I had an idea..

A discussion area for people into furry files and topics.

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I had an idea..

Postby JHoffman » November 28th, 2006, 9:21 pm

..Due to looking at all the results of people who want to get the furry files working, which most of them turned up as ":(, The file won't work..", I kept on thinking of ways to increase the chances of it working, aside from training with VisualizeHelp and TrainSuggestible to the bitter end.

What if you tried to make FurryTransformation work through the use of submission, such as mistresses/masters or a heavy obedience-themed file?

From what I know, some people tend to be more submissive than suggestible, and get more results through being forced to have it happen to them. A "CurseFurryTransformation" file, if you will.

Alot of people are known to be hard to get suggestions through, and i've seen this statement alot, that looks similar to "I never thought I could be hypnotized, I thought I couldn't take suggestions, but when I obeyed Mistress So-and-so, it worked!".

So what do you think? What if there was a file that had heavy obedience stacked onto the induction in FurryTransformation, say, like a curse file?

Do you think it would work?

Thoughts, opinions, go on.
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Postby tecywiz121 » November 28th, 2006, 10:33 pm

Hmmm.... That is a very interesting idea! I myself am more than a little nervous about submission, but I can see how that would work.

Are you suggesting that the file contain triggers to make you more obedient, or just a file that makes you think more like a slave while you listen to it?

I think a curse furry transformation would be sweet, especially if it was addictive, and basically forced you to become a furry, not just a trigger.

Well, that's my two cents
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Postby JHoffman » November 28th, 2006, 11:10 pm

tecywiz121 wrote:Hmmm.... That is a very interesting idea! I myself am more than a little nervous about submission, but I can see how that would work.

Are you suggesting that the file contain triggers to make you more obedient, or just a file that makes you think more like a slave while you listen to it?

I think a curse furry transformation would be sweet, especially if it was addictive, and basically forced you to become a furry, not just a trigger.

Well, that's my two cents

Either triggers or thinking more like a slave would work. My idea is that people naturally give up after trying and trying to get the FurryTransformation file to work.

If there were a CurseFurryTransformation file, I'd attempt to make it just as addicting as SuperFemaleWhammy or any other.

I'd think of the file ordering/suggesting to you this sort of statement while triggered by the obedience enhancer (Or something specifically made for this file):

"..If you don't obey, you will start to feel an uncomfortable burn on your skin. And now, it's time for a change. Your subconscious doesn't like the way your body is. Even you don't like the way your body is. You have wanted to be this furry you have thought of for a while now, and your mind wants it. You want it. From now on, you will feel your skin itch and your hair will have tingling sensations. But it won't be annoying or painful. This is normal."

Something like that. The only problem is, this statement seems to feel more suggestive than a curse-like effect. I don't have much experience at all in writing scripts, and this is kind of taking a hint from some suggestive subliminal files (Such as Suggestible, SuggestiveFeminization, etc..)

But when it goes into the real stuff, it might sound like this if it were a curse..

"Feel your skin eating away. Feel your body disappearing. Now replace that with a new body. No, not the same kind of body you lived in before..In fact, you don't remember it. The thought of your body disappearing does not bother you. No, in fact, you see this as an opportunity to be more in touch with nature."

Right there it would lead into some sort of explanation and what animal you have an affinity with, and eventually it would start to imagine what you would look like if you kept the size and proportion of a human, but the characteristics of that particular animal.

After the whole curse suggestions/orders end, the hypnotist would finally state, "But this isn't all, no, this transformation is not temporary.. The more you return to this file, the more you will change. But this doesn't matter to you. You feel a great warmth from listening to this file, and it feels like the greatest thing you can have in your entire life. This curse is not temporary. The more you listen, the more you will change, and the more you change, the more they will stick. You cannot deny this, and even if you do, it will not go away. This is unremovable."

Geez.. doesn't seem as easy now once you start thinking about it. I need a hypnoexpert. :P

But maybe the "This is unremovable" part was over the top. Unless hardcore furry fans don't really care. :P
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Postby tecywiz121 » November 29th, 2006, 10:44 pm

I wouldn't mind the unremovable part :twisted:

I am wondering if each file would have to be custom built, or if they could be more general? It would probably take a lot longer for a general file to work, but it would be more accessible to more people. Maybe a file that is meant to be edited, so that each person could remove the parts they don't particularly want, while still having enough parts for everyone.

