In what direction do you see your life headed?

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In what direction do you see your life headed?

Postby makidas » July 28th, 2005, 12:08 pm

It's a simple question but difficult to give a simple answer.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby babytroll » July 28th, 2005, 12:41 pm

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Postby missypuss » July 28th, 2005, 12:47 pm

Lots of happiness and joy interspersed wiyth occasional periods of knockbacks , and depressions from which I pick myself up , dust myself off and emerge a little stronger and wiser to seek out lots of kinky and erotic sex with a likeminded male............. :twisted:
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Postby sandy82 » July 28th, 2005, 2:01 pm

Many, perhaps most, of us face a period of dislocation in the near- to medium-term, not because our expectations were faulty but because sometimes we have to rely on the expectations of others. There will be a temporary feeling of loss, followed by life returned to its natural rhythms.

As a result we will be better judges of personality types, and we will spot more quickly the sort of person described in the Motown lyrics:

"Smilin' faces, sometimes, they don't tell the truth."

It's not so much that these people lie. The problem is deeper than that. They expect you to buy on to their view of things because...well, because they smiled and perhaps flattered you when they said so.

Their view is that everybody has clearly defined rights. They have the right to be glib and be trusted. You have the right to believe them, follow their lead, take their orders--or their smile will disappear.

We will be temporarily sadder, but permanently wiser. We will look past the gleaming smiles, the pastel words, and the artful change of subjects.

Not a bad trade-off. :) Genuine wisdom and earned trust to replace the facade of security and the two-edged sword of delusion. An ounce of clear-sighted skepticism is worth a pound of addled regret.

As George Orwell would tell us across the years, arbeit does not macht frei, and freedom is never slavery.
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Postby sandy82 » July 28th, 2005, 2:03 pm

Following one-line post made on Thursday, July 28, at 2:03 pm MDT. It preceded the entries by Makidas and Gregi696 at 11:20 pm and 11:30 pm, repectively.

Reserved for Makidas' comments. User space resumes below this box.

Following post (at about 10:19 am MDT) made after Makidas' and Gregi696's posts, below.

Makidas, you are welcome! Your post contains a lot of wisdom. I therefore copy a portion of it:

Makidas wrote:I wasn't sure if I'd get any takers on such a rhetorical question. I'm glad I did. For me, this is a kind of way to say fuck you to the assholes that trashed our website yesterday. It further proves that we all have ambitions here and we aren't just a bunch of lost sheep in need of guidance, ie: 'You guys need help."

I congratulate you on both the tone and the content. As for the assholes, we've seen at least two of them before, and their conduct--like their repeated presence--is unpleasant but unsurprising.

Makidas, I'm sure you remember when I got the phony note from Mortal, filled with bogus pleasantries. I got a similar PM yesterday from another seeming sociopath, expressing sympathy for my "shock" at seeing the site invaded. The PM deserved a chuckle, but not a reply. I guess my reponse to a sincere, but misinformed, colleague would have been: Watching a horse shit once is no shock; seeing it shit twice is a snore.

And to an attractive woman of our mutual acquaintance: you wanted specific information in response to a specific question: I was happy to provide the data. You did not want to be patted on the head and told in effect, "There, there, little lady." That's the glib, pastel, smooth change-of-subject language that intelligent people can do without.
Last edited by sandy82 on July 29th, 2005, 10:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby makidas » July 28th, 2005, 11:20 pm

Why thank you Sandy! :wink: I wasn't sure if I'd get any takers on such a rhetorical question. I'm glad I did. For me, this is a kind of way to say fuck you to the assholes that trashed our website yesterday. It further proves that we all have ambitions here and we aren't just a bunch of lost sheep in need of guidance, ie: 'You guys need help." Also to loony28 and domineek, if you happen to read this, you would be best served not even replying to these guys. When you do say something they get a chuckle, when you don't, they say fuck this I'm bored, which is a good thing.
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby gregi696 » July 28th, 2005, 11:30 pm

Well, in the very near future...I'm heading south :wink: However, I think it is hard to say where one's life is going. I personally know where I would like my life to be heading, but I'm not sure that it will get there. As always with life there are some big hurdles in my way that I need to clear. I hope that in the next few years, I will finish up my undergrad work and get a job actually using my degree.

