Trig Werewolf Experiances

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Trig Werewolf Experiances

Postby Ilisha » September 2nd, 2009, 6:00 pm

Well I have been using this file for some time now...infact quite sometime.

Now I have been listening to it once a week normally, but sometimes 2 or 3 times a week since I started some time ago.Progress has been slow but things have started to get much better which is why I have decided to update once again.

Now when I last posted I was only feeling some of the changes and not many, I seemed to have a resistance or slow take to the trance, but as of late it seems to be working much more. The changes whilst listening to the file have become much moe vivid, I will say the images running in my mind at times are very interesting and I will describe as best I can what I can remember.

((Effects while listening to file))

When i started out I could barely go into trance, figity and unable to relax, it was really slow to work and the most I got was a tingerling feeling on the back of my hands. Eventually my trances seemed to work a little better and I could feel the same effects on my face and hands.

When I last posted I could feel my face wanting to change along with my hands wanting to change but as if being held back being blocked and unable to get free. This happened also to my shoulders and legs only a few weeks after my last post. I will say it was rather exhiliatrating during the file and very strange.

However over time things changed again, and it began maybe two or three weeks ago when I had my first partial change, its hard to explain. But when I was listening to the feel i felt as if I was buzzing all over my body, during the trance takedown I could hear feel and move, but just didn;t, it was like I was myself and wasn't as if I was distant and unable to act.

When the file finally started and the triggers words were spoken it hit me, a sudden wave almost as I felt like my body was suddenly being filled with something that wanted to burst out. At first northing much happened, but as the file went on, my fingers moves and went clenched to make my hands somewhat paw like, I couldn't feel parts of my hands just this buzzing. But that was not all, its then this weird vision came over my eyes(Closed at the time) then I both felt and saw the next part, my whole mouth just pushed outward, I can say i was scared and shocked but also excited, it continued on till finally it stopped, it didn't push out to far but enough for me to feel and see it.

Next something annoyed me at the base of my spine, a pressure that pushed and pushed then a felt something worm its way behind my legs, something warm and was extreamly strange, these feelings and senses, after that the change back and wakeup happened and the haze faded and I woke up.

When I awoke I was sweating and felt as if I could run a mile and then some without even thinking on it. I just felt so energtic but mentally tired at the same time.

((I listen at night so in the end I went to bed and fell to sleep))

I left the file for a few days not even using the tirgger this had caused me to think a bit now. But after i tried again.....low and behold the same thing exactly the same as before and it still made my heart beat like crazy. Seriously this was weird. So the next day I tried the trigger.

((Tigger experiance))

Now I always struggled with this part over actually listening to the file, but after what had happened in the files whilst listening, I found yself wanting to see how the trigger would effect me.

When I said it, the same fuzzy feeling came, though slightly reduced, and that is what the changes were like, though I ound I could not stand on all fours without struggle, I could barely walk when I said it. I still found it was not complete as it broke after 5 or so minutes. Though I did feel a reducted version of the in trance experiance, it was more like a cover over my body that changed, and i could feel that, like a haze vision I could see.

((Current working))

Still doing what I do with the file listening and such, and have learnt a lot about hypnosis from this experiance, infact may be trying my hand at some files ((At least the scripts)) See what I can come up with.

But for now will keep trying to get this file to far I'm having quiet the experiance with it, and its really strange, tireing and exhilarating all at the same time.

Anyone trying this file give it time....i've spend I think over half a year to get to this point, and Am still working on making it last longer and work properly but the point I am at now makes m keep going.

Good luck to everyone and wish me luck ^^
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Postby TeenWolf » May 26th, 2010, 11:38 am

It took me 4 months to get to the point you are at.
I have tried this file and it's bloody scary.
You feel like the bones in your hands want to stick out and you feel like something in your body is forcing it's way out.
The only mental things I have experienced is the feeling that I was unaware of my surroundings, I felt like woods were my natural habitat (I was in the house as this point) and that sniffing the air was natural.
I do this at about 9PM when the house is quiet and the results are amazing.
I recommend it to anyone who is willing to get a bit freaked out.
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Postby Shiryuka » September 15th, 2010, 4:48 pm

TeenWolf wrote:It took me 4 months to get to the point you are at.
I have tried this file and it's bloody scary.
You feel like the bones in your hands want to stick out and you feel like something in your body is forcing it's way out.
The only mental things I have experienced is the feeling that I was unaware of my surroundings, I felt like woods were my natural habitat (I was in the house as this point) and that sniffing the air was natural.
I do this at about 9PM when the house is quiet and the results are amazing.
I recommend it to anyone who is willing to get a bit freaked out.

zorry about hte Z'z, broken keyboard

i've actually found that i can create effectz like that totally on my own juzt meditating, granted that requirez that you make zure zomeone doezn't interupt you frequently Dx

when it comez down to it, i believe hypnoziz dependz on the mind, and az zuch, there'z no reazon you can't hypnotize yourzelf by will alone. it'z hard to explain az, well, i ZUCK at explanaitionz Dx dezcription workz for me very well though.

my zimplezt experiencez have been zimply feeling like i waz floating, falling, or zpinning, when i know i wazn't, or being able to trace the flow of a zingle heartbeat allthe way from my heart down the trackz of blood veinz and back up zimply feeling the momentum of blood o.o it'z actually quite unuzual zometimez, and workz bezt in a dark room.

now on a more 'on the zubject' kindof thing, even in a well lit room i can relax and focuz, and, with my eyez clozed ztill, lift my hand and zee a claw, or feel a tail wrapped around my leg, or occazion even zee wingz zpread out to zide, and it all movez juzt az i do. if i had to make it a general dezcription, it'z like being able to make your mind 'zee' zomthing you dezire, and at the zame time make your body 'feel' what your zeeing.

granted, it doezn't work for everybody, it'z entirely dependent on your mind, how much you dezire zomthing, and all the detailz of that zomthing in your mind. i've done a LOT of thinking about all the thingz i end up zeeing, heheh.

Edit: almozt forgot, i alzo move around rather non-natural-human like juzt about anywhere, zometimez uzing your body to influence the way you 'feel' a lot can help your mind zimple will it to feel real.

on another note, i'm juzt rambling out my own method XD, if you've already got a method that workz for you that'z good, it'z not like i'm trying to zay mine iz better XD
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Trig Werewolf effect

Postby outkast1728 » November 21st, 2011, 5:13 pm

I actually had a friend email me the file long before I actually joined this site. Anyway I've been listening to the TrigWerewolf every night for almost the past year now and I still haven't felt any sort of change whatsoever. Almost every other file works on trancing me and giving me the effects mentioned, with the exception of this one.

Does anybody have an idea why this single file won't work?
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Trig Werewolf

Postby Xkay7 » August 26th, 2012, 11:24 am

I've been listening to this file for a few days and I can't even get into the trance. I tried the trigger after I listened to it a couple of times and nothing happened,I am starting to think I need to be entranced for it to work on me. Can I just listen to it on loop while I take a nap or do I have to be entranced? :(
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Postby joecomp2000 » August 26th, 2012, 7:22 pm

sounds like fun .. roaming the woods , re leaving on tress..
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