If someone with more script-writing skills than myself could make a kind of template script people could start from, to make what ever type of body they want?
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Postby JHoffman » November 29th, 2006, 11:13 pm

tecywiz121 wrote:I wouldn't mind the unremovable part :twisted:

I am wondering if each file would have to be custom built, or if they could be more general? It would probably take a lot longer for a general file to work, but it would be more accessible to more people. Maybe a file that is meant to be edited, so that each person could remove the parts they don't particularly want, while still having enough parts for everyone.

If someone with more script-writing skills than myself could make a kind of template script people could start from, to make what ever type of body they want?

I'm guessing it could come in 5 parts along with the induction, and each part could be interchangeable without making anything sound like it's been cut out.

Part 1 and 2 probably would be the seeing and feeling the furry as your own body, so that would be needed.. the other 3 parts could be different methods of locking you in that body, or just curses that slowly/rapidly replace your body with a furry body.

And I agree with your first comment, I wouldn't want to go back either, :twisted:.

One thing I would like to do, though, is somehow implement a visualizehelp-like training file inside, maybe as a running subliminal. Now that saves alot of extra time.

I think this could work. Let's find us a scriptmaster. :twisted:
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Postby CWolfCW » November 29th, 2006, 11:24 pm

This is a very interesting idea. I wonder how it would turn out. :wink:
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Postby jon1223 » November 30th, 2006, 11:14 pm

You are exactly right on the give up thing with me. I think it's a great idea...but I had an idea from the 5 file thing...what if you made a bunch of snippit files that each added a thing to the listeners new body to where it can be set up in a playlist!
e.g. Bird=induction, feathers, wings, beak, awakening
Tiger=induction, fur, tail, ears, paws, awakening.

That way people can get only the things they want! It could all be put on a website for orginizational purposes
idk about the no return thing
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Postby JHoffman » December 1st, 2006, 12:52 am

jon1223 wrote:You are exactly right on the give up thing with me. I think it's a great idea...but I had an idea from the 5 file thing...what if you made a bunch of snippit files that each added a thing to the listeners new body to where it can be set up in a playlist!
e.g. Bird=induction, feathers, wings, beak, awakening
Tiger=induction, fur, tail, ears, paws, awakening.

That way people can get only the things they want! It could all be put on a website for orginizational purposes
idk about the no return thing

That's a good idea, but the thing is that it's too time-consuming for specifics. The basic idea is, whatever furry you wanna be, you're gonna be it, whether you suck at visualization or not.

The theme of this is, "Get furry or die trying."
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Postby Shinsei » December 1st, 2006, 8:23 am

I think the problem with giving someone a /choice/ with a curse file is just that. You're not making them submit if they're given the option of what they're going to look like in the end result. Maybe something like "You will become your ideal furry self." and then a list of descriptives? I've listened to a few of the ones EMG has thrown together, and that seems to be a pattern.
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Postby jon1223 » December 1st, 2006, 11:11 pm

that is true about the time consuming thing...i think shinsei's idea is the best.

Btw I agree..."Get furry or die trying"
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Postby JHoffman » December 2nd, 2006, 6:00 pm

Darn, you're right.. Well, I guess there'd have to be categories and descriptives of the CurseFurry file.

MAYBE the file would start out with a few transformation options (Such as a Cat, fox, wolf), but over time people could make customizable scripts for those wanting to get the one they really want.

That seems like the only sure-fire way.
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Postby jon1223 » December 2nd, 2006, 9:51 pm

But the thing is now its just starting to sound like the original furrytransformation file...I think we need to just take the furry transformation script and edit it with a curse edge to it and maybe some hardcore subliminals to make sure that it sticks...

about the not reverting thing...i dont know about that...id love to but the thing is it may interfear with my regular life...as in work and family...i guess it would take some getting used to but what if you just wanted to be back to your normal old self...think of being homesick but its impossible to go "home" because you are trapped in a animal style body...there could be another file that temporarily got rid of the effects depending on an amount of time you write down or think of!
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Postby JHoffman » December 5th, 2006, 1:10 am

That's what i've been trying to say. A furry transformation file made cursive (And a side-file for people who wanna go permanent) with subliminals could probably work much more effectively than the former file..

