Anyone remember "Good Girl School"?

Hi folks!
You might remember that a few years ago there was a series of files available called the "Good Girl School" series. They were variations on a theme; asking the listener to visualize being a girl at a special school, where the lessons include triggers to flash, or to wet yourself, I think there was another one as well.
The files are still up, but the author said he wasn't impressed with them, thinking they weren't his best work. And since then, the author's name seems to have been changed to an empty string. I think he might have deleted his account on the site or something; or no longer wishes to be associated with those files. But the comments show that a lot of people liked the idea.
So I'm wondering, would anyone be interested if I made a new set of files following the same theme?
I'm considering setting it up so that each 'lesson' is a surprise, you never know what the teacher's going to teach you today. So each file has a variant of the same induction, and a suggestion during the induction to temporarily forget any times you've listened to the file before, and to forget which file you chose to listen to, so it will be an exciting surprise when the teacher "decides" what you're going to learn. Then I could use the anticipation and excitement, maybe a little nervousness, to help the subject feel more submissive and take in the suggestions more easily. It would also include a method I found pretty useful for recordings; the suggestion that if you listen to the file again, you will be looking forward to the suggestion so much that you start to sink into trance straight away during the pre-talk that explains what the file is.
Do you think you'd be interested in listening to files like that? I was thinking that it would be perfect for if you're indecisive; you could put a couple of lessons on shuffle and listen to whichever one comes first.
I've written out a rough first draft of the script, and I'd appreciate some feedback on the pre-talk bit. I don't want to make it long enough to put people off, but I do want listeners to know the pattern at the start. And of course, people who've listened to it before will find this introduction to be a trance trigger, so they can slowly sink deeper and remember all the fun that they've had before until the actual file starts.
Opinions, please?
You might remember that a few years ago there was a series of files available called the "Good Girl School" series. They were variations on a theme; asking the listener to visualize being a girl at a special school, where the lessons include triggers to flash, or to wet yourself, I think there was another one as well.
The files are still up, but the author said he wasn't impressed with them, thinking they weren't his best work. And since then, the author's name seems to have been changed to an empty string. I think he might have deleted his account on the site or something; or no longer wishes to be associated with those files. But the comments show that a lot of people liked the idea.
So I'm wondering, would anyone be interested if I made a new set of files following the same theme?
I'm considering setting it up so that each 'lesson' is a surprise, you never know what the teacher's going to teach you today. So each file has a variant of the same induction, and a suggestion during the induction to temporarily forget any times you've listened to the file before, and to forget which file you chose to listen to, so it will be an exciting surprise when the teacher "decides" what you're going to learn. Then I could use the anticipation and excitement, maybe a little nervousness, to help the subject feel more submissive and take in the suggestions more easily. It would also include a method I found pretty useful for recordings; the suggestion that if you listen to the file again, you will be looking forward to the suggestion so much that you start to sink into trance straight away during the pre-talk that explains what the file is.
Do you think you'd be interested in listening to files like that? I was thinking that it would be perfect for if you're indecisive; you could put a couple of lessons on shuffle and listen to whichever one comes first.
I've written out a rough first draft of the script, and I'd appreciate some feedback on the pre-talk bit. I don't want to make it long enough to put people off, but I do want listeners to know the pattern at the start. And of course, people who've listened to it before will find this introduction to be a trance trigger, so they can slowly sink deeper and remember all the fun that they've had before until the actual file starts.
Opinions, please?
Hello. You’ve decided to listen to this hypnotic recording, so I’m sure that you want to experience the thing it describes. If you’ve not listened to any recordings in this set, you should listen to my explanation to make sure you know what to expect, and you know how you should expect to find yourself responding. And if you’ve been to the Good Girls School before, then as you listen to this explanation again you will already be finding that my words remind you of how it should feel as you start to sink deeper.
I’m not going to give you a description in depth of what this file will help you to experience, because if you’ve chosen this recording you knew what you were listening to, and if you’ve put a couple of recordings on shuffle, you should find that it is a nice surprise. If you’ve been to the Good Girl School before, you will find that your memory of which file you chose is already fading, so you will be able to have a nice surprise when it comes to today’s lesson. But you know that I’m going to guide you into a light trance, and then ask you to imagine yourself sitting in class at the Good Girl School, and you will find it so easy to imagine being in class, and doing and feeling all the things I describe. Then the teacher might guide you deeper into trance, making it easier for you to obey some suggestion, or you might find that some behaviours are so perfect for good girls that they come naturally. You might find yourself learning something new, and it will always be something new, because when you are in the Good Girl School you will remember your previous lessons, and the fun you have had there, but you won’t need to remember having this lesson before. If you’ve been through this lesson in the past, then your past experience will make it easier to accept all the suggestions, and it will feel even more real to you, but at each moment in the story you will be eager to find out what comes next, rather than expecting it. And when the teacher asks you to remember a lesson you’ve had in the past, you will remember that lesson even more vividly each time, but the lesson you are experiencing now will always seem fresh and new.
You will, of course, remember all your classes at the Good Girl School once the story has ended and you are awake. It is only while you are in class that whichever class you are going into now will seem fresh and new to you.