File requests, anyone?

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File requests, anyone?

Postby MistE » January 9th, 2009, 3:17 pm

Well, it's the weekend. I'm bored or possibly in need of inspiration. I'm looking at an empty Sunday since a date canceled. Anyone have a file request?

For samples of my work, see the "A Day At The Spa" file on the site. I'm just starting my actual recording career (since I don't do much scripting, a friend does my scripting). So, would anyone like a file done by someone with a sexy voice? :P

If you'd like a subliminal track, something with binaural beats, anything you'd like, drop a post here, or private message me. I'll record some at random. Feel free to include special requirements, though I'll be recording mostly the ones I like. Anyway, to anyone who sees this, consider it my service to the community.

And if nobody asks, I'll probably just grab some random stuff from the voting page and record it. :)
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Postby MacGyver » January 16th, 2009, 7:45 pm

well, i dont know if it would work or not, but maybe something along the lines of feminisation but without the genital switch or any breast growth if possible. the binurals would be cool to have, but something like certain peices of female clothing would get your mind to change a part of ya body. for example, like the fembutt file almost, it says you will get the feminine butt you think about and you are going to wear panties, but this time, if you wear panties, you will develope the round feminine butt. or if a guy puts on womens jeans, he will develope the feminine hips and thighs he would think looks good, or the bra would grow the breasts, the feminine shoes, preferrably heels of 2 inches or more and the listener will develope feminine feet and legs. but nothing that would make a guy just start going out dressed and female clothing or over spend their budget on clothing or shoes. something like that would be something i would be interested in experimenting with.

i wouldnt mind developing the hourglass figure like a woman, but i aint too sure i want boobs, least, not just yet anyways. so, if ya made one about wqrin a bra, i am not really sure i would even experiment with it, then again, seein as the caffeine in my daily coffee would keep the breasts from growing, i might nto have anything to worry about, LOL.

but ya would have to find a way to make the files addictive like EMG does with his curse files.

just an idea.
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Postby pyroid » January 18th, 2009, 1:51 am

I'd like to see a more pet file geared to bring you down to pet level first then a couple files after that install the actuall anime that you will become. Like file one would be Respecting Ones Master and then make three follow ups one Good Kitty, next Good Puppy, and maybe go as far as specifics like Further Training Cat/Dog/Whatever else you can think up.
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Postby SmokeShadow » March 18th, 2009, 11:21 pm

I personally would LOVE a doll/mannequin curse file, where you would slowly get more and more stiff, your thoughts would freeze up/mind would slowly go blank, and the only desires felt in your slowly transforming body are to look beautiful and wish to be owned, posed, manipulated, etc. It could happen over the course of a week or so, with the end result being a permanently immobile, mindless inanimate object. Call me weird, but this is my greatest desire lol. Think you could concoct such a thing?
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Postby Trigus » April 3rd, 2009, 8:26 pm

Hi, MistE.

I just came across your posting, and have a request that I hope you would be interested in recording...

A file that causes multiple dry orgasms (instead of ejaculation), permanently. Each dry orgasm would be intensely pleasurable, but not result in any release of or relief from sexual tension. Of course this means that a listener would be VERY tempted to keep going and have another dry orgasm, and another...and another, all the while their sexual tension and need for release would keep increasing, spiraling out of control.

I hope the idea sounds interesting to you - please let me know if it is.

Warm Regards,

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Postby Lobotaru » April 7th, 2009, 8:31 pm

I have two suggestions actually! Both are supposed to be listened to as the subject is going to bed. Each would share a gentle voice and soothing music put low enough not to disturb slumber. In both cases they are loopable.

The first would include suggestions aimed at causing the subject to uncontrollably wet him/herself by causing the bladder to "fall asleep" just like the subject. The overall file would be designed to lull the subject to sleep while giving these suggestions.

The second file would instead cause the listener to have very deep, erotic dreams that gently pull him down into them throughout the night. Basically the dreams would be very pleasant and comforting, and the voice would be loving and non-intimidating. So basically it not only gives the person these dreams, but makes them understand/feel that the hypnotist is a loving, caring person they can trust completely. In conclusion, it would both give the person erotic dreams and also train them to go into trance with you much easier at the same time.
Last edited by Lobotaru on April 8th, 2009, 10:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby 2ndperspect » April 8th, 2009, 12:41 am

Hey, I'm pretty new to hypnosis sites such as this one but have tried it before and was able to accomplish many relatively simple things with self-hypnosis and meditation.

I would really like to know more about writing and recording hypnotic files. If you could, I was wondering if might be able to learn some techniques, methods, processes in creating files. Whatever you can give, lay it on me.

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Postby SamStrife » April 9th, 2009, 5:29 pm

I would absolutely love a file that made me super attacted to older women. One that made me fantasize over them and want to please them any way I can, sexually or otherwise.

If you could make one that has Binurals or Subliminals, I would be forever grateful.
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Postby PieGirl » April 9th, 2009, 5:42 pm

Maybe you could go to that voting page and clear some of those files =)
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Postby PrincessMelissa » April 20th, 2009, 2:19 am

The CurseMelissa file looks interesting... :D
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Postby mattwo » April 23rd, 2009, 12:52 am

I want a file to give a trigger to become a hermaphrodite catgirl for males
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