Posted: July 12th, 2009, 7:24 pm
Hello everyone! I believe before I get to my question I should regale you a little of my back story. I've always had a huge fascination with centaurs ever since i was a wee lad. I remember reading books/stories about centaurs, looking at pictures of them, even praying that I could be one. And I guess i grew out of it because of the fact that i don't like horses that much. lol But I still enjoy the thought of the taur part you know. So I just found out I guess about foxtaurs ya see. And I instantly fell in love with them. It combines the best of both my loves. The taur part which I always had a fascination for, and the fox part which I love foxes. And I guess I was wondering, would something like that be achievable via hypnosis? If so, I might need help wording that sort of change into my script and would require help from some kind soul. So if it is possible I'm wondering if someone would be kind enough to help me try to word it for a script of mine.