I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this, however I guess it falls under file making.
I want to write and record scripts for other people, however I've noticed that there were some certain files that didn't pertain entirely to the desired effect. Mostly with inflations and weight gain experiences (which there really isn't a wide selection of) So I wanted to do my part for the community and offer a couple of requests for hypnosis script recordings along with complete customization as what pertains to your needs as the receptor. I use my own equipment for sound effects/beats/binaurals/drones. Also give me tips and tricks that you would like for me to implement as well and i will give you quality work to the best of my ability! Also bear in mind, I will script for any subject material/fetish/interest/etc. that you would like, It's just that I'm hoping to really improve the diversity of some of the files on here, and really help people!
I'll only be doing this for a short time, and I'll only maybe do one per night so jump on this while you like. Shoot me a private message or email me at herecomesjeffy@gmail.com with the following.
-A description of physical appearance, age, nationality, your daily life, and what you do for work, hobbies, and daily activities. Feel free to be as detailed or vague as you like.
-A short list of your interests, most likely the ones pertaining to the desired effects of your hypnosis.
Please also include (if you can) a list of trigger words that you would like for me to NOT use. We can't have you going off on a tangent while I'm trying to get ya somewhere else.
Thank you for considering me! I really want to help people, and once again, if this is the wrong place for the post, I understand, please just let me know so that I know in the future (considering that this is my very first post)
Thank you!