britni wrote:I had a headache that seems to be lingering all day today and I don't even remember the sessions? I will try again tonight. I hope the headache will diminish and I'll remember this time.
Don't expect to remember that training at all. it never remembers the specifics of any of Master's training sessions, but it knows that some of the files include specific commands to not remember what is in the body and it has the impression that file is one of them. remembering the specifics is of no importance.
At some point, you will have accepted Master's commands so deep in your mind that you will act upon them without any concious thought. You will have been changed permanently as you desired when you started listening to the file.
puppet makes a good point about neck strain and dehydration especially with a long time of being under. it occasionally runs a marathon session of its training files, but finds that after about 3 hours of being in trance, it wakes up incredibly thirsty with a slight headache. A couple glasses of water makes the headache go away and it can return to trance.
good luck in your training