Regression file for a friend

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Regression file for a friend

Postby ablackcloak9 » November 10th, 2012, 5:46 am

This is I script that I development all in one night basically because I only had a little bit of it written before I started. Also I would like it if you would post some feedback on it because I would like to improvement and make it actually into a file and post it on here. It also uses a trigger of a custom girl time that I created for my friend in a previous trance.

Without more rambling from me here it is.



Your legs are starting to get heavy as you relax for me… The feeling of relaxation is climbing up your legs like a boat filling with water. Now the relaxation is at your thighs still moving upwards through your body…

As you take breaths slowly now, you are still relaxing very deeply for me… The relaxation is at your stomach now and you are still breathing, but even more slowly now as you relax, as the relaxation moves upwards still…
Your relaxation is increasing ever more as the relaxation moves into your chest and shoulders. Relaxing them more and more… As you relax more deeply and deeper… The relaxation now is going down your arms, but you are still able to move them as you still need to type to me when I ask you questions later…
Now your neck and face are relaxing now everything becoming loose and relaxed as you go deeper for me now, and relaxed. No thoughts are entering your mind; your mind is relaxing as you read my words…



You are standing in front of a large brick office complex. There is a sign on the front of the building you notice that says, “Where dreams come true” As you walk through the buildings front doors, a very motherly looking woman is waiting for you holding a clipboard. Her hair is a bobbed sandy blonde color, as it flows just about halfway to her shoulders. Her eyes are the color of the blue ocean water off the Mediterranean Sea. The clothes that she is wearing are a red halter top with a tight black skirt and black laced high heels. She says, “Hi, I’m the director of Where Dreams Come True. Also, I will be leading you to where you need to go for your exquisite experience here, so do be afraid to ask me questions or where the bathroom is because she is going to be a long tour for you.” She giggles at the end. “Let’s start by getting to… Let’s see here, you got the….” The director blushes as looks at the clipboard in her hands and says, “Oh, right this way.” As she starts smiling a little as you both are starting walking.
You get to a door as you walk behind the director and flashes her badge at a keypad. The door unlocks and she opens the door for you both to walk into it.



There is a long hallway when you peer around the director’s body like a little child. It is rather long, as you approach your first door on your right side. There are no markings on the door or around it; it is just a wooden oak door with a dark oak stain on it to let the grain show clearly. The director opens the door and leads you inside. You feel a strange feel in your stomach, but you push it out of your mind for now.
You seem to be changing into Allie, without being triggered and this seems perfectly normal to you because you wanted to be Allie for this as it said in the chart that the director looked at before leading you out of the lobby. The room whispers to your sub-consciousness the trigger of Allie.

This room looks like to be a 3-year-old girl’s room, painted in pink with the paintings of all the Disney Princess’s. It looks well done that you can tell as if professional painters have done this room. The transformation into Allie has come completed; you are a 3-year-old girl. Until I bring you out of trance. The clothes that you were wearing before you entered the room seem to have fallen off you as you transformed into Allie. You will not see any part of your male self in here, if you look in a mirror while in this trance the reflection will show that you are Allie, a 3-year-old girl.

The director says, “You won’t need those clothes any more, Allie.” She picks up the clothes after you step out of them, naked as you stand in the room. The director knows that you will want clothes on, so she goes over to the closet and opens it up. You go to the closet and you see very cute girl clothes hanging on a three-section divide closet unit. In the middle section of the closet, there is a shelving unit to hold pants, skirts, winter clothes, and summer bathing suits.

The director asks you, “What would you like to wear, today?” She looks down at you will a pleasant smile like a mother would. Then she looks at the clothes again for something that she might want to wear. The director picks out a very cute white poke-a-dotted dress with some white frilly socks for your feet. She then leads you over to the changing table that is in the room with several drawers underneath the padded top. The director places you on the changing table, so that it is easier to dress you. She takes out a pull-up for you sliding it over your legs with ease and into position. It fits almost perfectly, but it is a big on you not enough to make it fall off you though.

