Any tips for whilst listening to furrytransformation please?

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Any tips for whilst listening to furrytransformation please?

Postby HypnoSnake » January 7th, 2006, 9:34 am

Im just currious if there are any obvious things that i should be doing whilst listening to the furrytransformation file?

For example heres some basic questions.

1. Should i always be awake whilst i listen to this file?
2. Will it have any affect whilst im sleeping?
3. Is it actually possible for this file to work?
4. When attempt to trigger, are you supposed to say out loud? or just think the trigger phrase?
5. Do you have to have a realistic imagine of yourself as a furry in your mind in order for this to work?

P.S. im really sorry if these questions have been asked before, but i would appreciate some answers if anyone can help. :wink:
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Postby gerbillord » January 7th, 2006, 11:42 am

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. say it out loud
5. yes
[img:c9524bacd8][/img:c9524bacd8] Gerbil says: Hi!
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Postby Kharon » January 10th, 2006, 1:37 pm


(1) Probably yes, as most hypnosis files are designed to work on an entranced but awake individual.

(2) Probably, but the effect will probably not be as great while sleeping as while awake and relaxed.

(3) Of course it is. It's only a mental illusion, not a physical change into a furry, and as long as you don't expect to be physically changed into a furry by it (only your awareness of your body will change) it should work fine.

(4) Try it out loud to begin with, but as you get better at the effect, try saying it more softly or only thinking it clearly. Eventually you should be able to trigger yourself without needing to say it out loud, but I can't guarantee that result.

(5) As realistic as you want your furry self to be, yes. If you want your furry self to look cartoony, that should be perfectly fine.
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Postby goldragon_70 » January 10th, 2006, 3:56 pm

Kharon wrote:Answers...

(5) As realistic as you want your furry self to be, yes. If you want your furry self to look cartoony, that should be perfectly fine.

I didn't even think about the cartoony part, I gess in the triger you can say that you want to be a real or cartoony furry. Ohhh the posabilities. :wink:
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby jun » January 10th, 2006, 8:08 pm

The [url=]Velan Central Library[/url] is like a catalog of new yous. ^o^

If anyone has success with this let us know how and what. I wonder if it would be ok to start a thread for links to images people would use as templates. >.>
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Postby lightfox » January 11th, 2006, 12:56 am

some one sad they grow fur
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Postby HakuTehPanda » August 28th, 2006, 8:29 am

Kharon wrote:Answers...

(5) As realistic as you want your furry self to be, yes. If you want your furry self to look cartoony, that should be perfectly fine.

So if I "want" to look realistic, it will search for my best preferation within my mind in order to see it realisticly?
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Postby FDP » September 11th, 2006, 9:57 pm

If you're still new to this and listen to the file while trying to sleep, you may wake up in the middle of the night when EMG says "It's time to wake up now."

I've both gotten the triggers for FurryTransformation down very well by listening to it while asleep... but I've also lost a lot of sleep too ;_;
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Postby Kanibal » September 12th, 2006, 6:49 am

fatdrunkpriest wrote:If you're still new to this and listen to the file while trying to sleep

Any tips on how to keep headphones on whilst asleep? :lol:
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Postby FDP » September 12th, 2006, 8:12 pm

Kanibal wrote:
fatdrunkpriest wrote:If you're still new to this and listen to the file while trying to sleep

Any tips on how to keep headphones on whilst asleep? :lol:

I actually have a set of speakers that play the file softly at the head of my bed. You could always use a headband to hold them in place, but I never tried it because I am paranoid of strangling myself in my sleep. :P
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Postby targetdog » September 17th, 2006, 10:00 pm

Kanibal wrote:
fatdrunkpriest wrote:If you're still new to this and listen to the file while trying to sleep

Any tips on how to keep headphones on whilst asleep? :lol:

Maybe try earbuds?
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Postby Shinsei » October 8th, 2006, 8:35 am

I just started doing this a few days ago, and I'm noticing physical sensation at this point, but not actually anything visual or confirmatory mentally, so I'm pretty sure it's working.

Unfortunately, when it comes time to focus on the overlay (the form you wish to look like that you are supposed to mentally imagine) my mind doesn't focus on one specific form long enough. I'd probably suggest prior to trancing, that you get a good idea of what you want to look like.

