Trigger change to 12-13 Girl?

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Trigger change to 12-13 Girl?

Postby lala9000 » March 22nd, 2011, 8:31 pm

I was not very sure where to put this and this seemed like the right place... if there was another place i should have posted this please move it.

Is there a trigger file to act like a 12-13 years old girl? Effecting emotions, habits, mannerisms, pastimes, the clothing worn, and really everything possible. Physical changes are happily welcome also! Any file exactly like this? Remotely like this? Including one or more of the included changes?

I would be happy to know!
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Postby ParanoidLord » March 24th, 2011, 5:41 pm

You're looking for XGirlTime. I don't know how encompassing the behavioral changes are, but it does have the explicit age regression aspect.
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Postby PhantomDog » March 24th, 2011, 7:59 pm

On the contrary, XGirl time effects your behavior/mindset...

"This file will allow you to become a girl from the ages of 5 to 18 by saying the age and Girl Time. There is no time limit, to change back say Girl Time is Over. This file can only be triggered and untriggered by you."

If you want physical changes, there is one file that works for some, though effects vary... some love it, some claim it's just trolling... it worked marginally for my wife, but she was listening to many files, so don't know which did how much exactly...
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