Most effective method for inducing change?

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Most effective method for inducing change?

Postby Deemreo » March 30th, 2011, 2:03 pm

Hello all, I have a few questions about creating a file with the fastest and more importantly most effective way to improve ones focus on tasks, when out of trance. It's mostly an experiment for some more explicit changes later.

Right now I've created a file that is designed to improve my memory and focus; as I am pretty scatterbrained when it comes to work. The file is ~17:30 without induction, and consists of about 2,500 words.

This file uses a variety of methods, and I'm hoping to prune down some of the less effective methods, and either replace them with better ones, or just shorten the overall length of the file.

The file starts off with a bit of belief changes; i.e. 'you know this is working; you are certain your focus is much stronger now...' and so on... at this point after about a week of listening 3 or so times a day, that is the only part that seems to have worked. I really find myself believing that not only is it going to work, but that it is working.

The file then moves on to something more along the lines of: 'you feel your focus improving now, strengthening with every word I say...' Now that I'm thinking is probably the weakest part of the file; it's seems to be pretty strong when you're really focusing on the voice and trying to feel what the voice is saying. However, due to the nature of the words, I don't think it works very well when you're just trancing with a relaxed/loose mind.

The file continues to have you focus more and more on increasing your focus more and more, almost like an exercise, or stretching something. From there the file moves onto some 'repeat after me' affirmations in first person: 'I know I have strong focus now, I easily focus now...' and so on.

From there, the file repeats the same formula for improving memory; switches back to focus, then back again to memory, then finishes with some affirmations for both.

What I want to know, is if any one has any different/superior methods for inducing this kind of mental change; as well as which of the methods I have in my file is the best, which can be removed, etc.

Should I use hard 'facts' and information, like: my memory will be 2 times better after listening... or looser terms, like: My memory will be many times better from listening to this file?

Should I have completely unrealistically fast goals, like: my focus is now extremely strong? Or more relative goals, like: my focus is now much stronger than before I listened to this file?

What about integrating elements of accelerators? Like 'every time I listen to this file, the effects become twice as strong' or 'I can listen to this file as many times and as often as I want, and every time I listen my focus doubles.' creating an effect similar to EMG's accelerator.

I'm really trying to improve my focus and memory here; something along the lines of Carsten's Super human mind. I figure, if my memory improve by just %2 each time, within a month my focus should be better; and more in line with a normal human's focus and memory. :D (Is that a realistic rate of improvement? %2?)

Thanks for taking the time to help.
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Re: Most effective method for inducing change?

Postby CharredSoul » March 31st, 2011, 4:47 pm

first question is do you think its too long?

having to many complicated suggestions could oppose each other, simplify it right down, to maybe about 2-5 mins worth of suggestions. look through all of them and start to wittle them down. add feelings lots of feelings its the subconscious minds best friend. same with symbols, have you ever in a time just remembered perfectly, where did it come from, if you could give it a symbol what symbol would it be, and what colour, if you were to attach that to every experience you ever had where would you attach it to? would the symbol change when you attached it to something? would the colour change? how would you feel differently walking all throughout life with this symbol

is this for yourself? or are you going to share with teh community?

if its for yourself you can use the you _ I suggestions, its another great little tip, going from 3rd person to 1st person, as you sit there relaxing, deeply relaxing, i start to feel a sense of relaxation coming over me from head to toe, and as you start to feel that relaxation, i being relaxing deeply in to trance.

and last tip intergration or closing off, intergrate it all through your being, with every thought, with every step you take with every breath you take with every beat of your heart with every blink of your eyelids you know just know that these suggestions are taking effect all through out your day all through out your week, all throughout the months and years to come.
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Re: Most effective method for inducing change?

Postby DKaiser » March 31st, 2011, 7:20 pm

Deemreo wrote:What I want to know, is if any one has any different/superior methods for inducing this kind of mental change; as well as which of the methods I have in my file is the best, which can be removed, etc...