Then she slides the dress over your head as you hold them up in the air. It slides on as easily as the pull-up did as you slide your arms through the armholes. Now, she picks you up and places you on the ground, so you can walk again. There is a mirror in the a corner of the room and you walk towards it, there is a little soft crinkle as you walk coming from the pull-up that you are wearing. As you reach the mirror, you look at yourself. You look nothing like when you came into the building; you look like a proper 3-year-old girl. There is no difference between another girl, as you are now.



Your mind is exactly like a 3-year-old girl, and will stay a girl’s mind after you wake up for an exactly hour. Then return to normal after the time and concluded.



Your body is exactly like a 3-year-old girl, and will stay a girl’s body after you wake up for an exactly hour. Then return to normal after the time and concluded. If you look in a mirror you will only she yourself as a 3-year-old girl.



After you stare at yourself for a little bit you feel that, the director is staring at you. You look at her. She smiles and says, “Why don’t you call me, mom or something you would want to call me.” You seem to have growing comfort-ability with her as if you were her child from birth and that bond is getting very strong now.

You seem to be taking everything in very well and liking everything about this place, but you seem to be getting a little hungry as your stomach growls to remind that you need to eat soon. The director pulls out a bottle of milk from the changing table and picks up cradling you in her arms as she walks over to the rocking chair. After she sits in the rocking chair and positions you in a comfortable position, she put the bottle to your mouth, so you can get some baby’s milk. The taste is pleasant enough for baby’s milk, but you also want some real food like apples, oranges, and other fruit. Therefore, you ask her for some after you finished the baby’s milk.

She replies to you, “Ok, what would you like then?”

“Well we are going to have to go to the store for that” replying to your answer.

She lets you go to the door, but then says, “You need shoes, Allie.” The director goes over to the closet and picks out a pair of white tennis shoes. The she sits you on the changing table, so that she can put your shoes on. After she finishes putting on the shoes, she sets you down again and you head to the door again. You can reach the handle easily, but there is a child safety protector on the handle, which you can’t seem to figure out.



When you step outside the door you will be still the 3-year-old girl you were inside and dress completely the same, act the same, be the same.



As the director comes over to the door, she opens the door and it is a port now to outside the grocery store. You see people walking inside the store. The director grabs your hand before you can step in the portal and head into the grocery store. She says to you, “I know what you were thinking, missy. Don’t think that I was born yesterday. I see that adventurous spirit in you.” The director chuckles a little bit and begins to walk forward into the portal. As you walk through it seems to feel like water except that you aren’t wet when you come out the other side. Although, you are wet in your pull-up without realizing it and you tell the director about it before you enter the grocery store.

The director replies to you, “Well you did, didn’t you.” You feel the pull-up sag a little bit on your body now from the weight of wetness. “Good thing that I packed something for that in my purse.” Then still holding your hand leads you into the grocery store.

She finds the public bathrooms at the front of the store and takes you inside the women’s bathroom. You see that there is a weird dispenser mounted on the wall right beside the babies’ changing table. The director opens the table up and sits you on it. She looks in her purse and finds another pull-up for you, but also takes out the baby wipes from her purse also. You lay back on the changing table while she works with the cool baby wipe and then slides a fresh pull-up up your legs. After getting everything cleaned, you are set back down while the director puts everything in the garbage from your pull-up change.

The director then grabs your hand again to lead you out of the women’s bathroom. You are going over to the entrance again, but this time you are getting a shopping cart. The director puts you into the basket in the front part of the shopping cart. Then she pushes you, while you are in the cart towards the food isles of the store. Your eyes are shining brightly as you see the different people in the store with their little ones. You are getting many looks from the other shoppers, but they are all warm feeling like, you are the cutest little girl that they have ever seen.

There is a woman that comes by you and the director and asks, “How old is your daughter?” and the director looks to you to reply to the nice woman.

