I dont feel pain-about Curse Punishment

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

Moderator: EMG

I dont feel pain-about Curse Punishment

Postby hypnopetwannab » December 11th, 2010, 5:50 am

I have been listening to EMG's Curse Punishment and although all his other files work very very well, this one doen't, well, I dont feel the pain. why dont I feel the pain, I love pain, I want pain. please help.
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Joined: August 15th, 2010, 12:00 am

Postby zapnosis » December 14th, 2010, 8:37 am

Pain is pretty difficult to do with mind control, in my experience. I have attempted to use an electric shock as a model for pain in one of my files and believe that this generally creates the "shadow" of pain, the reaction to it, without the actual pain itself. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the file you mention so there isn't much specific advice that I can give you, except to play along with the file in your imagination as much as possible. Good luck!

"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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