A few things spring to mind, the most useful one seeming to be suggestions that encourage you to work on your focus, coupled with conscious effort on that behalf. Go pop open a book/textbook and try and keep yourself focused on reading it for some period of time. If you find your focus wavering, just calmly push yourself back on task. Memory and focus can be improved just by working on focusing and recalling information later, and hypnosis can help with the fact that such exercises tend to be interminably boring.

Deemreo wrote:Should I use hard 'facts' and information, like: my memory will be 2 times better after listening... or looser terms, like: My memory will be many times better from listening to this file?

This is where we'd go with an Induction approach(vocabulary confusion, it's not the same as a Hypnotic Induction). Think of it like climbing a ladder: you have to climb up one rung before moving onto the next. The more you do it, the higher you climb. In this case, suggestions should reinforce that your memory is getting better the more you work on it and listen to the file. Concrete examples aren't too useful here: how would you define "2 times better" in regards to such things?

Deemreo wrote:Should I have completely unrealistically fast goals, like: my focus is now extremely strong? Or more relative goals, like: my focus is now much stronger than before I listened to this file?

Unrealistically fast is never something you wanna go for. Keeping your goals reasonable is the best way to coax your mind into accepting them.
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Re: Most effective method for inducing change?

Postby bandler » April 1st, 2011, 1:05 am

Deemreo wrote:
... I'm really trying to improve my focus and memory here; something along the lines of Carsten's Super human mind. I figure, if my memory improve by just %2 each time, within a month my focus should be better; and more in line with a normal human's focus and memory. :D (Is that a realistic rate of improvement? %2?)

Thanks for taking the time to help.

May I suggest you focus on one behavior first.

Make one file with all your best suggestions about being focused and staying focused.

For example: "I am more and more focused. My concentration is better and better."

Listen to those suggestions looped.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you speak each affirmation with conviction when you record your own voice. You may need to say each affirmation a dozen times before you get it right - full of confidence and certainty. No quavering, no whine, no doubt allowed.

When you start out, less is more.

Also, there are lots of books that teach memory skills. If you are a normal person, the schools you attended did not teach memory skills, or critical thinking skills, or problem solving skills in general. Use your ever improving mental focus to master memory skills from a library book.

From there, use your imagination!
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Postby Deemreo » April 4th, 2011, 12:51 pm

Thank you all for the help; I will definitely be integrating a lot of it into my next revision to the file.

I do have another question: Would layering two voices, one saying "Your focus is improving" and the other saying "My focus is improving" help? Or would the different perspectives confuse/hurt the process?
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Postby bandler » April 4th, 2011, 3:12 pm

Deemreo wrote:Thank you all for the help; I will definitely be integrating a lot of it into my next revision to the file.

I do have another question: Would layering two voices, one saying "Your focus is improving" and the other saying "My focus is improving" help? Or would the different perspectives confuse/hurt the process?

I use a lot of layers in my files, and it works well in stereo. If you have 'your focus' in the left ear while 'my focus' is in the right ear, the effect could be really good. Try it and see how you like it.

Some of my best recording 'effects' were accidental, at first ;-)
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Postby CharredSoul » April 5th, 2011, 9:39 pm

Deemreo wrote:I do have another question: Would layering two voices, one saying "Your focus is improving" and the other saying "My focus is improving" help? Or would the different perspectives confuse/hurt the process?

it deffinately helps, your subconscious mind does recognise its own voice, your subconscious mind might accept more 1st person suggestions if there is a resistence around a suggestion coming from outside.
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Postby HypnoWyzard » May 12th, 2011, 9:43 am

I know I'm coming to this thread late, but I must say that it looks like your file is only creating a belief in a skill. It isn't creating the skill itself. If you would like to learn a skill, you much be taught the skill. As mentioned earlier, learn about memory enhancing techniques and focus your file on teaching those, making their implementation enjoyable and developing a habit to use them. With a real skill you will get real results rather than just a false sense of confidence that you have already achieved any.
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