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Mixed files....

PostPosted: January 1st, 2011, 1:19 am
by PhatMon
Hey...I accidently zoned out while listening to Fox furry Tf file and me and my girlfriend share a mp3 player. Well I kinda listened to this feminization file. And now I am stuck as an anthro vixen. What should I do????

PostPosted: January 1st, 2011, 1:27 am
by canpinter
enjoy it!

PostPosted: January 1st, 2011, 11:30 am
by Flow123

PostPosted: January 1st, 2011, 5:34 pm
by DKaiser
From a more practical standpoint, let it time out. Files fade over time. As long as you want it to go away, it will. If all else fails, deprogram files are good.

But yes, enjoy the experience for now. It's like being drunk, you can't suddenly get un-drunk, so just have fun with it while it lasts.

Re: Mixed files....

PostPosted: January 1st, 2011, 5:58 pm
by Liann
PhatMon wrote:Hey...I accidently zoned out while listening to Fox furry Tf file and me and my girlfriend share a mp3 player. Well I kinda listened to this feminization file. And now I am stuck as an anthro vixen. What should I do????

Yeah, yeah, we have heard that one a million times. Now accidentally listen to LIVING HER DREAM for two weeks and you will be right as rain.

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 1:26 am
by PhatMon
I would rather get it over with now. I listen to the fox tf file regularly to keep it fresh, but this one time with the feminization has it stuck to me somhow through the fox file. I can't even look at myself without getting embarrassed...

Re: Mixed files....

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 2:33 am
by Foxtail
Liann? Don't advertising your feminization files as a "cure" for someone's problem. Please. You're being rude and irritating.

In reference to the problem, you can let it fade or listen to deprogram all. If you have additional problems or this one doesn't go away, send me a PM and we'll discuss what to do further.

Re: Mixed files....

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 4:43 pm
by Liann
Foxtail wrote:Liann? Don't advertising your feminization files as a "cure" for someone's problem. Please. You're being rude and irritating.

In reference to the problem, you can let it fade or listen to deprogram all. If you have additional problems or this one doesn't go away, send me a PM and we'll discuss what to do further.

BUT calling somebody RUDE AND IRRITATING is not itself RUDE AND IRRITATING? What color is the sky in your world, dearie?

I don't buy the sales pitch that somebody listened to a file by accident. If you believe everything people say to you then why don't you email me your bank PIN numbers so I can send you $5,000,000 from my Nigerian Bank, Thweetie?

If a person is found in a bank vault when the bank opens in the morning and he doesn't work for the bank, the assumption is they broke in DELIBERATELY somehow, NOT that they are there accidentally.

A girlfriend has a M2F feminization file on her MP3 player.

What kind of a fool are you for believing that whopper?

What kind of fool is HE, having that girlfriend? Are you sure you wouldn't like $5 MILLION DOLLARS that I (trust me) say that I am going to give you if you email me you band data? It's easy money and all that you have to do is just believe a complete stranger saying something completely unbelievable.

NOW MISS RUDE AND IRRITATING, how dare you address your superior that way? His girlfriend obviously wants to feminize him and he wants that girlfriend, so what business is it of yours to hinder their fun?

I read his post, examined the words for their meanings, came to the correct conclusion and wrote the proper response which he was looking for. You read the surface, not the meaning, of the words and jumped to wrong conclusions TWICE, about first what HE SAID, and SECOND, about what I SAID.

The CURSE FORCED GAY threads are full of people who "accidentally" tried that file. People "accidentally" listen to hypnosis files every day, that turn them into something they are "absolutely opposed to". $5 MILLION easy money baby, just accidentally send me your PIN numbers. Look deep into my eyes... (@) (@) ... you are accidentally getting very sleepy...

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 7:05 pm
by PhatMon
Wait! You think she did this on purpose????

Oh I am in a new world of pissed now......

Re: Mixed files....

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 10:05 pm
by DKaiser
Liann wrote:BUT calling somebody RUDE AND IRRITATING is not itself RUDE AND IRRITATING? What color is the sky in your world, dearie?

NOW MISS RUDE AND IRRITATING, how dare you address your superior that way?

I'm trying very hard to ignore the irony. It's rather difficult. In lieu of asking a moderator to point it out, have a reminder that members of the forum are expected to be civil in their postings. You can be dominant over people on your own time, but if you expect others to be automatically submissive to you in a public setting, you're in for a nasty shock.

Liann wrote:His girlfriend obviously wants to feminize him and he wants that girlfriend, so what business is it of yours to hinder their fun?

Because Phatmon specifically asked us to make it our business. My apologies if you don't agree, but around here we have a tendency to offer help regardless of plausibility. Automatically assuming people are trolls doesn't make for a very useful forum.

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 10:14 pm
by Foxtail
Requesting a lock on this thread before it devolves into flame wars. Liann, I didn't say my post wasn't rude, I was simply remarking for you to stop being a total pusher in trying to force your opinion on someone under the guise of help. You're no better then the extreme and generally abusive tists of Adult hypnotic wishes. You want somewhere where you belong and can force others to the perfect little girls you seem to desire others to be? try that site.

Oops, I was rude, lock please.

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 10:35 pm
by PhatMon
Ok I am getting tired of this. I did this to get advice not start a fight. I am out the relationship now and I kinda like being a vixen. SO CAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 10:59 pm
by DKaiser

So yeah, if return comments need to be said, put it in PMs, so we don't continue derailing the thread.

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 11:27 pm
by Foxtail
PhatMon wrote:Ok I am getting tired of this. I did this to get advice not start a fight. I am out the relationship now and I kinda like being a vixen. SO CAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*also apologizes* best of luck then hun, again, if you need anything changed or removed, tell myself. I'll do what I can to ensure your hypnosis experience is happy.

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 8:48 pm
by Krysta
Back on topic, I'm a huge fan of fox tf's, both genders. Would love to talk to you further about your experience. on YIM or MSN. Or in PM here if you like