bdsm and hypno reinforcement

A place to discuss the use of Hypnosis in BDSM relationships

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bdsm and hypno reinforcement

Postby gork151 » February 12th, 2006, 9:42 am

as i work with my slave i have her listen to the dark cage series as well as some other selected files ... if she were just listening to the files i might expect one out come, the desire .. but i think it is imporant that her training include real time experiences which i know is a DUH type of statement question is how are the rest of you using the files with real time experiences ????..... as in i have her listen to them just before she is going to submit or try something new do you use the files?
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Postby THeDeSade » February 12th, 2006, 1:22 pm

We have been active in the bdsm lifestyle for more than 20 years, but have just now gotten around to exploring hypnotism as part of the lifestyle. Since we are just starting, I am pretty much still in learning mode as to techniques, methods, uses, etc. I have looked at the descriptions of all the files and have picked a few out that I think I will eventually use with my wife/submissive.

I have looked at the dark cage series and I think I will use those at some time. I am still trying to figure out the whole induction/traiing thing. I have asked EMG about the possibility of posting some "help" type files or some "how to" files for those of us who are complete novices in this area.

ANyone else have any suggestions?

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Postby gork151 » February 12th, 2006, 2:16 pm

first is she an easy trance? has she ever been hypnotised before? if she has she has a deep memory of that and can reach back and caputure it .. if not experiment ... the inductions are devces that take one into trance into a suggestible place in the brain where new ideas can be inserted... on the files you can do modificatons if you desire -- like in my case my slave gos deep prety quickly so once i have her in trance i can either loop an idea so she gets many repitions of the same idea or i can have several file bodies - or where the information is passed to the subject... so what i have done is keep an induction to get her there and removed the wake up piece. so i will start with an induction .. i like the dark cage seduction induction because it has elements in it that i like as it is sort of a sexual induction ... and then use a file body like animal 3 to get her sexual then move to a more training one like from the slave series or pleasing or humiliation.... as new ones have come on board i begin with those as the fresh nature of it keeps her alert ...but based on my experience do not expect quick results ... i suppose her age may have something to do with it -- younger less old information to overcome .. older more history ... i have been having her listen to these files since last april-- looking at it from a longer term i do see great results .. i often place her in s semi bondage situtation ... caged as an example .. to reinforce her files as they are being placed in her head .. i have also noticed if she starts with them going and then i take her through scene with the information going she is not aware of the files or the voice but can become very responsive...the key i think to begin with is to relax to emg and his presentation.. so his voice is echoing in her head and she is comfortable with it and is not fighting the induction... mask of dark cage series was designed to listen to when she gets home from work or other time you want her in the proper mood...even if she does not go into a deep trance the repitition of ideas key phrases will go along way in planting new ideas you can reinforce later.... i am finding that as she grows so must i -- and that is my challenge i dont have 20 years in bdsm .. i go along way back in hypnotism but she is the only female i have ever really worked with much less bdsm ... so i am relooking at who i am and where i am going as she begins to really open up to this ... and i would recomend the dark cage series plus some of the other things because when he is giving directions it is more aimed .. by that i mean gender specific ... so instead of man woman or other it is that your pussy is getting hot that your breasts feel good ect..
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Postby THeDeSade » February 13th, 2006, 3:51 pm

All good ideas and what seems like sound advice.
Since we have no experience, I cant say yet how easy she will be to trance. I do, however, suspect that she will be pretty easy since she is willing and interested in exploring this.

