:17 am

Umm ... firesafe? I've not come across the idea before, but it sounds kind of demented. How can something whose purpose is to burn be "firesafe"?

I hope our government doesn't try to discourage smokers ... last time I looked at the stats, taxes on smokers were almost paying for the NHS.
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Postby sarnoga » January 31st, 2011, 6:53 am

demigraff wrote:Umm ... firesafe? I've not come across the idea before, but it sounds kind of demented. How can something whose purpose is to burn be "firesafe"?

I hope our government doesn't try to discourage smokers ... last time I looked at the stats, taxes on smokers were almost paying for the NHS.

I had never heard of the damn things before either as I had been rolling my own cigarettes for some time but every now and then would buy a pack of pre-rolled cigarettes. So one time I bought a pack and it was really nasty tasting. I just thought I had gotten a really stale pack or something. Next pack was the same way. I smoke cigarettes very slowly and I had to keep relighting the cigarettes over and over and they tasted like shit and made my lungs hurt. So I started asking around and found out they were now fucking up all the cigarettes on purpose.

I think it is a federal law that only applied in states that adopted it. So far so many states have adopted it that the usa cigarette manufacturers have stopped making regular cigarettes cause it is no longer profitable to make both kinds. If you want to read more about it do a search for "firesafe cigarettes".

What pissed me off even more is that they put all those godamn labels on there to try to scare people, telling them that smoking cigarettes will make thier kids born deformed, give them cancer, make their dick fall off, etc etc. but they didn't bother putting anything on the label to let people know they were intentionally poisoning cigarettes with ethylene vinyl acetate.

You should be perfectly safe. As far as I know it only affects cigarettes sold in the usa. I know of no other country stupid enough to pass a law requiring that all cigarettes sold in the country be poisoned. Though I would expect it will kill the cigarette export business in the usa.

I think the way the law reads it says that only those kind can be sold by retailers so I suspect foreign made cigarettes are going to become unavailable, unless they start poisoning those too. Maybe there is an exception for those made outside the country. I don't know. And since they don't label them I sure don't want to pay $8 to buy a pack to find out by smoking them. Try asking a clerk at the store and all you get is a dumb look. Most of the bastards are too ignorant to do anything but swipe a bar code past a scanner. They couldn't even make change if the damn machine didn't tell them how much change to give. Well, at least there is a bunch that will never have to listen to a file to make them dumb. Or dumb and horny for that matter. They all seem to be pretty damn good at breeding as well.


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Postby Ladon » January 31st, 2011, 10:29 am

I understand on a philosophical level, but perhaps 'they' don't care, because tobacco use is already a risk, why should 'they' care if you kill yourself a little faster? :\
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Postby zzzzz » July 3rd, 2011, 5:56 am

"I know of no other country stupid enough to pass a law requiring that all cigarettes sold in the country be poisoned."

Europe is going to do this too! End of this year already...
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Postby davelowe1977 » July 5th, 2011, 10:03 am

What?! Fuck my old boots if there isn't enough heavy handed shit coming out of the useless UNELECTED grey faced, overpaid TWATS in the European council/commission/whatever-the-fuck-it's-called.

You guys in the USA think you have regulatory overburden? Let me say this bit first - this isn't a cock size competition argument - I'm in full agreement with you. Its just back in the day (circa 1971) in the UK we had a referendum about whether to join with some European countries in a 'common trading bloc'. In other words, a protection racket against the communist countries on the wrong side of the Berlin wall. My parents voted for that (it was eventually passed) as it was deemed beneficial for the country (if a little morally wrong - but let that slide). Ever since then things have become more 'integrated'. European law now has primacy over our fucking judicial system to name but one area that fucks people like me off. So you go to our supreme court (aptly named) and get a judgement - then the other party can appeal in Europe and you can be overruled. Its about time more people in the UK woke up to this joke system that we pay billions of pounds sterling annually to be strangled by.

Oh and you might already have noticed that Europe is fucked. The UK is owed billions by Ireland. Portugal is on the brink, Spain might go down (and they own a lot of British banks - that'll be fun), and well Greece... What can I say? All the credit agencies are predicting a default because of genius ideas like children can inherit the parent's pensions - yes you did read that correctly. Retirement is at 50 for public sector workers who make up god alone knows what majority of the working (use the term loosely) population and paying tax is something you consider rather than actually do - it's basically treated as a voluntary pain in the ass.

Now, after that rant, they want to fuck with my Marlboro Golds? I'm flying to some sensible country to get my cancer sticks - some place like Turkey that for whatever misguided reason wants to join the EU (but the EU doesn't like, probably because the dominant religion isn't Christianity).

At least you can salute your flag and tell everyone else to bollocks. We can't.
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 6th, 2011, 4:35 am

tanyaslave wrote:Smoke a pipe. You'll get your tobacco fix, and you'll look pro boss.

LOL, yeah pipes are cool.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby KIY » July 6th, 2011, 4:20 pm

I suspect that firesafe isn't meant to protect the smoker, but other folks-- the same way smoking bans are meant to protect non-smokers from second hand smoke. Also, given all the other toxins in tobacco smoke, what's another one matter, anyway?

Seriously, with all the other problems the US government has, firesafe cigarettes is less than a minor blip. I fully expect a collapse or worse in less than ten years. Chaos is on the horizon, and soon cigarettes will be less of a concern than food most places.
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Postby sarnoga » July 7th, 2011, 3:00 am

KIY wrote:
Seriously, with all the other problems the US government has, firesafe cigarettes is less than a minor blip. I fully expect a collapse or worse in less than ten years. Chaos is on the horizon, and soon cigarettes will be less of a concern than food most places.

You are such an optimist. I don't expect to see such improvements for at least 25 years.


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Postby KIY » July 7th, 2011, 5:05 am

tanyaslave wrote:...somebody has been playing a little too much Fallout 3 lately, haven't they...

Naw, world news, personal experience with national and international distribution systems, and business and economic theories is all.
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Postby VeryGnawty » July 7th, 2011, 5:09 am

sarnoga wrote:
You are such an optimist. I don't expect to see such improvements for at least 25 years.

I agree. Total chaos and anarchy is a long way off.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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