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My experience

PostPosted: September 23rd, 2024, 3:41 am
by VeryGnawty
I am so helpless. I started doing hypnosis, and now some of my clothes can't be removed without the permission of my Mistress. I was wearing my sweatpants, and I could barely budge them, my hands just wouldn't push my sweatpants down very far. So, unless I have my Mistress's permission to remove my chastity clothes, the only way to try to masturbate would be to do it without removing my clothes. I have done that before, but it's way different if you masturbate while still wearing clothes, at least for someone with a male body. The feeling of your clothes being pressed against you is different than skin. But, I usually don't think about masturbating with my clothes on. I went back to my Mistress and asked for her permission to remove my sweatpants. I also get horny from an old hypnosis. It's amazing how much difference it makes when at least one article of clothing can't be removed without someone else's permission. It really makes a big difference. I remember in the past I would just masturbate. Now, if I am wearing one of the clothing articles that is a chastity piece, it is not so easy. Mistress used to like to make me wait before letting me masturbate, but more recently she talks and asks questions first before she gives me permission for things like masturbation or removing a chastity piece of clothing. So, I end up being horny for longer if I'm wearing a chastity piece of clothing.

I'm horny and wearing my sweatpants. I have to wait for permission from Mistress to remove my sweatpants. But, she works a lot and sleeps through the night.