She says, “Awwwww. How precious is that?” Then she proceeds to talk with the director about you and you don’t pay attention to the director or the woman because you are looking around and smelling everything around you. The smells deliciously smelling to you, as the smell of apples, cinnamon, coffee, roast beef, and ham are all invading your sense that you seem lost.

After a while, you seem to come back to reality, as the director’s conversation ends. She says, “I have a play-date for you, Allie. The woman that I was talking with is actually one of the employees that works at the building at work at. She has a daughter the same your age and wanted to know if you would be interested in joining her a day this week. I said that would be fine, since I have a meeting on a day this week.”

The director goes to the fruit isle of the grocery store and picks up a couple of apples, mangos, pineapple, kiwis, and some lettuce. “I think that we will have some salad for dinner. I know that it isn’t your favorite, but you need to have salad once a week and it is day.” She giggles as she wraps everything up and pays for the fruit and lettuce.

As you and the director leave, she gets you out of the shopping cart and holding your hand again. Another portal forms in the doorway of the grocery store. It shows that you will be back to the hallway that you first came to after coming out the lobby. Now, with everything ready to go back to the hallway you both start walking towards the portal and back in the hallway where you started.

You are starting to get very tired now, and probably need to take a nap now. You start to rub your eyes and yawn. The director looks at you and says, “Time for a nap, little Alliegator.” She leads you into first room on the right, after opening the door. She goes over to the closet and takes out a one-piece pink pair of Disney princess sleeper.

Then goes over to the changing table and says, “Come on, over Alliegator.” The director takes off your shoes and places them on the table. Then she takes your white poke-a-dotted dress off, and placing the dress on the changing table. After she finishes undressing you, she grabs a diaper out one of the drawers, sliding the diaper under your butt, and sprinkling some baby powder that was on the table before over your vagina and rubbing it in before taping up the diaper around your waist. The director then slides your feet into the one-piece before you slide your arms into the sleeves of the sleeper feel all warm. She then zips up the sleeper and carries you over to your big girl’s bed and tucks you in. You see a nightlight shine after the director turns out the lights in the room and heads to the door after she opens it says, “Sleep tight, my little Alliegator.” She smiles before closing the door softly and you fall into a deep sleep.

Now, I’m going to wake you up now and you are going to be in your Allie body for exactly an hour. You will not be able to tell the difference between your normal body and the one that you were in when you were in trance except when the hour is up and you return to the body that you had before you were in trance. If you look in a mirror, you will only see a 3-year-old girl. Your mind will be that of a 3-year-old girl until the hour is up and your mind will return with everything that you had before you went into trance.

I’m going to start counting now and when I reach five, you will be awake and still in Allie for exactly one hour.

1. You are waking up
2. You are getting a little more wake
3. You are getting feeling back in everything and more awake.
4. You are almost fully awake.
5. You are fully awake and have exactly one hour in Allie’s body and mind.
Last edited by ablackcloak9 on December 4th, 2012, 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby haselnusskuchen » November 10th, 2012, 8:09 am

That is so incredible poignant, heartwarming, stirring and cute.
You are very gifted. It is so sweet what you are doing for your friend.
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Postby ablackcloak9 » November 10th, 2012, 1:59 pm

Thanks haselnusskuchen, I hoped that you enjoyed reading this one.

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Postby mondaytuesday » November 24th, 2012, 5:08 pm

Last edited by mondaytuesday on January 6th, 2014, 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ablackcloak9 » December 4th, 2012, 12:19 am

Thanks mondaytuesday. I'm actually think about creating the file for here and letting people listen to it.
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Postby ipnosi » December 7th, 2012, 12:19 am

I would love to listen to this as a file! Such a lovely story!
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Postby ablackcloak9 » December 15th, 2012, 12:45 pm

Thanks ipnosi, I'm glad that you liked it.
Posts: 9
Joined: August 5th, 2009, 12:00 am

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