Anyone Have A Good English/American Male Voice Synthesizer?

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Anyone Have A Good English/American Male Voice Synthesizer?

Postby WatDo » January 29th, 2013, 9:09 pm

I can compact all I'd need into a few files if I could just find a good program to use that can do the talking for me. I know there's a few out there but they do not have the ability to save what you type as a wav or mp3 and they do not come cheap.
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Postby zapnosis » January 30th, 2013, 2:20 am

SmartRead will save the sound for you and it's free. Might be worth buying one good "voice" to work with, because free ones require a lot of editing to sound OK. Good luck!

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Postby ParanoidLord » January 30th, 2013, 11:00 pm

If you're using Windows, you can separate your writing/recording program from your choice of synthesized voice. There are several "reader" programs that support Microsoft's speech API; the best free one I know of is Balabolka; NaturalReader is also apparently pretty good if you don't mind paying for it. Lots of TTS voices support SAPI, so you can get voices from a variety of vendors and load them into your reading program of choice. I don't know what voices are cutting edge nowadays, but the technology is relatively good these days, so even the cheaper voices should sound moderately human.

I think there are similar APIs/readers for Macintosh and Linux PCs that would allow you to pull this off, but I don't know specifics on those platforms.
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Need a voice, why not that guy.

Postby Blagtastic88 » January 31st, 2013, 9:22 pm

If you need a voice for your words, I would be willing to record a reading of your script and send it back to you for editing instead of monkeying around with a Voice to Text software. It wouldn't be anything professional, but being a native of the midwestern region of the United States I have a neutral accent when speaking English. Just a thought.
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Postby WatDo » February 1st, 2013, 7:32 pm

I actually found a way to get a good program along with a few good voices. My favorite so far is Paul from Neo since he speaks so clearly and sounds like a human to some extent. His pacing is pretty good too except for a few words or if you make him read super long sentences.
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Postby Blagtastic88 » February 1st, 2013, 8:24 pm

Cool! Glad you found a good program to use. Best of luck with file-making.
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