Online Hypno Master

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

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Online Hypno Master

Postby wetnick88 » May 29th, 2006, 8:54 am

I'm looking to explore remote cyber hypnosis. Really interested in triggers and forced clothing.

I'm a male bi student. 18 Years old.

Interested in trying new things and loosing total control.
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Re: Online Hypno Master

Postby EMG » May 29th, 2006, 10:57 am

You might want to try posting in Meeting Grounds as well.

wetnick88 wrote:I'm looking to explore remote cyber hypnosis. Really interested in triggers and forced clothing.

I'm a male bi student. 18 Years old.

Interested in trying new things and loosing total control.
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Postby EnigmaNZ » June 3rd, 2006, 12:39 am

Cyber bored me after a time. I had a number of cyber subjects, but over time it became too one sided and time consuming to continue so weaned them off. Spending hours a day thinking up ideas and creating the appropiate script did a lot for them, they got to experience all wonder of new and sometimes crazy activities, all I got was typers cramp. Lol. One contact lasted 2 years and was almost daily.
Good luck to you in your endeavours.
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Postby Blink » June 3rd, 2006, 6:23 am

EnigmaNZ wrote:I had a number of cyber subjects, but over time it became too one sided and time consuming to continue so weaned them off. Spending hours a day thinking up ideas and creating the appropiate script did a lot for them, they got to experience all wonder of new and sometimes crazy activities, all I got was typers cramp..

I've tried working by remote-control via chatrooms and over the phone. The telephone does at least provide some feedback. It's nice to hear the gasps and moans. I've even had cause to paralyze the vocal chords when a sub was afraid of being caught so I could just hear the labored breathing and occasional sharp intakes of breath as I played on.

My major problem hasn't been the feeling of one-sidedness--though I can certainly understand that. My problem has been in getting enough quality feedback to do good work. With a client face-to-face, you can see nonverbal responses, flattening of facial muscles, changes in skin tone. You get none of that online. There are changes in voice tone and in the speed, depth and quality of respiration that you can hear over the phone, but that's precious little information to go on.

Does anyone have any suggestions for improving this situation? I've done direct questioning, and it's functional, but clumsy. If that's the best option, than does anyone reading have any ideas for elegant refinements?

-- TA
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Postby EnigmaNZ » June 3rd, 2006, 10:20 pm

Yes, the lack of feedback was also a problem, along with the person acting, the old adage of, if it seems to good to be true it probably isn't, certainly seems to hold still. But I do miss the experience, I have had the accassional real life, and if far more interesting, after all, you can't get head over the phone or from online ;oD
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Postby missypuss » June 9th, 2006, 7:08 am

8O Pah !
Im shocked at that last comment.
Is hypnosis the only way you can get a girl to give you head.
Thats really rather sad isnt it?
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Postby EnigmaNZ » June 9th, 2006, 10:10 pm

Get a life, it was a tongue in cheek comment. Anyway, so what, perhaps you should jump on Gary as well with his "show your tits" section, tell him it's the only way he can see tits.

I have done years of online hyp, but there is something missing from not having face to face, besides head :P. A bit fustrated there are you misspussy.
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Postby missypuss » June 10th, 2006, 2:07 am

No! Im not a BIT frustrated.

Im a LOT frustrated actually.

How terribly kind of you to notice.

(I also think that online is a lot more difficult, if not impossible to do. x :wink: )
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online Head!

Postby strictausmstr » June 14th, 2006, 4:08 pm

I agree with missypuss..... solely online is very difficult.... if it is also topped up with telephone contact then it becomes somewhat easier and perhaps more rewarding. From the 'tists viewpoint it is a challenge to be creative enough to put in checks and balances to ensure thinsg are effective
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Postby missypuss » June 14th, 2006, 4:48 pm

Online is impossible.

I know occasionally I will be in the MOOD for online.

Therefore i feel submissive, obedient , horny and totally willing to type back those responses.

