next poll/ file#3

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

Moderator: EMG

next poll/ file#3

Postby gork151 » September 25th, 2005, 12:17 pm

i have been thinking --- and for a file thinking of sort of a companion piece to mask.... - love Mask by the way can see progression in her ... even though it has been a busy time so not much play time... how about a title called COLLARED.... -- so have Mask for her to listen to and let go of her inhibtions get her motor running and then go into Collared... a deeper darker Pleasure Slave.. The need to submit to a master .. to wear his collar and all that means ... so Surrender wanders into script. The need to be collared to , submit to let go ... and pleasure slave in sense that she prepares her self to be pleasing to give pleasure or pain and and Degrade weight loss could be touched here , bimbo or desireable characteristics.. that she feels best with collar and mask off -- Seems that it would be advantagous to repeat or use some of previous materials as references as in taking off the mask could be said again and might act as a link to previous scripts ...think about Collared...= slut/ slave /pet / property /object for masters pleasure..
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Postby chymos » September 25th, 2005, 3:23 pm

That's an idea, but I'd make it a bit more focused, concentrate on a need to submit/surrender control of the slave's life to a master or mistress, and a need to please/be pleasing to the master/mistress, and make it clear that it's in all ways, not just sexual
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Postby gork151 » September 25th, 2005, 10:23 pm

i thought i just said that .. that it was the essence of being collared .. pleasing in all ways a need to be a collared ---fill in the blank
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Postby chymos » September 26th, 2005, 9:49 am

well, the pain and degrade weight loss bits might be undesired by some.....I know that if the pain aspect is there it might pull missypuss out of trance, and I have no real interest in pain not all slaves would benefit from something like degrade weight loss. it might actually cause some who are of healthy/fit weight to acquire an eating disorder or something along those lines

those are pretty much the points I was trying to raise
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file poll3

Postby gork151 » September 26th, 2005, 11:02 am

to pleasing you keep your body in shape - keep it desireable hair make- up ect i do believe i said elements of those thoughts .willing to submit willing to be pleasing to be owned .. my car gets washed polished on a regular basis - cleaned in side out so its ready for a trip. you dont need to be sick to get better. define what collared means and we might have a usable file.. i think we are more in agreement than dissimilar...
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Postby chymos » September 26th, 2005, 3:04 pm

well, yes, some statements to the effect of desiring to look one's best and to gain and/or maintain a more pleasing appearance would be good, however, I disagree with the concept of "degrade weight loss", which to my understanding focuses more on the negatives of *not* complying with the file.....a more effective method in most cases would be to focus on the positives, I'd think......positive reinforcement usually works better, and generates good feelings that the subject might associate with the file, thus increasing their desire to listen to files (a possible side benefit), and instead of giving a negative outlook towards not complying (which, again IMHO, could unnecessarily create an obsession with compliance based on fear and avoidance), giving a positive outlook towards complying will actually increase desire in a way that is healthier in the long run, and any obsession with complying would be directed in a more effective/efficient and healthy manner (ie, eating a healthy balanced diet and exercising properly, and *enjoying* doing so, vs (possibly) half-starving oneself, fad/crash dieting, and so on).....

I think a good summary would be to say that if she's losing weight by doing something that she's enjoying, she will have a better, more pleasing attitude that may perhaps influence her into further compliance in other ways, while if she's losing weight by avoiding something that perhaps she's afraid of will likely give her an attitude that leans more towards neurosis and is less pleasant to be around. (and believe me, I've seen enough neurosis to last a hundred lifetimes, all courtesy of exes (most of them not mine) and relatives of said exes)
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Postby missypuss » September 27th, 2005, 12:15 am

