by DKaiser » June 19th, 2010, 5:58 pm
So, here's my experience from clients on this. Keep in mind, everyone's different with trance, so you might not perfectly match this. Also, I'm a piss poor trancer, so I haven't been able to personally test this(yet):
First, trance technique. If you already know what file you're using, try and see if that hypnotist has any training files out there to help you trance with them. If not, use something like Bubble Induction or some other generic trainer and just put that trigger in a playlist before your file. Transformation stuff is rather high level, so you'll at least want a medium level trance(time dilation), if not one with post-hypnotic amnesia.
Second, figure out what you want. Files like FurryTransformation take a long time to work because they're not specific. If possible, find a file that matches what you want to transform into. If not, then something generic like FT will work, it'll just take longer. Either way, it's not going to work if you can't form that mental image of what you're going to transform into, so lets work on that:
Pick a creature, character, whatever. Figure out in your mind what it looks like, and just spend a couple of times a day imagining it in your mind. If you have pictures, that'll help, but it's not necessary. Just make sure you can easily call it to mind. It also supposedly helps to imagine it from several angles, or doing something that you would do in your day(like walking around or putting on clothes). Perhaps imagine how it might feel to be transformed, and so on and so forth.
Third, the trancing(boy that took a while to get here). Put the file on with whatever induction/trigger works well for you, relax and get comfy. Once the files are starting, just starting doing your imagination again, focusing on what you want to transform into. Keep imagining, I betcha there's some details that you haven't imagined yet, even if you've been doing it for a few minutes. But here's the trick: don't "force" the images. You shouldn't be thinking about what it looks/feels like, you should be imagining it, rather casually. This is why you spend several days doing it beforehand, so it will become easy. If you're forcing the thoughts, and having to think up "Oh, what else is there about it", then you're not going to be mentally relaxed enough to trance.
By doing this, you'll build up the idea in your mind of what this form actually is, and not just relying on the verbal description of the files. Thus, all the files need to do is tell your mind "That thing, that you were thinking about. Yeah, transform into that." It's a lot easier than just trying to make the suggestions do all the work. We're here to work with the file, and this should help you do it. Now, if you want an open file like FT, where you can transform into multiple things, then follow the same process multiple times: Start with a form that you feel a strong attachment or desire to, then spread out to other ones. I betcha that once you start getting it with one, it'll just get easier and easier, since your mind will have already figured it out from that first one.
Again, anyone who's used transformation files personally, please chime in, this is just what I've learned from clients who used some of my files.
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