But other times, the "Tist" just has to tell me to do something that i dont agree with and I sign out.

Just like that.

A few days later Il hear from him,
And il tell him i got dropped from the system.
But truly its cos hes typed something ,

And Ive gone "shuddderrrrrr".................
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Postby strictausmstr » June 22nd, 2006, 5:42 pm

Online IS possible but as with all things involving two parties it is the willingness, needs, sensitivities, and understandings of the two and their own "sync" that counts.

Sure - logging out is an option... but a telephone call can remedy that often and if the relationship is honest then there should be no need for "disconnects"
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Postby missypuss » June 23rd, 2006, 1:47 am

Ah honesty...

Youve pushed a button there Strict.

Thats the trouble with online also, its difficult to judge if you or the hypnotist are being honest isnt it......
I mean how can he tell if Im really under, or if Im just sitting here filing my nails while Im typing?

My "friend " who I occasionally play online with knows I like to switch, and knows how I like to be dominated ,

But just occasionally I want it to be ALL about me,

And Im aware its sometimes a LOT about him......

And weve never spoken on the phone.

I only ever did that with a couple of you guys from here............ :twisted:
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Postby willingsub » July 23rd, 2006, 10:17 am

Has anyone here tried the more recent features of some of the IM-programs like MSN Live Messenger yet? It seems to me that when you combine voice over ip with the use of a webcam, the 'tist and his subject would have a much more direct contact. The 'tist would get his visual feedback, the subject would hear the 'tist's voice (which must make hypnosis easier than only words on a screen, or am I wrong?) and still you don't even have to meet face to face or exchange phone numbers to do it.
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Postby missypuss » July 23rd, 2006, 3:22 pm

Fantastic idea- so long as your "subject " is up for everyone remote viewing then on camera.........

And even under hypnosis, Im NOT.

I think I COULD handle my "tist" being on cam with voiceover IP tho, (especially if he was EMG himself.....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wink: )
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Postby rubaluva » September 7th, 2006, 3:44 am

Would you do it with someone in person here in Auckland Enigma?
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using a webcam

Postby strictausmstr » September 27th, 2006, 1:26 am

I am currently working with a young lady in Asia who is slowly enjoying hypno BDSM more and more....

I have incorporated use of the web cam in the training and so far have managed to limit the viewing to myself.... I believe that for another to view she would have to "accept" their request to view

All in all it is a good tool.... it stops the "filing the nails" aspect... :)

Working with IM, telephone and cam is very effective
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Postby gboy1 » December 21st, 2006, 6:20 pm

I am rick in vancouver bc and new would like to start
my e-mail is

I am willing when I am horny like now but want someone like you maybe to take my willing mind now and start sir
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voip and cam

Postby boygoingcommando » December 29th, 2006, 2:27 pm

voip and cam sessions certianly can help. Ive done many text and cam sessions and a few voip ones. voip is by far my favourite. Certianly after starting off my hypno life with the mp3s from here the simple act of putting on my soft heavy earphones is enough to start me relaxing now, so the voip just continues in the same line. I'm only a subject but I'm not sure exactly how much detail can be gained from the webcam certianly hypnosis wise. Sure the tist may well enjoy watching me strip or prance arround the room but I doubt any of the subtle details like changes in skin tone or muscle posture are that visable.

One thing I did find usefull and wanted to share was the use of a bluetooth headset. by setting up the voip and pc sound to run through that I get full movement and can give verbal feedback arround the house. It can be worn easily during sleep (one tist wanted to whisper commands to me every 10 minutes or so while I slept)

give me a shout if anyone else has tryed hypnosis like that?
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first comment of newbie .. hi to all of you

Postby doit » April 16th, 2009, 3:32 am

i am new to this area of hypno and would think a good rez cam would feedback skintones.

i have bluetooth headset and it works really well (motorola) I did a lot of searching to find a good one at the right price.
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