Political Hypnosis

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Political Hypnosis

Postby ndsubkc88 » April 11th, 2021, 3:03 pm

You'd think there would be more political/philosophical brainwashing, to the point that one's deeply held beliefs and core philosophies are removed and replaced with the opposite end of the spectrum.

I found a few on Deviant Art (see link), but, aside from this forum, haven't seen it discussed anywhere, let alone explored.

I personally identify as a Libertarian, but would love to be brainwashed into supporting Socialist candidates and social justice movements and candidates.

https://www.deviantart.com/maurislave/a ... -870889927
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Re: Political Hypnosis

Postby ndsubkc88 » April 11th, 2021, 3:10 pm

I had a more comprehensive post thought out, but I listened to about 8 hours of hypno yesterday, 4 of which were IQ reduction based (my fav being Bimbo Brain-Break Fractionation by The Secret Subject), and trying to write here I'm having trouble getting a complete sentence out.
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Re: Political Hypnosis

Postby Jackstock » April 17th, 2021, 2:28 pm

Kamikaze your hypnosis career :lol:
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Re: Political Hypnosis

Postby Jackstock » April 19th, 2021, 1:26 pm

Let's expand on this a bit. There's a number of reasons that this is so uncommon. I think it would be a really cool idea, and I support anyone who does this.
But here's why it isn't done:
1. It may damage a hypnotists reputation. Most people have some kind of weird hatred for opposing political beliefs. If they start making files based on politics, it will alienate users from enjoying their work.
2. Political identities can be completely different in different countries, even if you use the same word. For example, "Liberal" is akin to Libertarian in many parts of the world, but in USA, it refers to a leftist idealogy. In Canada, it refers to a centrist philosophy.
In USA, "Globablist" can refer to someone that's a traitor or conspirator, or even be used as a dog whistle for Jewish people, while others might just view it as someone that supports free trade. You end up with a lot of words with meanings so mixed that none of them mean anything anymore.
Most left-leaning Americans would be surprised to find themselves viewed as right-leaning if they travel a few hundred miles north.

If you want to be successful in making files about this, you need to be really location-specific, and the title often needs to be non-political.
One example in my own experience is my Redneck Persona file. I didn't think it would be very popular. I was quite wrong. It remains as one of the most beloved files from my listeners. They go absolutely NUTS for this file and have had AMAZING success with it because they are so into this change. It turns out that half the people just wanted it as a proxy for American conservatism.
I've had a number of requests for political leaning files. it's always someone with an opposing view wanting to change it, which I admire. I have done it, but only in a private custom file.
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Re: Political Hypnosis

Postby VeryGnawty » September 23rd, 2024, 3:51 am

Lots of beliefs about politics involve reasons, and some topics involve morality. So, you won't find most people keen to just change their entire belief system.
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