emo file?

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emo file?

Postby kkk » June 5th, 2010, 2:35 pm

hi there,
i was just wondering if there is a file that can help me be a cool emo and to be always horny :)
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Postby JadynMC » June 6th, 2010, 11:32 am

I've thought about creating a file like that, and a skater file, and tomboy, raver and any other type of personality type. I just try to do too much. And no so far I have not seen an emo file on this site... sry.

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Postby sarnoga » June 6th, 2010, 3:30 pm

dldrip wrote:I've thought about creating a file like that, and a skater file, and tomboy, raver and any other type of personality type. I just try to do too much. And no so far I have not seen an emo file on this site... sry.


Hey dldrip,

You should try and make that file for kkk. I think you and your sexy voice would do very well with a file like that.

I'm still trying to figure out how you joined the site on Jul 21, 2007 and have been posting files since Nov 23, 2007, and still manage to continue to produce files with a voice that sounds like you may have just turned 18 yo yesterday or perhaps are still waiting for that event. I'm envious.

I am convinced you recorded all your files in 2002, haven't made a file since, and have been posting them a few at a time since 2007. I'm wondering how many you have left and if you ever made an emo file back in 2002 that you are going to now post and pretend was recently made.

One day you are going to have to start making new files and will instantly sound 15 years older. Until then, those you do post will continue to be treasures.


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Postby 0turner0 » June 8th, 2010, 4:41 pm

dldrip wrote:I've thought about creating a file like that, and a skater file, and tomboy, raver and any other type of personality type. I just try to do too much. And no so far I have not seen an emo file on this site... sry.


oh man, judging from your other files it would be amazing to be molded into a skater boi by your voice :wink: a little off-topic, but all those sound awesome.
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Postby JadynMC » June 9th, 2010, 12:29 am

ya except this site always seems to be twisted so it would be a gay skater boi.. ; ) something along the lines of "when you biff and skin yourself you have to suck the cock of the person making fun of you the most" and become his sissy cock sucker... ya sry no thanks... maybe just wearing baggy pants, skate shoes (vans of course.. like me) smokin some mayrjane, and that NEED/CRAVING to be able to awesome skate moves.

Oh and kkk are you wanting to be the emo bitch or just emo with black hair, tight pants, tight shirt, converse shoes, and be emotional and more in touch with your feelings than society, needing to find a creative outlet like poetry or drawing and wearing black eyeliner to get in touch with the sober side of life. Or something like this.. oh but wait this is wmm it should be twisted so I guess it is the emo bitch, the boy that all the girls chase after but he's gay oh ya and piercings like the lip and eyebrow.

Sry my creativeness might be a little crunk right now!!

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Postby kkk » June 12th, 2010, 9:02 am

i think being an emo bitch will be so cool :) :D
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Postby WaterQueen » June 15th, 2010, 6:28 am

I think there should be one of a hot emo boy whose raped, and physically abused by his family and we get to experience it. :)
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Postby JadynMC » June 15th, 2010, 3:10 pm

sry that has a little too much negative energy associated with it.. and this is hypnosis not phone sex!! ; )
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Postby 0turner0 » June 15th, 2010, 4:59 pm

I really like these ideas, maybe the twisted part is in just creating this other personality and not being able to control it some times - not being in control of your own mind, your thoughts and actions, that need to be what the file tells you regardless of what you want. :twisted:
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Postby WaterQueen » June 16th, 2010, 4:18 am

dldrip wrote:sry that has a little too much negative energy associated with it.. and this is hypnosis not phone sex!! ; )

It was worth a try. 8)
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emo file?

Postby dark_wolf49 » June 18th, 2010, 6:09 am

I know I aint really smart ,but I don't want to appear dumb. Could someone please explain to me what a emo is ?? the only emo I knew was a comedian who wasn't very funny, he used sorta the negative side of comedy to be fummy.
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Postby JadynMC » June 18th, 2010, 11:57 am

an emo is a social grouping like jock or skater.. and emo can be known by the way their hair hangs across one eye and their skinny shirts and tight pants with converse shoes. Usually some sort of piercing on their face.
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Postby joe » June 18th, 2010, 1:38 pm

this whole idea of transformation into a social grouping has been my goal for years now ... i have to say, any files to that extent would be welcome.
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emo file?

Postby dark_wolf49 » June 19th, 2010, 1:40 pm

dldrip, Thank you for the answer. I usually see a few of them where I live and thought they may have been gay,but thank you for clarify that for me. There is one living in the same building as a friend of mine.
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