Looking for a very specific and personal transformation

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Looking for a very specific and personal transformation

Postby bluevelvet » December 22nd, 2011, 7:39 pm

This is largely a repost of my thread on the meeting grounds, but I feel like it might fit here better and get more concrete responses. I'm looking to transform my self image into my fursona, which is a herm skunk/dragon hybrid.

I’m a subject looking for potential tists who might be interested in playing around with hypnosis over yim. I’m a 22 year old male and very much interested in giving hypnosis a try. I’ve had little luck with files, so I’m hoping that a more personal experience will be more effective for me.

I've recently also had some positive experiences with both text and voice sessions over messanger, but it would be nice to find someone who could commit to really finalizing the tf process ffor me, as it tends to fade after a day or so - plus, either way id love more people with a common interest to chat with.

A little about me: I’m bisexual, so both male and female tists are welcome. I also identify as furry (a picture of my fursona here at my fa: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6938079, and a naughtier one here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7073521), and as you can see this identity would create both gender and species conflicts for me >//< Although I don’t show it often in my personal life, I identify more strongly with femininity than masculinity, hence my hermy-ness. While I have no real desire to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery in pursuit of this femininity (as it would disrupt my personal life and cause me physical/emotional stress), I would enjoy pursuing my fantasies via hypnosis.

Case and point, I’d be very interested in things like feminization (not necessarily in the sense of clothing, more like inner mentality), as well as transformative stuff that might help me see myself in my fursona form. On top of that, I’d be happy to incorporate more erotic stuff as well >//< I’m very much into slave and pet play and the idea of losing control, though there’s a certain level of trust I’d like to build up before delving into that. Also, I don’t have a cam or mic currently, so if that’s a deal breaker for you…well, I guess I’m sorry I put this so late in the post X3

Anyway, contact me at dizzeedavenport on yahoo if interested~
Posts: 2
Joined: November 28th, 2011, 1:00 am


Postby outkast1728 » December 22nd, 2011, 7:48 pm

I'll help you out and write a script for you hun. Just email me a pic of the fursona.
Posts: 818
Joined: November 17th, 2011, 1:00 am

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