The subliminals are probably the hardest part, as they need to include obedience and Visualizing tracks, and probably with a accelerating track as well, all in one. How to make it fit and not compress it to the amount where the suggestions don't affect you is the difficult part, I believe.
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Postby jon1223 » December 5th, 2006, 7:02 pm

yeah...well time to get to work!*starts reaserching how to make good hypnosis files* :D
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Postby Akir » December 16th, 2006, 11:06 pm

Perhaps the failure for most people is the lack of descriptions. How many of the succeeding people would call themselves "Fill-in-the-blank" types, who are able to understand the whole from parts? I know that, at least for me, the most difficult part of the transformation file is figuring out how I'm going to transform. So perhaps the furrytransformation file would work better if EMG (or whoever) actually describes the feeling of transformation, and what it looks like.
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Postby Patch_Winter » December 28th, 2006, 12:30 am

I'm totally behind this idea; a more dominant approach to this might prove quite effective.

As for "You're my slave, but I for some reason still need feedback," I'd suggest phrasing like this, "Your subconscious wants to change and it's going to make that change happen, no matter what. There is an image in your head, an unshakeable image. Even as I speak it grows sharper... sharper.
Minute details will occur to you even outside of trance. Soon there will be a clear picture of what you are doomed to become...." (etc. etc.)

Something like that.

As for the perminant lockidge of furry form, ideally there would be a file in the series designed to do that, after transformation is already happening. I'm sure some people would find being a locked furry would be a little inconvenient at times...
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Postby insaneman » January 3rd, 2007, 1:09 pm

what if tehy accidentally image themselves as the oppisite sex? 8O
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Postby Axiom » January 3rd, 2007, 2:28 pm

I am interested in using a speech-synthesis program to voice scripts because it would make personalized mp3s possible. As an experiment I took some script ideas from a post by JHoffman in this thread. I think it works quite well. I used the freeware Festival speech-synthesizer. The protoscript, edited for better hypnotic rhythm follows

If you don't obey.
you will start to feel
an uncomfortable burrn on your skin.
And now, it's time for a change.
Your subconscious doesn't like the way your body is.
Even you don't like the way your body is.
You have wanted to be this furry.
you have thought of for a while now.
and your mind wants it.
You want it.
From now on.
you will feel your skin itch.
and your hair will have tingling sensations.
But it won't be annoying or painful.
This is normal.

Feel your skin eating away.
Feel your body disappearing.
Now replace that with a new body.
No, not the same kind of body you lived in before.
In fact, you don't remember it.
The thought of your body disappearing
does not bother you.
in fact, you see this as an opportunity.
to be more in touch with nature.

But this isn't all.
no, this transformation is not temporary.
The more you return to this file.
the more you will change.
But this doesn't matter to you.

You feel a great warmth
from listening to this file.
and it feels like the greatest thing
you can have in your entire life.
This curse is not temporary.
The more you listen.
the more you will change.
and the more you change.
the more they will stick.
You cannot deny this.
and even if you do, it will not go away.
This is un removable.

My idea of hypnotic rhythm is basically to have one line per breath.

The Linux command lines prompts I used were
text2wave -o furry1.wav furry1.txt
realplay furry1.wav
audacity furry1.wav & export as mp3
realplay furry1.mp3

This only took a few seconds!

I think, if you write your own script that may compensate for any deficiency in the speech synthesis quality because you know the words and have an emotional attachment to them.

If anyone wants the mp3 file I will be happy to provide it to you but if you ask for it please tell me what you think of the voice quality in return. Can anyone provide technical assistance regarding the best way to distribute it (375k bytes)?

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Postby Axiom » January 6th, 2007, 1:40 am

Please see Other Downloads : Experimental Furry Files

This is a cooperative work in progress. Please participate.

