Make your own personal fantasy come true!

This is a place to discuss Files you want to create, script writing, and hypnosis technique.

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Make your own personal fantasy come true!

Postby vaerlina » February 25th, 2010, 8:11 am

Had this over in the wrong forum!
Just had a great idea and I'm going to try it out tonight...

Im sure you all have your kinks, and sometimes those kinks need to be satisfied. So I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has looked up stories and images of a... well... particular interest...

Ok, Have any of you tried downloading your favorite fantasy story, and using wordpad or whatever text editing program you like to replace all "he/she/her/his/him" with "you/your/ect" and then used that as a script?

Im trying it with Loquendo, but you could use any old text-to-speech program and just mix it in with an induction. Or even have someone record it for you.

Sorry if this has been done/posted before, couldn't find it anywhere... But if it hasnt thats a metric-ton of untapped potential right there...


Oh, I suppose you could use the embedded trial of Loquendo if you really wanted to, but it wouldnt have many options as far as speed reading goes... but it might work for you! just have to do your stories 500 characters at a time..

The downloaded loquendo turned out to be a dud, and the embedded trial would be slow to setup with longer stories... not to mention the "loquendo....loquendo....loquendo..." playing in the background would probably be too distracting.

So I just stuck to the basic Text-To-Speech. Found one of my favorite stories off of one of the websites I browse in my spare time and fixed all the "he/she/ect" with "you/your/ect" and a couple of past tenses. (She Jumper over to.... ---> You jump over to.....) and within a reasonable amount of time (and effort) got the mp3 into my playlist! threw Elena's Imagination Induction infront of it:
and it was ready!

It actually worked pretty darn good. I Suppose it would have to do with the type of story ofcoarse. Ideally you would be looking for something written involving the reader, or with only one character of the same gender as you (to minimize editing, assuming your just using the "replace all" function like I did). But you could edit longer stories that are more complex if you have the time.

I would HIGHLY recommend doing this if your looking for something new. Or if you new to hypnotism. Atleast for me, I find that going through a hypnotic fantasy scenario is alittle simpler then trying to learn triggers or going through transformations, and is a good way to practice getting into a deep trance.


Ok, So I found a Text-To-Speech thats perfect for me!

First I got TTSReader, which is pretty handy, It can record everything for you. But, it doesn't really come with any good voices... So I spent awhile searching. If your a fan of Bit Torrent I would highly recommend looking for a pack called "TTS - 34 Text To Speech Voices - English & Non-English ", its fairly large and you wont need everything from it unless you happen to have the other text to speech programs as well.

The voices I installed from it were:
Heather US
Susan US
Lucy British English

These were all from the Acapella TTS folder in the torrent.

I find these sound much more natural then most other voices, and really help.

I've also been practicing converting stories to be useful scripts. Im starting to find its a fair bit easier to go through by hand re-writting the parts that need to be. Because replace all tends to get rid of words that were in proper places. Alternatively you could just scroll through using it word by word, double checking that what your replacing makes sense.

It's also helpful to use it to search out any words ending in "ed" so that you can edit them to make sense. (You walked -> You walk , You heard -> You hear, ect ect)

Overall this is only getting better for me, Im starting to get similar results with re-written stories as I was listening to fantasy files specifically written for hypnosis.

Hopefully some of you will try and enjoy some of the tips I've posted in this thread, I hope they all work out for you.

Oh, Im also finding through listening to soo many different stories, that I'm slowly learning what words and phrases really work for me! So when I go through and edit a story, if theres a part that lacks some detail, I can add in some in my own words that I know will help me experience the file better.
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Joined: January 21st, 2010, 1:00 am

Postby wanttolearn » February 25th, 2010, 9:39 am


How do you find the word pronunciation in the 'text-to-speak' software that you use ? The ones that i have tried never sound quite right.
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Joined: August 8th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby Ladon » February 25th, 2010, 9:50 am

I've thought about using this technique in the past as well.

My reading on Erickson and such mentioned a technique called 'nested realities', wherein the hypnotist is telling the subject a story, and perhaps the person in the story is telling a story, about someone else doing something. Using the right phrasing, you can embed commands and suggestions, without the subject even noticing that you're doing it.

The idea of using a story seems a bit like the phenomenon that yawns are contagious, and several other similar effects.
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