Incidentally, when you seperate from your body, is there a way to become less conscious of your breathing? It's actually a distracting force for me. >_> When I utter the trigger phrase, it only seems to effect my lower body (as though my upper didn't trance at all...)

Of what I've experienced so far, becoming a girl is the most disturbing part of it. :P Interesting feeling though.

From what I can tell, the more strongly you believe the hypnosis will effect you (honestly believe, I'm sure), the faster and better it does.
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Postby Kanibal » October 9th, 2006, 8:40 am

Shinsei wrote:
From what I can tell, the more strongly you believe the hypnosis will effect you (honestly believe, I'm sure), the faster and better it does.

I want to believe I honestly do, but every file I've tried has failed and I must have gone through every file on the site by now. I'm just using FurryTransformation as something to help me relax and get to sleep at night, if it wroks because of that, hurray, but so far nothing.
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Postby Johnny13355 » October 17th, 2006, 3:26 pm

Im new to this file as well, i have ADD so it is hard to go into trance....

If i were to start playing the file just as i was falling asleep like say 5min before would it work on me?


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Postby Majestic » October 22nd, 2006, 7:14 pm

Johnny13355 wrote: If i were to start playing the file just as i was falling asleep like say 5min before would it work on me?

It take longer than 5 mins to go to sleep. What I did wa make a file that is basicly 30 min of silence and then have Furrytransform playing in a loop. (If im doing anything wrong please tell me, I still suck at this...)
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Postby Blink » October 22nd, 2006, 8:16 pm

Majestic wrote:What I did wa make a file that is basicly 30 min of silence and then have Furrytransform playing in a loop. (If im doing anything wrong please tell me, I still suck at this...)

It really depends on how long it takes you to fall asleep. What you're trying to do to get maximum effects is deliver your message while you're in the Alpha-Theta brainwave state. If I remember correctly, you've got about a ten minute window. It can be hard to hit without specialized equipment.

On a positive note, if you sleep through several full cycles (90-100 minute periods of sleep, you'll have several if you get 7 1/2 hours or so) then you'll cycle down and back up through Alpha-Theta a few times during the night. Put enough silence at the front end of your playlist so that you can fall asleep untroubled by it, then leave your messages playing until you get up in the morning. A programmable CD player will do it, or some creativity with putting together a playlist for your MP3 player.

I've posted links before, but I don't remember where they went. You can Google "sleep cycle" and "brainwave" and find a wealth of information. A lot of this applies to binaural beats, too.

Oh, and Google "hypnopaedia," too.

Good luck.

-- Blink
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Postby blakgryf » May 27th, 2007, 3:55 pm

So do you leave the induction phase on for sleeping?
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Postby Blink » May 27th, 2007, 5:02 pm

blakgryf wrote:So do you leave the induction phase on for sleeping?

Blakgryf pushes the plunger on the Mk-II revivification syringe and the topic begins to shimmer. :)

There's an academic paper (a short one) here that can help explain how the stuff works. Aldous Huxley was a big fan, too. If you've never read Brave New World, now you have a reason. (Don't go looking for technical instructions, though.)

My quick-and-dirty version is this: Don't bother with an induction, we're talking about using naturally-occurring brain states here, so an induction would just get in the way. Cut the file down to the shortest set of instructions you can manage. Repeating just one instruction (keep it simple) would probably be best. You're looking at an effective "window" of around ten minutes (if I recall correctly), so don't let your file go longer than that. Don't try to do too much too soon. You might start with some simple affirmations like "Trance is easy and fun," or "Change is a part of life."

If you can fall asleep with the sound playing, you're set: select "repeat," press play, sleep. If you can't fall asleep with it playing, you'll need to use some technology. Put a long, silent file at the front end of your playlist and then repeat/loop the instruction file for as long as you'll be asleep.

This "scattergun" approach should have your "payload" file playing when your brain is cycling through the receptive states during the night. This is cheap and easy, but if you're a light sleeper, this might not be for you. I don't know of a technical solution, but what's involved would be recognizing REM (or some specific EEG patterns) and turning your audio on and off based on that. Parts of a solution exist, but I don't know if anyone's put 'em together.

If anyone is using sleep learning regularly, I'd love to hear about it.

-- Blink
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