enhancing hypnosis files with binaural beat and subliminals

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enhancing hypnosis files with binaural beat and subliminals

Postby Calimore » August 11th, 2008, 2:01 pm

Hello, Calimore here, a WarpMyMind.com and Hypno-Fetish.com member who is studying NLP and hypnosis.

I have been developing audio engineering techniques for use with music, both recorded and live, for a couple of years, now, however, I'm relatively new to the field of hypnosis.

A few months ago, I was quite excited to find EMG's site, full of files by himself and others, geared toward aiding people to experience erotic hypnosis first hand, in the privacy of their own homes.

I was even more thrilled to find that EMG was encouraging active participation from the site's users to help build an even larger library of hypnosis files by submitting their own works, including works that were based on the efforts of other.

As augmentation of audio performances has long been and interest of mine, I decided to attempt to enhance some of my favorite files, mostly to make them more effective for myself, but also to enhance the enjoyment of others.

I have now 'sweetened' a number of files on WMM, and would like to hear from my fellow members concerning their use of binaurally and subliminally enhanced files, both by myself as well as others on this site.

Some of the questions I have are:

"Do you prefer to use binaurally enhanced files over those that don't employ the technique?"

"Do you like to use subliminal or subliminally enhanced files?"

"Are there specific file types (inductions, triggers, training files, etc.) that you prefer to use which employ one, the other, or both techniques?"

"Would you enjoy using music files that include subliminals that enforce the effects of files found on WarpMyMind?"

"Would you enjoy music files meant to create binaural beat effects for the purpose of creating a trance state or enhancing specific cognitive abilities?"

I would also like to know which WarpMyMind binaural or subliminal files have helped you and how you feel they were beneficial.

These are a few of the prominent questions I have concerning this subject. I intend to post more as the topic is discussed and hope to even correspond individually with some of the participants in this thread to find out how my efforts may be improved to meet their needs and the needs of others.

Thank you for taking the time to read the thread. Please feel free to post your comments here or to ask additional questions of your own.

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Postby pimmholly » August 22nd, 2008, 2:55 pm

I find files that have been augmented with binaural beat sequences to be very effective for me and I wish that more file makers would use them. I've used some binaural beat mp3s in meditation and found it interesting , to say the least. I've been playing around with a binaural beat generator program called SBaGen to try and generate sequences of my own but it's very difficult. I'm still learning.

I don't think I would be interested in music files that include subliminals but others might.
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Postby zapnosis » August 23rd, 2008, 2:14 am

"Do you prefer to use binaurally enhanced files over those that don't employ the technique?"

"Do you like to use subliminal or subliminally enhanced files?"
when the opportunity comes up, yes, but no biggie

"Are there specific file types (inductions, triggers, training files, etc.) that you prefer to use which employ one, the other, or both techniques?"
no i don't think so

"Would you enjoy using music files that include subliminals that enforce the effects of files found on WarpMyMind?"
I already tried this and found it so-so.

"Would you enjoy music files meant to create binaural beat effects for the purpose of creating a trance state or enhancing specific cognitive abilities?"
i'd like to try this, but copyright issues and so forth make such things difficult

Oh btw, I heard there was someone around on the hypnofetish scene who always checked a recording through before he listened to it, including subliminals. Does anyone know how you can check a subliminal track? Is there software for this? Thanks...
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Postby Everything » August 31st, 2008, 11:45 am

Cal, I liked what you did with My think My Thought trance. I tested the binaural version you did of My file with a couple of My regular trancers and they felt the additional effects as well. Thanks for enhancing My file and we need to catch up sometime, its been a few months.
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Postby Kenn » August 31st, 2008, 1:41 pm

I personally do like binaural beats. I like the files that have subliminals in them, I figured that they couldn't hurt, so why not have them in also. They could reinforce what the file is saying. Iamasubjectofme's files often contain a subliminal version of the file within it.
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Postby slutinmyhead » September 20th, 2008, 3:00 am

I love binaurals. I still don't know how to include them in the files I make, but I definitely notice an increased trance effect when listening to files that have them. As for subliminals, I'm still kind of on the fence regarding their effectiveness. I have really enjoyed your contribution to this site so far. Please continue the good work.
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Postby Calimore » September 29th, 2008, 11:40 pm

Thanks so much for all the feedback, everyone. It's always good to hear what others think of what you are doing, as well as what they enjoy in general.

I use a program called Brainwave Generator to create most of my binaurals. The shareware version will export files for like 30 or 90 days before you have to register it or stop using it, which gives a devoted enthusiast lots of time to play around. It's quite full featured but requires a lot of tinkering to get a complex binaural effect. Well worth the time, though, and the registration fee, if you like to use binaural beats in your sessions and files.

