I might've missed it in the files or forums somehow but I don't remember running across what I'm thinking of doing.
Now keep in mind that there is a less than 10 percent chance of me actually getting this done, but that might grow with enough interest... maybe.
I guess I'm just curious how many people would be interested in a file that isn't exactly for hypnotizing but rather inducing a very relaxed and solid daydream. I've seen other files similar (if I remember right) but they were still mostly for hypnosis.
The one I'm thinking of would just be a story to listen to and for you to imagine in the same way you'd normally listen to hypnosis files. It might even help some people with visualization(?)
Anyway... I was thinking of doing this for myself eventually and if others wanted to try it I may put it somewhere. I was going to write out and narrate a story about becoming a cartoon character. (personal preference, and the fact it lends well to the imagination and might be easier to actually "imagine")
It was just going to be a short story about either going through the transformation of becoming a cartoon character (in this case TG'd, furry) or just waking up as that character and going about a confusing day dealing with it. I was going to write out an entire script then record it myself (if I can get a nice mic) with the MorphVox program... but only using light filters, nothing distracting. (mostly so I could take advantage of the file myself)
In my case, for the first file (if it ever comes to fruition) I was thinking of doing Gadget from the Rescue Rangers. Again, just personal preference but I see a lot of potential for files like this. If anyone has run across others or has any suggestions please don't hesitate to post. ^^
Thanks for reading... just curious if I'm the only one who is interested in this.