Thanks for the advice and experiences on how you are using the files.
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Postby gork151 » February 13th, 2006, 6:13 pm

you just have to begin then.... i use an i pod with mine works for sleep or other times as well but also have a portable set of speakers that work with it
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Postby missypuss » February 16th, 2006, 1:06 am

Personally, as Gork said I found ,and find, the repetition of key phrases from the DC series and the other files I have been listening to help me get my mind where it needs to be during a scene..
If I hear a certain phrase repeated over and over, each time a scene is played out- then the more I hear it, the more I make a connection to each place and space Ive been to in my mind... it works......taking my mind a little deeper into it each time and making each scene we play out more and more real for me.
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its in her eyes

Postby gork151 » February 16th, 2006, 10:59 am

as she has progressed i can see the slave emerging in her eyes ... when she is in a scene and she lets go i see it in her eyes .. and it is there more and more all the time ... i find when i put her into a place and have her listen to my selected files , she comes out the look is there and it is going to be intresting now i can get her there by file or by mental or physical means...and when i mix all means she moves closer to slave hood.. barriers and limitations are reduced ....but on some of the files she is reaching the 200 times listening to them as the files work well as a erosive experience .. slowly replacing who she was to who she is becomming
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Hypno BDSM

Postby strictausmstr » March 13th, 2006, 10:50 pm

I am using hypnosis with my slave to a wonderful effect.

In essence at the beginning the use of hypnosis required the final barrier be relinquished... her conscious ability to resist/react :)

As time has gone on (we have used hypnosis for nearly 6 months) my slave has come to appreciate the feeling of deep relaxation and "energisation" I leave her with after a session. Slowly I have shaped her thinking and even - to some degree - her conscious memories.

I use hypnosis to implant ideas and drives that yes I could do without hypnosis but this is so much more fun and so much more direct. As a result I have my slave working very positively in her business and it is growing well (I am a business mentor so I guess I am able to be positive on this) as well as making positive moves in her personal lifestyle - perhaps more rapidly than without hypnosis.

My slave is absolutely hairless on her body due to the use of the pubic hair loss file.... extended by me to focus on her whole body. My slave is energised and her metabolism is working well and her body shape changing as I have amended her eating habits easily (no more chocolate or snacks).

In summary I can say that hypnosis has made it easier and more rapid in training and teaching her but there is nothing that could not probably have been achieved without hypnosis and WITH a hell of a lot of patience and time.

Although she is not permitted memories of actual occurrences under trance she does feel a wonderful sense of wellbeing from trance.

As her Master and Owner I can genuinely say that the addition of hypnosis has brought a whole new dimension to our D/s relationship
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good post

Postby gork151 » March 14th, 2006, 11:46 pm

good post i agree in principle
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Hypno BDSM

Postby wannabefine » August 6th, 2007, 11:37 pm

I was wondering if the subject (female) wanted to put herself in a position to get brainwashed for a year and had an open mind about all subjects would hypnosis work on her if she was kept in restraints and made to listen to hypnotic tapes 24/7 even when she was being used for the gents enjoyment whether it be him or someone he wanted to watch using her. Do you think that a woman who grew up a prude but in her 50's started to date again and found out about bdsm and decided she liked it turn into a total slut, slave? Would she be able to allow any and all to use all three holes and learn how to deep throat even while getting used in her other holes at the same time? Would she be able to turn into a total slut and take on all at the parties at the gents residence and still want more?
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Postby missypuss » August 7th, 2007, 12:16 am

What a very interesting question, loaded with things I look forwards to someone on here answering succinctly and at length.

However, my response, as with any other question like this, would be NO! not unless that was exactly what she wished for......

Im curious , how do you expect to keep her restrained for a year precisely?
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Postby tenshot » August 7th, 2007, 1:50 am

As someone who is pretty young but has luckily marginal health issues due to both being uniformed and my previous Mistress also being uninformed really long term bondage (as in being in the same position for long periods of time) can mess up your circulation. I have no idea how long this is, or why exactly it matters that my blood pools in my back or something, but luckily my new girl is an RN and explains all these things to me in a way that leaves me dumbfounded, yet understanding of "yea that would be a stupid idea." Please, keep in mind that the internet (or horiby written books) do not even hold a candle, the majority of the time, to how BDSM is.

Would someone in their 50's become a total slut because of BDSM? It depends on them and the owner they choose. If a prude suddenly starts going out drinking at bars, or buys a motorcycle, or starts skydiving, etc etc etc. it's not going to make them suddenly change elsewhere. i've had things suggested to me under hypnosis that my mind simply rejected, it's entirely voluntary. Yes hypnosis is in a lot of cases quite powerful, but remember that your only planting sugestions.
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Postby missypuss » August 7th, 2007, 12:05 pm

Good answer and one which I agree with ......

