Permission for uploading files?

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Permission for uploading files?

Postby korik1 » September 11th, 2008, 5:32 pm

First off, hello to everyone.

Thought I'd say a bit about myself. I've always been very interested in hypnosis and years ago I found, mcstories which then led me to my main fetish (BE) and now I've come full circle and returned once more to hypnosis. I'm here because I find the possibilities of hypnosis fascinating, including self-hypnosis.

Now to the point of this post. I know that many people say from reading the forums that Lutz's Bubble Induction file is one of the best for getting into trance (I agree, I found it very relaxing though I have to try it and other induction files more). However, it wakes you up before the end of it making it less useful for inducing a trance and then playing another file. So I used Audacity to cut the file into to parts that are to be put on either end of a file; one containing the induction and one containing the awakening. I want to upload this file because even though it's very simple I felt that it would be useful to those who find the bubble induction file a good way of entering trance.

The problem is that I'm unsure about whether I need Lutz permission to upload said files, and if I do, how to get in contact with him. Any help would be appreciated.
Posts: 11
Joined: September 9th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby lorcain » September 12th, 2008, 12:56 pm

I'd say you should definatly ask his permission before you upload a file that is basically his just with a few modifications.

The easiest way to contact him is probably by sending him a private message here, there is a tab for that in the list to the left :)
He might have an email address, or MSN or something like that in his profile though you could contact him on that if it's in his profile I guess.
Posts: 60
Joined: November 27th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby korik1 » September 13th, 2008, 4:05 pm

I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks for reminding about that feature.
Posts: 11
Joined: September 9th, 2008, 12:00 am

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