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Postby JasonDarkfire » January 7th, 2007, 11:16 pm

Hmm; I'm having trouble downloading it. Only goes about halfway before it slows down and just stops.
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Postby CWolfCW » January 8th, 2007, 1:13 am

Axiom wrote:Please see Other Downloads : Experimental Furry Files

This is a cooperative work in progress. Please participate.


For some reason, I can't find that. I see the original files/scripts by EMG and TecyWiz.

Anyway, wouldn't this be more effective as a file-set rather than just different files that do the same or similar things?


I know the stuff above exists in some form already but I think it would be possible to make it more specific for furries.

Also, it might be a good idea to try to draw some stats on what are the biggest problems with getting this to work. For example: visualization, deepness of trance, wording, etc. Then from there, we can work out a more feasible solution for everyone than just guessing.

Or if people want to put more work into it, maybe even have trial sessions with different people to see what works?

I dunno~ just throwing out some ideas. :wink:
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Postby lelia » January 8th, 2007, 2:00 am

JasonDarkfire wrote:Hmm; I'm having trouble downloading it. Only goes about halfway before it slows down and just stops.

Hello Jason,

It worked fine for me. The download is a file called furry1.zip containing two files called furry1.txt and furry1.mp3. The total size is under 400k so it should not take long to download. Maybe you should try asking in the Help with FIles Forum.

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Postby Axiom » January 8th, 2007, 7:28 am

CWolfCW wrote:
For some reason, I can't find that. I see the original files/scripts by EMG and TecyWiz.

It sounds like you looking in "Files" instead of "Other Downloads" in the Modules menu.

You made some very good points but I don't have time to think about them right now. More later.

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Postby CWolfCW » January 8th, 2007, 4:55 pm

Axiom wrote:
CWolfCW wrote:
For some reason, I can't find that. I see the original files/scripts by EMG and TecyWiz.

It sounds like you looking in "Files" instead of "Other Downloads" in the Modules menu.

You made some very good points but I don't have time to think about them right now. More later.


Oops! I must've been blind or something. I didn't even realize there was an actual "Other Downloads" section. I thought it was the "Other" section of the normal Files list.

Thanks for the heads-up.
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Postby Axiom » January 8th, 2007, 6:52 pm

CWolfCW wrote:
I know the stuff above exists in some form already but I think it would be possible to make it more specific for furries.

Also, it might be a good idea to try to draw some stats on what are the biggest problems with getting this to work. For example: visualization, deepness of trance, wording, etc. Then from there, we can work out a more feasible solution for everyone than just guessing.

So much time so little to do, ah reverse that. :)

I think the existing inductions, deepeners and awakeners are excellent but it should be possible to make them more specific for furries. Suppose we added a cat purring as a low level sound beneath the induction. Would that help? Would it limit usefulness to certain types of furries? I certainly find it relaxing when my cat lies on top of me purring. I thnk I have a recording somewhere.

The purr could be looped to whatever length required then maybe it could be turned into a binaural effect with gradually decreasing frequency to draw the listener into induction and deepening.

Other sounds that might help:-
the pounding hooves of the herd running across the plains
the wind whistling beneath the snowy owls wings
the leader of the pack howling in the moonlight
paws padding across the ground with a quadruped rhythm
nature sounds like wind, waterfalls, distant thunder, trees creaking in the wind

I think anything that gives the file a "numinous" quality makes it more effective and the sounds above might work i.e. anything that gives you goosebumps and raises the hairs at the back of your neck.

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Postby Axiom » January 10th, 2007, 8:41 pm

Axiom wrote:Suppose we added a cat purring as a low level sound beneath the induction. Would that help? Would it limit usefulness to certain types of furries? I certainly find it relaxing when my cat lies on top of me purring. I thnk I have a recording somewhere.

The purr could be looped to whatever length required

I have added a looped purr to the download .
Please see Other Downloads >> Experimental Furry Files

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Postby JHoffman » January 17th, 2007, 12:07 am

Hey, that doesn't sound half-bad. The only barrier now is visualization and deepening.. Hmm..
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Experimental Furry Files updated

Postby Axiom » February 10th, 2007, 10:00 am

I have added another script and mp3 file to the Experimental Furry Files in Other Downloads. This script, furry2.txt, has an induction, body and wakener. It is intended to produce both self-perception of furriness and actuality to the extent that this is possible.