I am interested in hearing the responses from others..........?
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Postby gork151 » August 7th, 2007, 11:07 pm

if miss puss says so --it must be so
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Postby missypuss » August 7th, 2007, 11:43 pm

Why Gork , you flatter me with your kind words! xx
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Re: Hypno BDSM

Postby praxis » August 9th, 2007, 11:03 pm

wannabefine wrote:I was wondering if the subject (female) wanted to put herself in a position to get brainwashed for a year and had an open mind about all subjects would hypnosis work on her if she was kept in restraints and...

Missypuss hit the nail on the head - if the subject wants all that on some level or another, then sure. As far as keeping someone restrained for a year.. I'm sure it makes a nice fantasy, but it's impossible without doing permanent harm (and have you ever seen the movie Seven?).

Sure, people can change that drastically. But again, only if they want that change.
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restraints? changing persona?

Postby strictausmstr » August 9th, 2007, 11:27 pm

Guys... I have read the thread on the 50 year old and about the idea of long term restaraints..... try putting mental restraints on first..... for say a week... every day when she comes in the she feels that she is tethered to a chair or a place in a room.... surely this is far less physically damaging and can reflect the true state of mind

Additionally as to changing from a prude to a wanton "slut"... it must be inside to be brought to the fore... you do not hypnotise someone - they permit you to put them in trance.... you do not change them... they allow you to bring out an inner feeling

If it is there - do it! enjoy but be safe.

Physical restraints for a long period are damaging... psychologically and physically.... try the mental conditionaing... it is a better test of your skilland of her willingness
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Re: Hypno BDSM

Postby maskedwomyn » January 11th, 2009, 4:26 pm

wannabefine wrote:I was wondering if the subject (female) wanted to put herself in a position to get brainwashed for a year and had an open mind about all subjects would hypnosis work on her if she was kept in restraints and made to listen to hypnotic tapes 24/7 even when she was being used for the gents enjoyment whether it be him or someone he wanted to watch using her.

i don't know about other slaves but i do know that this would match my definition of heaven. i want to be kept in bondage just like this.

wannabefine wrote:Do you think that a woman who grew up a prude but in her 50's started to date again and found out about bdsm and decided she liked it turn into a total slut, slave? Would she be able to allow any and all to use all three holes and learn how to deep throat even while getting used in her other holes at the same time? Would she be able to turn into a total slut and take on all at the parties at the gents residence and still want more?

i was raised as a Southern Baptist, so you can say that i was raised as a prude. The only positive aspect of that upbringing was the belief that a woman should subject herself to her husband's control. Still it took me a long time to get past it. i think it would have been a much faster and less painful project if i had hypnotic assistance the way your slave would now. i am 57, soon to be 58 and i am a slut. i started the path to transformation in my thirties so i have been working on it for some time but there were long gaps during which i didn't make any progress at all with short periods of dramatic progress in between. i believe that the files here could make that progress much quicker by cutting out the long gaps and helping her to make the transition with a concentrated period of progress. Especially if you keep her in bondage and subject her to the hypnotic files 24/7 as you suggested.

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Re: Hypno BDSM

Postby maskedwomyn » January 11th, 2009, 4:35 pm

praxis wrote:Missypuss hit the nail on the head - if the subject wants all that on some level or another, then sure. As far as keeping someone restrained for a year.. I'm sure it makes a nice fantasy, but it's impossible without doing permanent harm (and have you ever seen the movie Seven?).

i don't think that wannabefine was restricting himself to chains and ropes where the tight confinement would be harmful. With the use of cages and cells a person can be kept restrained for a year without causing any physical harm. Just in the past year there have been several cases of women who were imprisoned by their father or their lover for decades. Long term bondage like that and hypnosis could make dramatic changes in a person's personality over the course of a single year.

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