Audacity is the real key to mixing great audio files and adding effects, though. Adobe bought the program, originally known as Cool Edit Pro, and added some features, while deleting others. One thing they removed was the 'Brainwave Synchronizer', but the backbone of it is left intact so one can use the binaural panning effect. I've been told one can still do everything with it that could be done before, it's just labeled differently and doesn't tell you if you are making alpha or delta binaural beats. This means that if you know what frequencies you wish to create and how you wish to create them, you can use Audacity to create binaurals within nearly any audio file. The tricky part is making it sound good at the same time. ;)

Audacity's vocoder can make very nice subliminals as well. By playing with the affect level, one can make their subliminals as perceivable as they wish. Trial and error will allow one to find the level that is best for the project at hand, but a good rule of thumb is vocode at around 15% and adjust upward or downward from there until the effect is difficult to discern.

Other than that, practice makes perfect. While I do use other pieces of software (as well as files from commercial sound effects libraries), most of what I have contributed to the site has been made using the two above mentioned programs. It may take a lot of time and you'll probably make plenty of mistakes, but making decent sounding files with binaural and/or subliminal components can now be done by just about anyone with a computer and the will and patience to do so.

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Binaural Beats with Subliminals

Postby hypnointerest » October 5th, 2008, 6:34 pm

I'm interested in binaural beats/music designed to cause trance that just appear to be normal music, but have subliminal suggestions. (Or even better just a blank binaural track that you can add your own subliminal track to.)
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Postby MistE » January 9th, 2009, 3:05 pm

Hehe. Binaural beats are an interesting topic. The actual science behind them is kinda cool if you ever read any of the papers on it. When it comes down to it, I only tend to use them in files where I don't tell the subjects about them. As to subliminal effects, I highly recommend Audacity (as Calimore does) for reducing the tone of the voice track below the music. There are a LOT of royalty free music liscencers out there, for those of you who make commercial tracks.

Lots of good trance music on the net. Put your subliminals under it and see. :) Audacity is awesome because of how you can set up echo tracks and cross-lay stuff. Seriously, download it and play around.
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Postby Nymphaea » January 10th, 2009, 8:09 am

Heh old thread, I'll join in though

"Do you prefer to use binaurally enhanced files over those that don't employ the technique?"

"Do you like to use subliminal or subliminally enhanced files?"
Subliminally enhanced prefered over just subliminal, but they tend to work well.

"Are there specific file types (inductions, triggers, training files, etc.) that you prefer to use which employ one, the other, or both techniques?"
I find looped files work really well with both of these techniques, but the best place for them is probably inductions. Once under, they most likely do help alot, but considering you're already under it wouldn't make that large of a difference(just oppinion, no facts)

"Would you enjoy using music files that include subliminals that enforce the effects of files found on WarpMyMind?"
Would be handy, I personally find files that are supposed to 'stick with you' don't tend to work well on me.

"Would you enjoy music files meant to create binaural beat effects for the purpose of creating a trance state or enhancing specific cognitive abilities?"
Again same as the last answer, anything that helps is always a good thing.

"I would also like to know which WarpMyMind binaural or subliminal files have helped you and how you feel they were beneficial."
smotp's DEV files, though technically not subliminal, have 2 overlapping audios that to me causes a similar effect, only being able to focus on 1 at a time. Another file that did this is Apple's kitten loop(but with more overlapping audio), which is even suggested as a subliminal file.

A random comment too, that this kind of thread is actually a really good idea, thinking of getting into making files myself, this type of info helps everyone who is making files on the site. I may open something like this soon when I have the time to start trying my own recordings(school eats time like pacman eats dots x.x)
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Postby Calimore » January 10th, 2009, 4:18 pm

Nymphaea wrote:Heh old thread, I'll join in though...

[much deleted]

A random comment too, that this kind of thread is actually a really good idea, thinking of getting into making files myself, this type of info helps everyone who is making files on the site. I may open something like this soon when I have the time to start trying my own recordings(school eats time like pacman eats dots x.x)

Jump right on in! The more the merrier. :)

I try to start constructive threads when posting new messages in the forums. I sincerely hope others respond as well as you, Nymphaea - your comments actually got me thinking about how I want to make my next file!

Thanks you much and happy file making.
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Postby synthbomb » April 19th, 2009, 11:28 pm

Hello Calimore,

I really enjoy what you add to alot of the files on the site. To answer some of your older questions I find the subliminal aspect of what you add works very well with me, and I for one would love to listen to music you put out with subliminals in it. Just thought I would throw my two cents in here.

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