Taking a fresh look at it I now realize that I put in a lot about fur and didn't mention whiskers, claws, tail, diurnal/nocturnal preferences, voice, animal sounds, diet etc. It could be so much better. If anyone wants to make improvements to the script please feel free to edit it. If you have a better TTS voice I would like to hear it. If you want to use the mp3 file and add subliminal effects or binaural beats please do.

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Postby JHoffman » February 12th, 2007, 11:08 pm

If I have time tommorow I could get around to modifying your script to have the other information, Axiom. I'll see what comes up.
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Postby Axiom » February 12th, 2007, 11:55 pm

Ears! I knew there was something else.

JHoffman - I am not sure if you can update the file in Other Downloads, assuming you will want to. If you need my cooperation please ask. I am willing to host your update at the present location on my website if you don't have a place to host it. You can send me a Private Message if you like, to organize this.


"Never eat more than you can lift" - Miss Piggy
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Postby drbored » July 19th, 2007, 11:27 am

The biggest problem I see with a curse file... is if you're stuck in a form, for example, a red fox or green lizard or something, and you see yourself like that for... well, the rest of your life, when you describe yourself later on, if you can't remember your previous form, people will look at you like you're crazy... I'm all for being furry, not so much for looking like an idiot.
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Postby Josh_artist » July 19th, 2007, 5:28 pm

i would like a less submissive furry tf file >_> i wanna see if mr cardigan would do one...
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Postby JHoffman » July 22nd, 2007, 2:48 am

Whoa-ho! Major thread necro, fellas. I digress drbored, there is a matter of idiocy involved if having said illusion for long enough. That being said, I don't think anyone really cares about that much; the goal is to get some sort of furry file working (Which I must be assuming correctly, we ARE talking about success as a major factor here).

In my personal opinion, if this file ever did work out (Gotta get back to Axiom, I didn't see his post. I uploaded that script to the database not long ago, it seems it isn't complete due to lack of 'ears' which he had forgotten), the last thing on my mind would probably be how others see the way you're acting.

The mind has enough stressing it out while trying to accomplish a controlled hallucination, you're probably ruining chances of success by weighing it down with exceptions like "whenever someone asks you about your appearance, you will subconsciously say the right thing", so on and so forth. If curses doesn't really sit in well, I'm probably sure that a 'remove curse' would be something else to consider, too. I'm not sure on the matter, and I haven't touched this thread in a few months, god knows if I'll work on any recorded versions of this (Since Axiom compiled what I said in another post into a script, possibly with some of his suggestions, not sure), since I'm hardly decent at recording even my own voice.

And Josh, you should probably go ahead and ask him. See what he says. I don't believe Cardigan has ever been asked about making a Furry TF file (He says on his website that he will make the file given that it is interesting, obviously).
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Repeditive Trigger

Postby otterman4444 » August 5th, 2008, 6:43 pm

I was thinking that if you made a file that all it did was make it so that whenever the user heard their name they would feel the affects of a furry transformation file take even more affect, whether they noticed or not, would be a powerful tool. To have a trigger that simply made them, whenever they heard their name, just remember the thought of being another being, furry, would be un-believably effective. Something that causes the affect of the file to continue when people would not normally be thinking about it. Sounds very possible to me.
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Postby Solarius » August 9th, 2008, 10:16 pm

Make it like stroke sissy, everytime you masturbate to furry thoughts/porn/fantasises, the effects become stronger and more real to you.

And too defend my point I point out Stroke sissy's effect and sucess stories.
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Postby blakgryf » August 10th, 2008, 9:14 am

That sounds like a good idea.
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Postby CHR » August 31st, 2008, 10:53 pm

Yeah, but that makes it less "real" because of the association between surgery and you being a human wearing furry skin :/

My suggestion would be the archetypal use of magic.

But other than that, I have fun reading a good furry transform story, maybe people could replicate that success? whatever they do in those, that are differant...
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