I would have to state at this juncture that you are probably both right in your own feelings on the file..
Gork.. It seems you are more into the humiliation aspect of D/s so your point is that this is how you would like your slave behave and how you like to condition her.
Whereas Chymos you are correct your slave is much more interested in the pleasing of her Master through positive reinforcement ie... by this I think that degrade weight loss would not be absorbed by my mind even if listened to as I would find it distasteful to listen to, and (perhaps) therefore I would not go into trance listening to it?
As a case in point, the file at the beginning of Dark Cage which had the content where a slave would have sex with an Animal did nothing for me, and despite listening to it a few times..I could not get my head around the sleeping with Animals aspect and so did not get into a trance while listening to it..
Also as Chymos stated about neurosis.. A friend has a seventeen year old daughter who suffers with Bullimia and if you could see the emotional trauma this puts her mother through on a daily basis ,then I think you would realise that its a whole different ballgame when it becomes this serious.
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Postby gork151 » September 27th, 2005, 10:10 am

there are more than a dozen possible files to vote for ... i, as i have mentioned in the past have a choice ... vote for my choice and if i dont get my choice see what the file is like and use it or not use it ... my role - if i do have one , as i see it, is to offer suggestions trying to incorperate what others have offered... and give the maker of the files scripts(EMG) enough feed back that he can focus his energies on the creative part and deliver a forceful script... mask was in my mind the sexual side which isa great file.. I was thinking Collared would be the companion piece on the tasks responsiblities needs of the slave to be collared or need to be collared by her of those would be to keep the body fit and in shape ... make up or other pleasing addtions like shaving ect could be stated previously elements of some of the other possible files or past files could be incorperated.... i dont use degrade weight loss with her - i have not voted for it but others have been intrested and suggested it to us and to me ... there are dark cage files i use and there are those i dont ... i have no axe to grind with degrqade weight loss or not -- i am brainstorming making suggestions -- trying to add to the body of work called dark cage more than happy to turn that role over to others .. or just go with # 2 on the existing poll Dark Cage2 - pain... and get over this , move on ... and as far as positive or negative reinforcement and my slave is concerned i use both .. a majority of which is positive ,, as you know she is also my life partner and this is a real time relationship .. which has a different dynamics than maybe the one you are in .. i would suspect all the readers and users of dark cage have their own theroies and ideas and hangups ...unless we order custom files or create our own , all of us will probably find a file or a piece of it not quite to our liking .. i have modified some of the files to suit my needs ... i have "filled" in with some of my own poor atempts at hypnosis files.. in my wifes case excersie is the way i choose to keep her fit .. so i hike with her swim with her golf with her .. i also have her dance for me . plus we have several pieces of equipent at home that are regularly used when the weather is not permiting...she gets her nails done regularly keeps her self shaved and visits the beauty parlor regularly...she applies make up in an attractive way and selects clothing or lack of it to please me .. so when we play she is ready .. none of that requires me to humiliate her or use negative reinforcement ... what i am looking for from a file is support on a direction i have already taken-- i have been intrested in the input of others and have learned alot for those contributions...this will be my last post for a while ,,, i did not want to cause a contoversy and argue it out in a public forum.. i see that in other forums --- this is a hobby, an idea place, a sharing spot .. i am not the moderator , i am not the one who created the files my voice is no stronger than anyone elses ..i think emg has all the information he needs to either create a file as in dark cage 2 or redo the poll let everyone revote on new one or ... so iam not needed until a poll is up and i vote for my choice like everyone else and then listen to it after to see if he did another killer job or maybe its something for down the road ..... so till then Gork has gone to the lurker side
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Postby chymos » September 27th, 2005, 10:23 am

heh......I think there was a misinterpretation on my part, that's all.....our private conversation's cleared that up......Gork, you're one of the largest contributors to the Cage. Don't go into hiding, that's my job lol!