However, who is to say that it will happen. There is a lot of uncertainty in our world. We only get to live once, so I try to live my life day to day and just deal with it as it comes.
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Postby morrcomm » July 30th, 2005, 11:16 am

sandy82 wrote:Makidas, I'm sure you remember when I got the phony note from Mortal, filled with bogus pleasantries. I got a similar PM yesterday from another seeming sociopath, expressing sympathy for my "shock" at seeing the site invaded. The PM deserved a chuckle, but not a reply. I guess my reponse to a sincere, but misinformed, colleague would have been: Watching a horse shit once is no shock; seeing it shit twice is a snore.

Considering I sent you an unanswered PM the other day on this very same subject -- and considering the last PM I got from you before that -- why don't I quote my "seeming sociopath"-ic note in its entirety:

morrcomm wrote:Hi, sandy,

I haven't had much of a chance to answer your last PM until now. It's been a strange two days in my off-line life. Sounds like you were in the thick of those "attack posts" from the members with the ever-changing names, too, which couldn't have been very enjoyable, I'm sure!

You're where-do-you-see-your-life-heading post was very interesting to read. One of the more heartfelt things I've seen on here, too. I got the impression something really major just happened in your life. Is everything okay?

Take care,


Yep, sounds pretty "sociopathic" and full of "bogus pleasantries" to me, too...


Last edited by morrcomm on July 30th, 2005, 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby missypuss » July 30th, 2005, 12:53 pm

Ummm, 8O Am I missing something here?? There seems to be lots of metaphoric bitching going on..... ?? :?:
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Postby morrcomm » July 30th, 2005, 1:35 pm

missypuss wrote:Ummm, 8O Am I missing something here?? There seems to be lots of metaphoric bitching going on..... ?? :?:

I rose to some bait that, unfortunately, wasn't really worth the time or the effort that it took to make a response.
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Postby missypuss » July 30th, 2005, 2:04 pm

Metaphorically speaking Morrcom, You could always take a moment to remember my metaphoric comments on teenagers: and prhaps you guys could all remember the reasons you joined the site in the first place and stop being so cryptic . defensive and downright argumentative ???!! :x It would be a shame if a clash of personality made people suddenly decide they were not going to visit the forums any longer (I know as I speak from experience ... Sandy you know what I mean!! ) perhaps someone should step back and take a few deeep breaths ?? :wink:
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Postby morrcomm » July 30th, 2005, 2:12 pm

You make a good point, missypuss... :)

And for my part, I apologize to all for momentarily losing my cool in a public forum.
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Postby sandy82 » July 30th, 2005, 5:56 pm

Apology accepted, I guess; but I am mystified by all this.

The site is not working properly at the moment. At this writing, I am the only user who has managed to get on to the site.

A longer reply will be forthcoming if I can figure out what's going on.

In the meantime, a question for morrcomm: do you often lose your temper and post the content of private messages in public forums?

As for the PM I mentioned, it came from a user who sympathized with the vandals who busted up the site and then shed crocodile tears. He is now gone. I don't think that was you.

If you want your apology to be credible, you could start by erasing the items you supposedly apologized for.
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Postby morrcomm » July 30th, 2005, 7:28 pm

sandy82 wrote:In the meantime, a question for morrcomm: do you often lose your temper and post the content of private messages in public forums?

If I feel someone is misrepresenting a private message of mine in a public forum, I might post the contents of my own message in public, as I did. As I'm sure even you'll agree, I posted nothing that you've ever written to me in private (though I did somewhat characterize one). I only posted my own words.

Anyone who spends any time online will at some point have a less-than-wonderful moment in a public forum. I've had mine, and I'm sure you've had one of your own somewhere, too. I'll be glad to discuss this further in private with you, but I would honestly ask, in response to your question: Do you often accuse someone in a public forum of being a "sociopath," and drop clues about their identity, and then feel surprised when you get a public reaction or a misunderstanding results?

sandy82 wrote:As for the PM I mentioned, it came from a user who sympathized with the vandals who busted up the site and then shed crocodile tears. He is now gone. I don't think that was you.

If you want your apology to be credible, you could start by erasing the items you supposedly apologized for.

We both have our credibility problems with each other, it seems. A simple "I can see how you might have thought I meant you, but..." would have gone a long way with me on that score, especially considering how well our own situation fit what you had described. If you put denigrating, semi-cryptic private messages in a public post, eventually someone is going to call you on it, rightly or wrongly -- and publicly. You can't have it both ways, sandy.