I apologize for my jumping on you over what was probably only a misinterpretation on my part based on only partial info as to the content matter of the degrade weight loss file.......perhaps instead of just suggesting incorporating aspects of <insert file name here> it would be better to specify what aspects of the file in question?
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thanks apreciate that

Postby gork151 » September 27th, 2005, 10:31 am

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Postby missypuss » September 27th, 2005, 10:50 am

Gork I too am sorry if I offered up an answer to your question which made you feel I was arguing a point.
I was not ..
Of course everyone here is here for a different reason ..
And what suits you and your slave is ok for u and your slave.
I was just proffering an opinion.
But as lately my opinion seems to cause more offence than anything else.
I will remove myself from the arena.
And allow you Masters to continue your debate.
I apologise for any offence I may have caused.
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Postby chymos » September 27th, 2005, 3:09 pm now because I misinterpreted a post, two of the main people in the forum are going into hiding...... :(
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Postby missypuss » September 28th, 2005, 12:07 am

No I am still here...... :wink:
I just felt I was perhaps not entitled to offer my opinion.
When after all ,you Masters know what is best for your slaves.
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Postby chymos » September 28th, 2005, 5:00 am

Actually, you are entitled to give your opinion......your opinion, if nothing else, will help me devise new and more effective ways to warp your mind ;)
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Postby missypuss » September 28th, 2005, 10:44 am

Im still here and am glad to see my opinion is still valid . I agree with Gorks comments about being collared for the next file .
However for me the degrade weight loss would not take me there.
I like the collared aspect.
I also liked the way my mind felt about the deeper darker aspects of submission.
I am being honest here.
I am not a pain slut. But the bondage side of submission makes me hot and wet and gagging for more every time.
To be tied and blindfolded and waiting ..
Thats a place I long to be.
When u are in the dark.
No sound but the noises of your Master as he prepares the scene for whatever he has in mind.
While u are helpless.
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Postby chymos » October 16th, 2005, 12:24 pm

I've sent a couple of scripts from the files I put together to EMG, hopefully he'll post them soon. The induction one is exceptionally effective, I think.
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Postby missypuss » October 21st, 2005, 10:29 am

Regarding exceptionally effective. Where are you lately??
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Postby chymos » October 21st, 2005, 3:10 pm

I've been busy helping a friend prepare to move......they left wednesday night/thursday morning...
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with the last two files

Postby gork151 » October 21st, 2005, 6:38 pm

wonder what direction the new poll/file will take -- i have listened to predator a few times -- found myself in one of he local grocery stores looking at the women there as potential slaves even if i dont go under as such word pictures seem to implant themselves... and was she ready for the pain file -- think she has only listened to it a few times but that was her recent break through and her desire for spanking flogging pain is rising quickly.. i am amazed at the long and winding road we took to get here and then how fast everything seems to be comming together. as the anal and pain barriers shift and seeing that files i have for her now are working well .. i see pleasure slave( the file) would still be good because how she displays herself is imporant .. what she puts on how she moves -- the sounds she makes the faces and eye contacts how she crawls how she whimpers .. how she gives herself ... so just doing it is not enough -- think abou thow you look how you are presenting yourself... on her own she is setting herself up to get a brazilian wax job.. and then there is surrender ... she is so close but you can see in her eyes at times she is has gone over the edge and is there slave/slut my pet ... but then she is passively resisting not even aware .. taking less away getting less of the experience because she hasnt totally let go- surrendered - given in .. so surrender would be good to tak eher over the top...but the one if it were done right done the way i visualize it would be animal three : in heat... no out clauses .. not sort of animal but animal with a red warning label... as i look through the various files the word tracks and words are there but always gently .. courtly... dark cage comes with a warning themes of an enslavement nature.. i want a file with no out clauses -- strong language direct clear .. needy whimpering if she doesnt get it -- wanting to be nasty to be treated nasty -- sweaty slut on the prowl -- hungry pussy becomes a cunt a slut becomes an animal -swollen becomes engorged.. self control become marginal... the pussy just keeps swelling getting hotter and hoter.. needier and needier ... begging for attention becomes pleading ..need to show off nasty needs ... i would pay for or help pay for this file if made this way..
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