As for erasing my posts, I PM'ed EMG earlier today after my first post and said I'd follow his decision on whether it crossed the line and should be deleted. To my mind, you and I both probably crossed the line here, each in our own way, during the last 24 hours.

Be well,

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Postby sandy82 » August 1st, 2005, 10:55 am

Your private message to me was just that: a private message. No reader knew you had sent one until you announced it...and then posted it. Nobody knew that you had sent a message similar, but not identical, to the one I had described--until you told them.

As for your PM, nothing "really major" has happened in my life recently. But two really major things have happened in yours. A marriage on July 22 and a new wife's Ph.D. dissertation defense on July 29--neither of which presumably are secrets. I hope both prove successful.

I think we should leave this thread exactly as it stands so that independent readers can use it as a learning experience. They can follow exactly what has been said, by whom, and whether they consider some, all, or none of it logical....or worth the time it took to write.
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Postby deathjdstn » August 2nd, 2005, 5:10 am

i believe life is headed on a direction that life decides and goes with the wind sort of speak
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Postby gurlbidesign » August 15th, 2005, 8:29 am

"Age does not bring wisdom, often it changes simple stupidity into arrogant conceit." As I get older I try to keep that quote firmly in mind. In my life I have taken life, and saved lives. I am not proud of either side of that coin as they were both done in either the heat of battle or the natural reaction of one who sees somebody in danger. That being said, I see my lifes' path as being calmer now. I have been told by my closest living relative, an Aunt, that I am a much happier person as Christine and I would have to agree with her. A good indication of how my life is progressing is my latest saving of a life...I prevented somebody I knew online from commiting suicide. I actually called the police in her hometown and sent them to her address. A few months later she moved across country and is living with me. We have become best friends and sisters and I am so blessed to have her in my life at this time. I see the rest of my life as an opportunity to blossum and grow as the woman I should have always been. I want to be able to say with my last breath that I lived it as well as I could.
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Postby missypuss » August 15th, 2005, 10:13 am

My life has taken an interesting turn & at the moment I am waiting to see the way it progresses.. :twisted:
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Postby Mallic » October 14th, 2005, 5:47 pm

I see it headed towards death
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Postby goldragon_70 » October 14th, 2005, 7:05 pm

I'm too young to know.
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Postby Ceot » November 2nd, 2005, 10:30 pm

Down if I stay the same.
Forward if I grow.
And back if I let myself linger.
Always in mind. And sadly twice as strong.
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Postby missypuss » November 7th, 2005, 1:29 am

I see my life headed towards my Masters dungeon door.. where he straps me to a reclining couch, puts the headphones over my ears. The blindfold over my eyes. The nipple clamps on my breasts and proceeds to Warp My Mind :twisted:
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Postby rcain2 » June 6th, 2006, 8:25 pm

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Where is life going?

Postby Luperci » July 29th, 2006, 2:43 pm

Where is life taking me?

That is a easy question to ask, bu is definately not an easy one to answer. There have been several very rapid twists and turns in my life lately, so I am not sure which way my life is headed. There are several things that I do know however.

Life is always headed in the direction that the Gods have determined, and because the road is not always smooth does not mean that I will not get there, it only means that for whatever reason; it only means that it is not necessarily an easy path to go. Sometimes when we have a rough road in our lives at the moment, it could mean that which ever diety that you subscribe to wanted you to go down that road but you resisted, and therefore needed to be nudged dow the road. Other times it could simply mean that you are or were supposed to learn something from an experience, and may have been a little slow in learning, or any number of other reasons.

I do know that there are some rather large changes coming down my way in the not to distant future; and as to what those changes are, the gods and goddesses have not yet graced me with that information as of this time.

Please do not take offence at my refrences to dieties, for none is meant.
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Postby Undisclosed » August 4th, 2006, 4:40 am

Nowhere and everywhere.

To the depths of hell and the gates of hevean.

To dark corners of my soul, and the shockingly bright.

In other words... I don't have a damn clue. :lol:

Although, I think it matter more where I take life then the other way around.
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Postby slavemartin » August 7th, 2006, 5:17 am

Hi, well the direction i will be heading very soon is "down under" for a few weeks. But my life direction? Well i am thinking on becoming a slave.
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Postby slavemartin » October 28th, 2006, 4:53 am

Just got back from Aussie, i spent 2 weeks in Tasmania and a week in Melbourne. In Melbourne i went to the gay area, found a Master on day 2 and is willing to take me on as his 24/7/365 slave.
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